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Original Article                                   Plastic and Aesthetic Research

          The infl uence of national guidelines on soft

          tissue sarcoma patient outcome: a single

          center experience

           Annu Nummi, Taina A. Partanen, Ylermi Soini, Leena Berg, Leena Setälä, Paula Mustonen
          Department of Plastic Surgery and Pathology, Kuopio University Hospital, PL 100, 70029 KYS Kuopio, Uusimaa, Finland.
          Address for correspondence: Dr. Annu Nummi, Uudenmaankatu 31 F 26, 00120 Helsinki, Uusimaa, Finland. E-mail:

                Aim: The aim was to study the impact of nationwide clinical practice guidelines for soft tissue
                sarcomas (STS), introduced in 1994 and again in 2005 in North Savo, Finland.  Methods:  We
                retrospectively reviewed all the patients whose sarcoma was treated by a multidisciplinary team
                between the years 2000 and 2009 with mean follow-up time of 68 months. The patients were divided
                into 2 groups according to years: Group A (2000–2005, 72 patients) and Group B (2006–2009, 64
                patients). Primary outcomes were local recurrence, metastases, and overall survival. Results: Fifty-fi ve
                percent were men with an average age of 59 years. The most common sarcomas were pleomorphic
                sarcoma (37%) and liposarcoma (26%). Although there were signifi cantly less amputations in
                Group B (A: 15%, B: 3%), there were more metastases (A: 10%, B: 23%) with an overall lower overall
                survival rate (A: 70%, B: 58%) than in Group A. Conversely, Group A had a higher 1st year survival
                rate (A: 100%, B: 87%). We found that upper limb sarcomas were more likely to be diagnosed with
                incisional biopsies, but there was no correlation between incisional biopsy and recurrence, metastases
                or survival. Conclusion: Due to nonadherence of the 2005 national treatment recommendations, there
                has been no improvement either in management or survival. The importance of educating guidelines
                to doctors referring patients to specialized units cannot be overemphasized to affect successful
                management in the treatment of STS.

                Key words:
                Clinical guidelines, follow-up, incisional biopsy, soft tissue sarcoma

          INTRODUCTION                                        neoadjuvant and adjuvant therapy has improved the
                                                              management of STS. [1]
          Soft tissue sarcomas (STSs) are a rare group of     The Hospital District of North Savo is comprised of 7
          heterogeneous  malignant   tumors   derived  from   hospital areas and 855,000 (year 2000) and 843,000 (year
          mesenchymal cell lines.  They represent approximately   2009) inhabitants. The multidisciplinary STS group of
          1% of all malignancies. [2-4]  STS can occur at any age,   Kuopio University Hospital was established in 1994.
          but the peak of incidence is in the late adult life.   The group meets on a weekly basis to discuss the
          Introduction of multidisciplinary teams and referral   best approach for each patient with STS utilizing a
          of patients to specialized care units with diagnostic   multidisciplinary team.
          radiology, histopathology, surgical expertise and
                                                              In this study, we analyzed all patients whose sarcoma was
                         Access this article online           evaluated by this multidisciplinary team over a 10 years
               Quick Response Code:                           period: 2000–2009. At the beginning of the study, the
                                   Website:                   algorithm for examination and treatment in primary
                                                              health care for STS was not what it is today. To increase
                                                              awareness regarding tumor diagnostics, accurate biopsy
                                                              methodology and imagining, the current clinical practice
                                   10.4103/2347-9264.143554   guidelines were introduced to the primary care units
                                                              and tertiary centers by lectures and bulletins. Guidelines

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