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present case surgical intervention was undertaken at
                                                              6 years of age, albeit with a good outcome.
                                                              The cleft closure is achieved by excision of excess tissue
                                                              including the third metacarpal and transverse bone bar
                                                              if present. To hold the diverging metacarpals together,
                                                              numerous techniques have been employed, such as heavy
                                                              chromic catgut sutures or stainless steel wires, the latter
                                                              done in the present case.  For the restoration of the first
                                                              web space, Snow and Littler advocated syndactyly release
                                                              and utilization of skin from the palmar side.  Barsky et al.
                                                              employed a diamond-shaped flap from the cleft area itself
                                                              to create a web space.  In our case, the first web space
                                                              was created surgically in the right hand by simple closure
                                                              with a series of Z-plasties. The child may require rotational
                                                              osteotomies of the metacarpals, especially the marginal ones,
          Figure 5: Functional and cosmetic outcome 1 year after surgery
                                                              to achieve a useful pincer grasp if not restored adequately.
                                                              No such procedure was done in this case as the patient and
          Contraction of the first web space and limitation of thumb   relatives were satisfied with the primary surgery outcome.
          adduction is the main functional handicap encountered in   Surgery for cleft foot is rarely required for hallux valgus
          such cases, based on which Manske and Halikis devised a   correction and still rarer for cosmetic reasons. [14]
          severity classification. [11]
                                                              Typical and atypical cleft hand deformities occur with
          Numerous clinical associations of SHFM have been    varying degrees of severity. Children learn to adapt
          documented; cleft lip/palate seems to be a consistent   from an early age and frequently develop remarkable
          accompanying manifestation. Such manifestations pose   functionality. If surgery is to be done, it should be planned
          airway difficulties which can lead to a potential higher   carefully for each patient. The aim of surgery in these
          morbidity and mortality. The constellation of findings   cases is mostly cosmetic. Any surgical procedure done
          most commonly reported is ectrodactyly ectodermal   should not jeopardize existing functions of the hand.
          dysplasia cleft lip/palate syndrome – ectrodactyly (SHFM),
          ectodermal dysplasia (coarse dry skin, glandular
          abnormalities), and cleft lip/palate. In the present case,         REFERENCES
          a thorough search was made for associated systemic
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          indeed a rare entity.                               2.   Kulshrestha A, Bajwa SJ, Singh A, Kapoor V.   Dexmedetomidine and fentanyl
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