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control of fluid loss. [4‑7]  For these reasons, their use results   collected  included the extent of the burnt region and
          in  a significant reduction in  hospital stay  and mortality   burn depth.
          rates, and may generate cost savings. [4‑7]
                                                              According to the  Brazilian skin  donation protocol, the
          In 1949, the first skin bank was established by the US Navy.   steps are  as follows: (1) Paraná State  Transplantation
          Since then, several other skin banks have been  founded,   Center calls  about a potential donor, and the skin bank
          mostly  in  the  USA  and  Europe  and  often  organized  as   staff goes to the donor site  hospital;  (2) a physical
          multi‑tissue banks. In 2005, there were approximately   examination of the donor  is performed to assess the
          54 active skin banks in the North America.  Currently,   quality  of  the  skin  area  to  be  harvested;  (3) the  donor’s
          there  are four skin banks in Brazil,  based in São Paulo,   medical and family history are screened to elicit
          Porto Alegre, Recife and Curitiba city.  The latter is   any  history  of  (a) ingestion  of toxic  or illicit  drugs;
          the skin bank of the Evangelical University Hospital of   (b) high‑risk sexual behavior,  recent  invasive  procedures,
          Curitiba (HUEC), which officially opened on June 17, 2013   malignancies,  chronic diseases,  death from  an unknown
          and the activity of which is the focus of this study.  cause, infectious disease, immunocompromise and
                                                              surgical procedures occurring within the prior 12 months;
          In 2013, the plastic surgery and burns service of the   and (c) donor age, which is limited to between 14  years old
          Evangelical  Hospital in  Curitiba  located in  Paraná state   and 60  years old;  (4)  blood  samples are collected  from
          provided  medical attention to approximately 4,500  burn   the donor 72  h prior to cessation of circulation, 12  h
          victims of which at least 10% required hospitalization with   after the cessation of blood  flow if the body has been
          the  potential  indication  for skin  use;  this  demonstrated   kept at room temperature,  or up to 24  h after  the
          the importance of establishing a skin bank within this   cessation  of blood flow if  the  body  has  been  cooled
          hospital.  The  objective  of this  study  is  to  report the   to 4 °C ± 2 °C. The tissues  cannot be released for use
          1st year experience of the Evangelical Hospital of Curitiba   until  final results have been  obtained.  When  tests  for
          skin bank.
                                                              HIV  and  hepatitis  C  virus  (HCV) are  negative,  further
                                                              testing is performed for RNA detection of HIV and  HCV.
          METHODS                                             Mandatory  serological donor  screening  is  performed
                                                              to detect the following: (a) hepatitis  B (hepatitis B
          Retrospective epidemiological and statistical data were   surface antigen and anti‑hepatitis B core), (b) anti‑HCV,
          collected during the 1st year of operations, from June 2013   (c)  HIV‑1 and HIV‑2 (HIV 1 and 2), (d)  Chagas disease
          to August 2014. The study was approved by the Research   (anti‑Trypanosoma  cruzi), (e) syphilis (one treponemic
          Ethics Committee of the Evangelical Beneficent Society of   or nontreponemic test), (f) human T‑lymphotropic
          Curitiba, Brazil.                                   virus  type  I  (HTLV‑I)  and HTLV‑II  (anti‑HTLV  I  and II),

          Collected information included two different tissue banking   (g) toxoplasmosis (toxoplasma IgG and IgM), and
          aspects. The  first  includes data on skin  retrieval  between   (h) cytomegalovirus  (IgG and anti‑IgM);  (5) the  donor is
          June  27,  2013 and June  26, 2014 and the  second data   accepted once all laboratory tests have been confirmed
          set corresponds  to skin distribution and  transplantation   to be normal; (6) skin harvest is  then performed
          between August 28, 2013 and August 27, 2014.        for a thickness  of 0.4‑0.8  mm.  The  skin  blade is
                                                              passed to the nurse who takes swab and inoculates
          Data were obtained from analysis of the bank’s records   it in thioglycolate broth, amid Sabouraud broth and
          of cadaveric (multi‑organ/skin tissue)  donation and   trypticase soy broth (TSB) respectively, then  the nurse
          tissue  distribution,  including  a  review  of  the  necessary   dips the  blade  in  0.9% saline  solution  twice  prior to
          documentation on the cause of death and organ donation.
                                                              immersion  in  glass  with  glycerol 90%; and  (7) the  stored
          Inclusion criteria were all medical records of donors   skin is processed in a sterile laminar flow  hood  in 3
          of harvested skin and all recipients who received grafts   phases: Phase 1: skin is removed from the shipping bottle.
          during the 1st year of the bank. There were no exclusion   Then 2 fragments of 0.5 cm × 0.5 cm of each blade are
          criteria.                                           withdrawn for microbiological analysis. Each fragment
                                                              must be macerated and inoculated in thioglycolate broth,
          The data collected concerning the deceased donors included:   Sabouraud medium,  TSB broth and blood culture bottle
          age, gender, skin color, cause of death, thickness of retrieved   for aerobic and anerobic germs.  The skin blades are
          skin tissue  (mm), body region from which the skin was   stored again in new bottles with glycerol 90% sterile; the
          removed,  number of generated skin batches,  hospital   vials with  the  skin in  90% glycerol are  placed in  water
          where the skin retrieval occurred, date of skin retrieval,   bath at 37 °C for 3  h, then removed from water bath
          area (cm ) of retrieved skin, reason of skin discards when   and stored in tissues  not released refrigerator; Phase  2:
          unfit  for use  and the  number  of  benefited  patients  from   if the first phase microbiological  analysis is negative for
          each donor.
                                                              any germs (waiting time: 15  days) the second phase is
          As for the skin recipients, collected  data included:  age,   performed like  the  first  one; and Phase  3: if  the  second
          gender, hospital where the allografts were used, donor to   phase microbiological analysis  is  negative  for any  germs
          recipient ratio, area of allografted skin (cm²), graft release   (waiting  time:  15  days) the  third phase  is  performed
          date, body region receiving the allografts and indication   like previous phases with removal of excess of glycerol;
          for allograft use. In burn victim recipients, additional data   thereafter,  the  blades are  placed in  a sterile  plastic bag

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