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However, in our method, the flap is based on perforators   plexus, taking advantage of the rich blood supply;
          without including the muscle. The requirement for   perforators can be added to enhance the viability of the
          mobilization of the local flap ensures tension-free closure   flap. Hence, the flap could be designed with a length: width
          of both the donor and recipient sites.              ratio in the range of 3:1. The technique is simple, with lower
                                                              operating time (approximately 50–60 min), and appears to
          The perforator TFL flap was first described by Deiler et al.
          as a free tissue transfer for the reconstruction of Achilles   be a reliable flap for coverage of the femoral vessels and
          tendon defects. Kimura  et al. [7,8]  further refined the   inguinal region with good tolerance to radiotherapy. As a
          microdissection technique and described the emergence   single-stage procedure, the superiorly-based perforator plus
          of septocutaneous perforators between the gluteus   flap meets the criteria formulated by Gupta et al.,  with a
          medius and TFL muscles. Vegas and Martin-Hervas     reliable blood supply   and a perforator arterial supply
          described the distribution of the branches to the skin   away from the field of resection or radiation. However,
          from the perforator between the TFL muscle and the   assessment of the aesthetic and functional outcomes of the
          gluteus medius and minimus muscles. As a propeller flap,   superiorly-based perforator plus flap when compared to
          the perforator flap could well be utilized to cover a defect   other flaps requires additional investigation.
          over the inguinal region. The need for microsurgical       Locally  advanced genital malignancies, as well as advanced
          expertise, the utilization of intramuscular dissection time,   stage cutaneous melanomas of the lower extremity, are
          the possibility of venous congestion, and the division or   common in Asian populations. Radical surgery for the primary
          noninclusion of the cutaneous nerve within the flap are   and  en bloc inguinal or ilio-inguinal lymphadenectomy is
          the disadvantages experienced, while performing this   often required in such situations. Posttraumatic soft tissue
          procedure. The superiorly-based perforator plus flap relies   defects in the inguinal region are not uncommon. To reduce
          on multiple perforators, without sacrifice of the neural   the complications related to wound healing in the groin
          component and has a decreased risk of venous congestion   region and to withstand postoperative radiotherapy, there
          when compared to perforator propeller flaps.        is a need for a simple, reliable flap in such patients. The
                                                              superiorly-based perforator plus flap can be successfully used
          Other flaps utilized in the reconstruction of the soft tissue   to reconstruct the inguinal region with reliable coverage of
          defect over the inguinal region include the anterolateral   the inguinal vessels and early initiation of radiotherapy.
          thigh and vertical rectus abdominis muscle flaps. All these
          flaps are reliable and provide good soft tissue coverage
          but at the expense of the sacrifice of a functioning muscle.  REFERENCES

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          the femoral vessels, reducing the risk of wound dehiscence   Superiorly based perforator plus fl ap for inguinal defects. Plast Aesthet
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