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Case Report                                        Plastic and Aesthetic Research

          Craniofacial abnormalities in goldenhar

          syndrome: a case report with review of the


          Ramesh Kumaresan , Balamanikanda Srinivasan , Mohan Narayanan ,
          Navaneetha Cugati , Priyadarshini Karthikeyan        4
          1 Departments of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery  , Faculty of Dentistry, AIMST University, 08100 Bedong, Kedah Darul Aman, Malaysia.
          2 Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Vinayaka Mission’s Shankaracharyar Dental College, Salem 636308, Tamil Nadu, India.
          3 Department of Pedodontic and Preventive Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, AIMST University, 08100 Bedong, Kedah Darul Aman, Malaysia.
          4 Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Shree Balaji Dental College, Chennai 600100, Tamil Nadu, India.
          Address for correspondence: Dr. Ramesh Kumaresan, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, AIMST University,
          08100 Bedong, Kedah Darul Aman, Malaysia. E-mail:

                Goldenhar syndrome (oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum) is a rare congenital anomaly of unclear
                etiology and characterized by craniofacial anomalies such as hemifacial microsomia, auricular, ocular
                and vertebral anomalies. In many cases, this syndrome goes unnoticed due to a lack of knowledge about
                its features and because of its associated wide range of overlapping anomalies. Herewith, we present
                a case of Goldenhar syndrome in a 21-year-old male, who presented all the classical signs of this rare
                condition. This article also summarizes the characteristic features of patients with Goldenhar syndrome.

                Key words:
                Congenital abnormalities, eye abnormalities, Goldenhar syndrome, oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum

          INTRODUCTION                                        CASE REPORT

          Goldenhar syndrome is a rare developmental anomaly   The patient is a 21-year-old male who reported to
          involving structures derived from first and second   the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, with
          branchial arches of the first pharyngeal pouch, the first   complaints of an unaesthetic facial and dental appearance.
          branchial cleft, and the primordial stapedial artery of the   He was the product of his mother’s second pregnancy,
          temporal bone. [1,2]  Goldenhar syndrome and its variants,   the first terminated by spontaneous abortion at about
          also referred to as Goldenhar anomalad, occupy a central   2 months of gestation. Prenatal history revealed that the
          position in the broad spectrum of overlapping anomalies   mother suffered from frequent severe vaginal bleeding
          related to the eyes, ears, face and vertebral column. [2]  during the first trimester of her pregnancy. He was born at

          In many cases, this syndrome goes unnoticed         full term after a normal delivery with a bilateral complete
          secondary to its associated wide range of overlapping   cleft lip/palate and a congenital epibulbar dermoid of the
          anomalies.  This work reports a case of Goldenhar   right eye. His parents were nonconsanguineous, and there
          syndrome in a 21-year-old male, who presented all the   was no relevant family history.
          classical sign of this rare condition. The patient agreed to   At 6 months of age, he underwent surgery for cleft lip
          publish his facial pictures and signed the consent form.
                                                              repair, and cleft palate closure was performed at 18 months
                         Access this article online           of age. He sustained multiple episodes of epilepsy until
               Quick Response Code:                           the age of 6 years at which time he was diagnosed with
                                  hydrocephalus, and a ventriculoperitoneal shunt was placed.
                                                              At the age 8, he underwent a minor surgical procedure for
                                                              excision of preauricular tags on the left side of his face.
                                   10.4103/2347-9264.143557   Physical examination at the age of 21 years was
                                                              remarkable for developmental and mental disability

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