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The average age and sex of tissue  recipients is depicted   DISCUSSION
          in Table 5.
          Thirty patients underwent a total of 52 transplants; 88.5%   The HUEC skin bank collected tissue from 45 cadaveric
          of the transplants were performed at the HUEC, 7.7% were   donors during its  1st year  of operation. Upon a review
          performed at the Regional University Hospital of Northern   of the Brazilian literature, a number of similar collections
          Paraná in  Londrina  city,  2% at  the  Vita  Batel Hospital of   were  noted from  another  operational skin  bank.   The
          Curitiba and 2% at the São Paulo  Regional Hospital in   numbers  in this study compare favorably with available
          Santa Catarina state [Figure 1].                    international data.  Of great importance was the ability
                                                              of the HUEC skin bank to address the local demand.
          A  total  allograft  area  of  28,940.83 cm²  was  transplanted,
          with the largest area grafted in a single  procedure at   The average age of the  skin donors was similar  to that
          1,816.4 cm² and the smallest at 68 cm². The largest amount   of the donors of the Helsinki skin bank  but lower
          of tissue grafted to a single patient was 7,284.75  cm².   than  the  average  age  of donors to  the  Porto Alegre  skin
          A single patient could receive skin from up to 10 donors,   bank.  The higher number of younger donors  may be
          with an average of 3 donors and a minimum of one donor   justified  by  the  higher  mortality  rates  within  this  cohort
          per surgical intervention [Table 6].                in the city of Curitiba due to traffic accidents and physical
                                                              assaults, which were 23.2 and 42.1 per 100,000 inhabitants,
          Most patients who received allografts were burn victims,   respectively, according to the information department of
          corresponding to 25 patients and 45 skin transplantation   Unified Health System (DATASUS 2008). [10]
          procedures. The indications for the other 7 transplants
          are shown in Figure 2.                              An equal number of women and men were donors, despite
                                                              the number of deaths from external causes in 2012 being
          Among the burn victims, the vast majority  (96%)                                     [11]
          presented with third‑degree burns. The most extensively   3.36 times higher for males in Curitiba.
          compromised  body surface area was 75% and the lowest   The vast majority of donors in Curitiba were of white‑colored
          10%, with an average of 38.64% of the total body surface   skin, justified by a predominantly Caucasian population in
          area [Table 7].                                     the region. According to Database of Unified Health System
                                                              of Brazilian government (DATASUS) [11]  recordson mortality in
          The body areas which were transplanted are shown in
          Table 8.                                            Curitiba in 2012, 8,218 white skin people died as compared

          Table 3: Batches of generated skin                  Table 5: Recipients profile
           Variable                    Descriptive statistics  Variable                  Descriptive statistics n (%)
                                    Batch number  Percentage
                                                                Female                           10 (33.33)
           Quantity (number of batches)                         Male                             20 (66.67)
            Approved for distribution                           Total                           30 (100.00)
             Transplanted               38           4.91      Age
             Stored in the bank          3           3.70       Average ( ± SD)              29.09 years (22.72)
            Discarded                   38          46.91       Maximum                          85 years
            In process quarantine        2           2.47       Minimum                          18 days
            Total                       81          100.00
           Reasons for batch discard                           SD: Standard deviation
            Growth of coagulase-negative   16       42.11
            staphylococci                                     Table 6: Grafted skin
            Growth of bacillus           7          18.42
            Gram-positive not Clostridium                      Variable                    Descriptive statistics (n)
            Growth of filamentous Fungi  6          15.79      Transplanted skin area (in cm )
            Growth of positive coagulase   4        10.53       Total                             28,940.82
            Staphylococcus                                      Maximum per surgery                1,816.4
            Growth of Enterococcus spp.  3           7.89       Minimum per surgery                 68
            Positive for syphilis        2           5.26       Maximum per patient               7,284.75
            Lung cancer                  2           5.26       Minimum per patient                 68
            Total                       40          105.26
                                                                Average per surgery                556.55
                                                                Average per patient               964.694
                                                               Relation between donors × recipients
          Table 4: Relation between benefited patients and donors
                                                                Maximum of donors per patient       10
                                                      n         Maximum of donors per surgery        3
           Total of benefited patients                30        Minimum of donors per patient        1
           Average of benefited patients per donor ( ± SD)  2.36 (1.35)  Minimum of donors per surgery  1
           Maximum of patients benefited per donor     5        Average of donors per patient       1.93
           SD: Standard deviation                               Average of donors per surgery       1.25

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