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and kept refrigerated. The skin is measured and released   from 42.2% of donors had to be discarded secondary to
          after the third negative microbiological results.   contamination, and 6.7% of tissues were partially discarded.
                                                              At the end of the period, tissue from one donor (2 batches)
          The batch is discarded should there be positive culture   was still under quarantine [Table 2]. Eighty‑four point four
          results with any germs in any of the phases. The discarded   percent of retrievals of skin were from the back and lower
          skin is not counted, as measurements are carried out only   limbs, as specified in Table 2.
          following the final phase.
                                                              The total amount of collected skin tissue during the period
          Cryopreservation was not used as the skin was stored   of  evaluation  was 31,314.63 cm². The largest  amount  of
          in a refrigerator at 4 °C ± 2 °C. The skin is maintained   retrieved tissue from a single donor totaled 2,453.6 cm² and
          in a 90% sterile glycerol solution prior to packaging.  All   the lowest amount was 422.2 cm². The obtained average
          allografts were nonmeshed.                          amount was 1,252.59 cm² per donor, as shown in Table 3.

          RESULTS                                             Tissues retrieved from the 45 donors generated 81 processing
                                                              batches in the 1st year of operation; 41 were of acceptable
                                                              quality for clinical use, 38 were discarded due to an
          In  its  1st year  of operation,  the  skin  bank of the   unacceptable biological burden, and 2 remained  in
          HUEC retrieved skin tissue from 45 cadaveric donors   quarantine at the end of the period. Thirty‑eight of
          (46.6%  female and 53.3%  male) with an average age of   the  batches released for use were transplanted and 3
          36.4 years (range: 15‑60 years).
                                                              remained in storage [Table 3].
          Most donors were Caucasian (91%); there were no donations   Fourty‑two point one percent of tissue discard was due to
          from black or yellow skin‑colored donors. The most frequent   detection of coagulase‑negative staphylococci. Two batches
          cause of death was of neurological origin, with traumatic   from a single  donor were positive  for more  than one
          brain injury and stroke accounting for 55.6% of cases.  contaminant. Reasons and contaminants of discarded
          Data  related  to  gender,  age,  race and cause  of death  is   tissues are specified in Table 3.
          presented in Table 1 below.                         As observed in  Table  4, tissues  from a single  donor

          All skin tissue  retrievals took place in hospitals within   benefited up to 5 patients. A total of 30 patients received
          Curitiba  city, with 44% in the HUEC, followed by other   tissue during this period.
          major trauma hospitals [Table 2].
                                                              Table 2: Skin tissue retrieval
          Regarding  the  use  of  donated  skin,  tissue  from  48.9%
          of donors was released for clinical application. Tissue   Variable                         Descriptive
                                                                                                   statistics [n (%)]
          Table 1: Skin donors profile
                                                                Evangelical University Hospital of Curitiba  20 (44.44)
           Variable                  Descriptive statistics n (%)  Cajuru University Hospital         8 (17.78)
           Gender                                               Workers×Hospital                      6 (13.33)
            Female                          21 (46.67)          São Vicente Hospital                  3 (6.67)
            Male                            24 (53.33)          Vitória Hospital                      1 (2.22)
            Total                           45 (100.00)         Angelina Caron Hospital               1 (2.22)
           Age (in years)                                       Pilar Hospital                        1 (2.22)
            Average ( ± SD)                  36.42 (5)          Nations’ Hospital                     1 (2.22)
            Maximum                            60               Zilda Arns Hospital for Elderly       1 (2.22)
            Minimum                            15               Red Cross Hospital                    1 (2.22)
            Skin color                                          UFPR* Clinical Hospital               1 (2.22)
             White                          41 (91.11)          Vita Batel Hospital                   1 (2.22)
             Brown                           4 (8.89)           Total                                45 (100.00)
           Cause of death                                      Donor areas
            Severe TBI                      13 (28.89)          Back and legs (anterior and posterior)  38 (84.44)
            Stroke                          12 (26.67)          Lower limbs (anterior and posterior)  5 (11.11)
            Polytrauma                       7 (15.56)          Abdomen and legs (anterior and posterior)  2 (4.44)
            CHF*/respiratory insufficiency   3 (6.67)          Retrieved tissue outcomes (number of donors)
            WGF †                            3 (6.67)           All tissues acceptable for use       22 (48.89)
            Preeclampsia                     1 (2.22)           All tissues discarded                19 (42.22)
            NW ‡                             1 (2.22)           Partial discard                       3 (6.67)
            Lung cancer                      1 (2.22)           Skin still being processed            1 (2.22)
            HÁ §                             1 (2.22)          Areas (in cm ) of retrieved skins tissue
           Chronic pancreatitis              1 (2.22)           Total                                31,314.63
           Suicide                           1 (2.22)           Maximum per donor                     2,453.60
           Dissecting aneurysm               1 (2.22)           Minimum per donor                     422.20
                                                                Average per donor ( ± SD)          1,252.59 (530.38)
           *Congestive heart failure,  Wound by gunfire,  Knife wound,  Heart attack,
           SD: Standard deviation, TBI: Traumatic brain injury  *The Federal University of Paraná, SD: Standard deviation
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