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diameter) based on the placement area, technique to be we can expect different actions from this cells depending
used, or intended cellular population. on the plane transplanted.
This technique allows to obtain different sizes of fat Differential fat harvesting and posterior differential
parcels and to perform a differential fat grafting, to gain grafting is a valid alternative, to expand the repertoire
as much as possible from each individual treatment goal, of fat use, allow a more homogeneous effect, reduce
volume restoration and skin regeneration, for greater the potential complications, speed up the process,
patient and surgeon satisfaction. [11] improve graft survival, and enhance overall aesthetic
The benefits of the differential harvesting are versatility of
fat, more precise corrections, and achiving homogeneous The mastery of this technical modifications, which affect
results. our graft, together with the understanding of recipient
site [15-17] and systemic factors, will allow us to get long
It improves fat survival in critical spots and reduces the lasting and reproducible results for the benefit of our
overall fat oil content resulting in reduced inflammation patients.
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How to cite this article: Farr ST, Trivisonno A. Differential fat
harvesting. Plast Aesthet Res 2014;1:103-7.
Source of Support: Nil, Confl ict of Interest: None declared.
Figure 7: Diagram relation between cannula port – width size and tissue
disruption, oil content and adipose stem cell Received: 12-03-2014; Accepted: 17-07-2014
Plast Aesthet Res || Vol 1 || Issue 3 || Dec 2014 107