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complications. Eighty‑two percent of these  113  cases   a concentration of more than 0.8 mmol/L was reached by
          demonstrated  some  form  of  circulatory  compromise   a needle‑type H  sensor (Unisense, Aarhus, Denmark).
          within 24 h after surgery.
                                                              Experimental protocol and groups
          Postoperative hyperbaric oxygen  (HBO) therapy  has  been   Fifty male SD rats were divided randomly into five groups
          used in plastic surgery in the treatment of random skin   with  10  animals  in  each  group:  (1)  a  sham‑operated
          flaps, axial skin flaps, and flaps with survival problems with   group  (sham: no IR, HBO, HRS or normal saline injection).
          satisfactory results. [2,3]  The effect of HBO preconditioning   Rats  in  the  sham  group  underwent  the  same  surgery
          has also been studied in many animal models including   as the rats in the other four groups but without the
          stroke  and spinal cord injury.  In  a study using  a rat   period of ischemia;  (2) IR group: 6  h of ischemia was
          skin flap model, HBO preconditioning was found to   induced by clamping the right pedicle, followed by an
          improve skin flap  survival and depress tumor necrosis   injected intraperitoneally of 5 mL/kg normal saline, 10 min
          factor‑α (TNF‑α) expression in skin tissue. [6]     prior to reperfusion; (3) HRS‑treated group: 6 h of ischemia
                                                              was induced by clamping the right pedicle, followed by an
          In  2007,  Ohsawa  et  al.  reported that inhalation  of H    intraperitoneally injection of 5 mL/kg HRS, 10 min prior to
          could  selectively  mitigate  •OH  (oxhydryl),  generating   reperfusion;  (4)  HBO  group: 6  h  of ischemia  was  induced
          an antioxidant effect in a rat model of middle cerebral   by clamping the right pedicle after HBO preconditioning
          artery occlusion without affecting the signaling of other   for 4  times; and  (5) HBO and HRS group: 6  h of ischemia
          reactive oxygen species (ROS). Subsequently, H  was shown   was induced by clamping the right pedicle after HBO
          to have protective effects on ischemic/reperfusion  (IR)   preconditioning for 4 times. 5 mL/kg HRS was administered
          injury in various organs including the liver, heart, kidneys   by an intraperitoneally injection, 10 min prior to reperfusion.
          and small intestine. [8‑11]  The authors have independently
          verified this protective effect. [12]               Hyperbaric oxygen preconditioning
                                                              Rats in the HBO and HBO  +  HRS groups were treated
          It  is  widely accepted that  IR  injury  is  a critical factor in   with HBO 2  days before surgery. Treatment included
          flap failure while apoptosis is one important feature of   HBO exposure  4  times  for  60  min  every  12  h
          the  IR  process. [13,14]  In  this  study,  the  synergistic effects   (total exposure time of 4  h). 2  L/min of 100% oxygen
          of HBO preconditioning  and hydrogen‑rich  saline  (HRS)   was  supplied  continuously  at  0.25  MPa  during  the
          treatment  were evaluated for their effects on skin flap   HBO treatment. Compression and decompression were
          survival and apoptosis in a rat IR skin flap model.
                                                              performed at 5 psi/min. The time at which the HBO
                                                              chamber pressure reached 0.25 MPa and remained stable
          METHODS                                             was recorded. Calcium carbonate crystals were placed in
                                                              the chamber to prevent CO  accumulation. Flap surgery
          Animals                                             began 2 h following the final HBO treatment.
          All protocols were approved by the Committee on Animal
          Rights Protection of Peking Union Medical College Hospital   Skip flap survival and perfusion evaluation
          and were in accordance with the National Institutes of   Skin flap survival was evaluated 72 h after reperfusion by
          Health guidelines for the care and use of laboratory   general observation of survival and  necrotic phenomena
          animals.  Adult  male  Sprague‑Dawley  (SD)  rats  weighing   and subsequently  confirmed by laser speckle contrast
          280‑320 g were used in this study. The rats were housed in   analysis cameras  (Perimed  AB, Stockholm, Sweden).
          individual cages under standard conditions with 22‑25 °C   The surviving  and necrotic areas were measured. The
          and 12 h of a light‑dark cycle. The rats were fed a normal   percentage of flap survival was defined as the ratio of the
          diet with water provided ad lib pre‑ and post‑operatively.  surviving area to the original flap area.
          Epigastric skin flap preparation                    To evaluate skin flap perfusion, the rats were secured
          An extended epigastric adipocutaneous flap (6 cm × 9 cm)   onto the operative bed such that the entire flap, including
          was raised over the abdomen in each animal.  The left   part  of the normal abdominal skin, was exposed. The
          superficial epigastric  artery  and vein  were  ligated,  and   PeriScan PSI system  (Perimed AB, Stockholm, Sweden)
          the  right  was  retained  as  the  pedicle. The  pedicle artery   was positioned above the rats, imaging  an area of
          and vein  were  occluded with  a  microvascular clamp and   11  cm  ×  7.5  cm.  The  image  acquisition  rate  was 3  Hz
                                                              and lasted  for  3  min.  The  ambient  temperature  was
          6 h of skin flap ischemia was induced. The flap was then   maintained between 22 °C and 25 °C during this process.
          resutured  with  a  silicone  sheet  of  0.1  mm  deep to  it  to   Perfusion of the necrotic and survival areas was analyzed.
          prevent neovascularization from the wound bed. The   Vascular flow was measured using perfusion units (PUs).
          clamp  was removed, and the flap  was reperfused at the
          end of the ischemic period. Heparin (50,000 U/L in 0.5 mL   Rats were sacrificed on the 3rd postoperative day with
          saline) was injected into the left epigastric artery to avoid   overdose anesthesia after skin flap survival and perfusion
          thrombus formation prior to ligation.               evaluation. The survival flaps were harvested for sampling.
          Hydrogen‑rich saline production                     TdT‑mediated dUTP‑X nick end labeling staining
          Hydrogen was dissolved in  normal saline  (20  mL)  for   and apoptotic index evaluation
          20 min with a speed of 0.2 L/min to a supersaturated level.   Tissue samples (1 cm  in size) were taken from the proximal
          HRS was freshly prepared prior to each use, ensuring that   areas of the harvested flaps. Samples were sectioned into
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