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METHODS                                             base of the flap. A superiorly-based flap was planned from
                                                              the anterolateral aspect of the thigh, with the base of the
          The study was conducted and approved at the Jubilee Institute  flap at the lateral end of the inguinal defect, at the level
          for Surgery of Hand, Aesthetics and Microsurgery, Jubilee   of the greater trochanter of femur. The anterior border
          Mission Hospital, Thrissur, India. The patients were   of the flap starts at the lateral border of the soft tissue
          enrolled in the Plastic Surgery Department of the Jubilee   defect. The flap is elevated from distal to proximal in the
          Mission Hospital. A soft tissue reconstruction with a   plane superficial to the TFL, preserving the perforators to
          superiorly-based perforator plus flap was planned and   the flap from the lateral side. The pivot point lies over the
          executed after assessment of the inguinal defect. Seven   lateral aspect of the base of the flap. The posterior border
          patients with inguinal soft tissue defects were operated on   is planned according to the size of the defect. The medial
          from January 2013 to September 2013. The postoperative   flap, overlying the soft tissue of the anterior thigh, was
          period following reconstructive surgery, the hospital   elevated superficial to the deep fascia of the thigh. A blunt,
          course, and follow-up after radiotherapy was noted in   careful dissection is performed at the base of the flap to
          patients who had undergone inguinal block dissection.  identify as many perforators as possible in these regions.
                                                              The size of the perforators is assessed intra-operatively.
          Anatomy                                             Because most of the perforators travel from medial
          The femoral artery gives off the profunda femoris artery   to lateral, medial and lateral perforators with minimal
          branch, which arises 2–5 cm below the inguinal ligament   dissection could be included within the flap, avoiding
          and further divides into the medial and lateral circumflex   kinking of the vessels. With adequate medial perforators,
          femoral arteries. The lateral circumflex femoral artery further   some lateral perforators could easily be sacrificed without
          divides into the ascending, transverse and descending   compromising flap viability. Care is taken to include some
          branches. The ascending lateral circumflex femoral artery   branches of the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh to the
          travels in a superolateral direction from medial to lateral.   flap. Anterior branches of the lateral cutaneous nerve lying
          These branches provide many musculocutaneous and    over the fascia should be carefully preserved for this reason.
          septocutaneous perforators which supply the skin over   The medial and lateral flaps are transposed in such way to
          the lateral aspect of the thigh. The vascularity of the skin,   provide coverage to the inguinal defect and easy closure of
          subcutaneous tissue and TFL flap is based on the excellent   the donor defect. Flap inset is then completed. Hyperbaric
          longitudinal network of vessels overlying the iliotibial tract   oxygen therapy was administered in the postoperative
          formed by anastomoses between branches of the transverse   period for six sessions.
          branch of the lateral circumflex femoral and individual
          branches of the profunda perforators, which emerge along   RESULTS
          the lateral intermuscular septum [Figure 1].
                                                              Five patients presented with malignant tumors involving the
          Surgical technique                                  inguinal lymph node and 2 patients presented with defects
          Surgery was performed under general or regional     following trauma. Their ages ranged from 8 to 59 years
          anesthesia with the patient in the supine position. The soft   with a mean of 41.7 years. Among 7 patients, 5 were
          tissue defect following block dissection or debridement was   males, and 2 were females. In all cases, a superiorly-based
          measured, and the flap was planned. A hand-held Doppler   perforator plus flap was performed. The size of the defect
          was used to identify the location of the perforators at the   ranged from 9 cm × 4 cm to 17 cm × 8 cm. Flap with

          Figure 1: Anatomical description of the superiorly-based perforator plus flap
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