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Case Report                                        Plastic and Aesthetic Research

          Isolated sporadic bilateral split hand

          malformation: a case report and review of

          the literature

          Manjit Singh , Sukhminder Jit Singh Bajwa , Harsimarjit Kaur , Ravinder Singh            1
          1 Department of Orthopaedics, Gian Sagar Medical College and Hospital, Banur 140601, Punjab, India.
          2 Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Gian Sagar Medical College and Hospital, Banur 147001, Punjab, India.
          3 Department of Anatomy, Govt. Medical College, Patiala 147001, Punjab, India.
          Address for correspondence: Dr. Sukhminder Jit Singh Bajwa, Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Gian Sagar Medical
          College and Hospital, Ram Nagar, Banur 140601, Punjab, India. E-mail:

                Typical cleft hand is a rare disorder usually inherited in an autosomal-dominant manner. We report
                a case of bilateral typical cleft hand in a 6-year-old male. There was no positive family history of
                such presentation, and no systemic manifestations were associated with this entity. Preanesthetic
                evaluation revealed no systemic or airway challenges and parents were counseled for routine surgical
                and anesthetic risks. The hands underwent successful surgical reconstruction with no peri-operative
                complications. To the best of our knowledge, this is the fi rst report of an operated case of an isolated,
                bilateral, and sporadic typical split hand malformation.
                Key words:
                Cleft hand, congenital anomalies, split hand malformation, syndactyly

          INTRODUCTION                                        anomaly yielded only two results. [5,6]  The reported cases
                                                              in the literature described only unilateral afflictions. We
          Surgical or medical co-morbidities of anesthetic or airway   report a unique case of sporadic, isolated, bilateral SHM
          difficulties in patients with congenital anomalies need   with syndactyly in both feet, which was successfully
          special consideration during corrective management,   managed surgically and anesthetically with no untoward
          especially in the pediatric population. [1-4]  Split hand   peri-operative incidents.
          malformation (SHM), characterized by median cleft
          in the hand, syndactyly, and/or a variable degree of   CASE REPORT
          underdevelopment of phalanges and metacarpals, is
          a rare entity. [5,6]  Associated co-morbidities can include   A 6-year-old male presented to the Orthopedic Outpatient
          sensori-neural hearing loss which can be challenging   Department with congenital abnormalities in both the
          to identify when eliciting history during preanesthetic   hands and feet. He was the second of three children, born
          evaluation or during the anesthetic induction as such   out of a nonconsanguineous marriage, delivered vaginally
          patients can be difficult to counsel. The literary evidence   at full term with uneventful antenatal and perinatal course.
          indicates the occurrence of multiple anomalies with   Chief complaints of the parents pertained to the cosmetic
          SHM, but a literature search for isolated cleft hand   concerns due to visible deformities. There were no skin
                                                              lesions and no associated cleft lip/palate observed during
                         Access this article online           a physical examination. The left hand was dominant, and
               Quick Response Code:                           there was no history of sensorineural deafness. On local
                                   Website:                   examination, it was observed that there was complete
                                                              obliteration of first web space in the right hand with the
                                                              absence of the middle finger in both the hands. The right
                                   DOI:                       foot showed hypoplasia of the second toe with syndactyly
                                   10.4103/2347-9264.143558   between the third and fourth toes. The left foot had
                                                              syndactyly between the third and fourth digits [Figure 1].

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