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RESULTS                                             Average downtime was 3–5 days, with minimum to
                                                              moderate inflammation.
          The study included, 48 women (age range: 37–58 years,   Follow-up  was  performed  for  a  minimum  of
          mean: 49 years) and 12 men (age range: 32–34 years,   6 months (range: 6–12 months) [Figures 2–4].
          mean: 33 years).
                                                              Satisfaction  questionnaires  showed   high   test
          Full facial differential fat grafting procedure last between   scores at 5 days (mean: 16.42, standard error: 0.26,
          1.5 and 2.5 h, and was performed under local anaesthesia   median: 16, mode: 15, and standard deviation: 1.93).
          and minor sedation in the majority.
                                                              Slight descent trend in the test scores were seen at
          Average volume harvested manually was 21 mL (mean:   6 months (median: 16, standard error: 0.29, median:
          21 mL; median: 21.5 mL; standard error: 0.61 mL; range:   16, mode: 16, and standard deviation: 2.1). Global
          18 mL) (of fine parcels fat) and automatically 35 mL (mean:   patient test scores and trend lines are shown in
          35.02 mL; median: 35 mL; standard error: 0.635 mL; range:   Figure 5. Satisfaction scores evaluations were defined
          25 mL) (of thick parcels fat). Average fat infiltrated was   as excellent 89% (n = 193), good 8.8% (n = 19), minor
          45 mL (mean: 45.14 mL; median: 45 mL; standard error:   1.85% (n = 4).
          0.995 mL; range: 35 mL).                            Adverse events like lumps or irregularities were not

          Harvesting sites were: abdominal (50%), outer thighs (20%),   evidenced.
          back (10%), triceps (10%), inner thighs, and knee (10%).  Dissatisfaction was referred by 2 patients for under
          ASC filter was used only in six cases, which did not allow   correction in the buccal region (1 patient) and temporal
          us to statistically analyse the data.               area (1 patient).
                                                              Skin improvements were mild to moderate and were
          Table 2: Patient satisfaction questionnaire, for    often referred spontaneously by the patients.
          satisfaction assessment at 7 days, 1 month,         Both patient and physician satisfaction rate was excellent
          3 months and 6 months
                                                              in 81.5% (n = 44) of the cases.
           Parameter evaluated                        Score
           Downtime or discomfort                             DISCUSSION
            No downtime or discomfort                   4
            Very slight discomfort (downtime 24 h)      3     Traditionally Coleman lipostructure has promoted fat
            Average discomfort (downtime 2–5 days)      2     harvesting with 2 mm port cannulas, followed by a
            Moderate to severe discomfort (downtime 5–10 days)  1  strong centrifugation (3,000 rpm for 3 min), removal of
            Severe discomfort (downtime > 10 days)      0     the supra and infranadant, and final reinfiltration with
           Skin benefi ts                                      the aid of   16 G cannulas.  The former has permitted
            Excellent (improves in tone, elasticity and texture)  4  to achieve gross good aesthetic improvements with long
            Moderate improvement                        3     lasting results. Nevertheless, extensive discomfort and
            Slight improvement                          2     healing time (15 days), unpredictable reabsorption, need
            None                                        1     of overcorrections, frequent retouches and lower lid
            Worsening of skin quality (acne lesions, scars, etc.,)  0  complications  have made the technique less attractive
           Volume restoration outcome                         for patients and physicians. Therefore, efforts have
            Very satisfi ed                              4     been made to find a more predictable and forgiving
            Moderately satisfi ed                        3     technique.
            Slightly satisfi ed                          2
            Not satisfi ed                               1
            Dissatisfi ed (important over or under corrections)  0
           Reabsorption rate estimated (%)
            0–20                                        4
            20–30                                       3
            30–50                                       2
            50–70                                       1
            > 70                                        0
           Overall evaluation
            Very satisfi ed                              4
            Moderately satisfi ed                        3
            Slightly satisfi ed                          2
            Not satisfi ed                               1
            Dissatisfi ed (important overcorrections or under corrections)  0
            Total possible score for fat grafting procedure  20
           Satisfaction was defi ned as: excellent (20–15 points), good (14–10 points),   Figure 2: Clinical case 1. Patient before, intra operatory design, and
           minor (9–5 points), and scarse (< 5 points)        6 months postoperative

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