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According to Eto  et al.,  micro fat lobules are easy to   its popularity and interest in the medical community. It
          inject, have a greater three-dimensinal cellular interaction   has also created greater confusion widening the possible
          and generate less nodules or bumps incidence. Moreover   range of variables regarding fat grafting. This has been
          they have greater versatility of use, being placed   reflected in recent publications that try to obtain a recipe
          using cannulas or needles and in different anatomical   for the correct technique. [12]
          planes (subcutaneous or intradermal). Recently, it has
          been proposed that greater tissue disruption obtained   The goals of a fat grafting treatment are: volume
          with smaller cannulas has been associated with higher   restoration and skin regeneration. Volume is determined
          amount of ASC in the lipoaspirate, especially of the   mainly by the adipocytes, and the process known as
          superficial layers of fat. [11]                     primary adipocyte integration should be considered a
                                                              primary goal within the treatment.
          Indications for thin fat parcels harvesting include: the
          treatment of facial critical areas of delicate skin with   Cellular regeneration, is principally explained by the
          thin soft tissue envelope (like periorbital, temporal and   presence of ASC in the lipoaspirate. It is an important
          perioral regions), the delivery of fat through needles (SNIF   event, but it is not the only factor involved.
          or Mesofat techniques), [7,8]  main treatment goal to be skin   Cannulas port size affects directly the adipocytes. The
          regeneration, and the use of fat for ASC enhancement   larger the aspiration cannula, the greater the viscosity,
          through filters.                                    retention and quality of the graft. [4,5]
          Nevertheless their extraction is much slower than   On the other hand the smaller the cannula size, the lesser
          traditional harvesting. Furthermore, reduced diameter or   the viscosity, and higher tissue disruption, oil content
          ports from harvesting cannulas generate greater adipose   and amount of ASC within the graft [Figure 7]. A fluid
          cells stress, cellular breakdown and oil content in the   grafts allows needle or fine cannula placement and avoids
          harvested tissue, resulting in less viable adipose cells,   irregularities in critical areas.
          with greater necessity of fat processing (washing or
          centrifugation) [Figure 6]. [4,5]                   In this context, the concept of differential harvesting is
          All above, has put micro lipofilling into fashion, increasing
                                                              The term differential fat harvesting stands for fat
                                                              harvesting through different cannulas (port sizes or

          Figure 3: Clinical case 2. Patient before, intra operatory design, and
          6 months postoperative
                                                              Figure 4: Clinical case 3. Patient before and 12 months postoperative

          Figure 5: Global patient scores graph on satisfaction questionnaire and   Figure 6: Different cannula port sizes and time needed for harvesting
          trend line                                          and amount of fat and oil extracted
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