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viability of the bone tissue is maintained and can
                                                              begin osteogenesis. Another positive factor is the
                                                              utilization of autogenous bone tissue of membranous
                                                              and not of endocondral origin, a material known to
                                                              be more efficient because it has lower reabsorption
                                                              levels. [16]
                                                              The surgical technique described for the procurement of
                                                              particulate intraoral autogenous bone material is simple,
                                                              efficient and safe. The possibility of harvesting bone
                                                              graft while the implant site is being prepared allows
                                                              the procurement of the particulate bone without the
                                                              disadvantages of donor site morbidity.

          Figure 4:  The picture shows continuous osteoblasts line (arrows) on
          mature bone (HE, ×20)                               The authors wish to thank Dr. Adolfo Apicella of the Anatomy
                                                              and Histopathology Department “Luciano Armanni,” Second
                                                              University of Naples, Naples, Italy, for his valuable contribution
          and have histologically well-preserved structures with a   to the present study.
          large number of osteocytes in a calcified matrix.  In an
          animal study, Coradazzi et al.  found that harvested bone     REFERENCES
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