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We noticed  a statistically significant difference in data   We didn’t include open procedures because our target
            derived from  the  answers 6 months  after  surgery (P   was an evaluation after a single and standardized
            = 0.047). Patients noticed effects on voice not only in   surgery. Objective and subjective analyses supported this
            general, but also for every single area of questions. The   evaluation, the first one performed with a spectrographic
            increased score suggests that vocal features significantly   study of vocal sounds frequencies (data expressed in
            change after closed rhinoplasty.                  Hertz) before and 6 months after surgery, the second one
                                                              supported by the Italian version of the “Voice Handicap
            The objective evaluation was conducted  with a    Index Score”.
            spectrographic analysis for the 4 sounds (“A”/“E” vowels,
            “N” and “M” consonants), before and 6 months after   The  objective  study,  performed  with  an  open source
            surgery. The frequency of every single spectrogram   software and a professional recording system, helped us
            (Hz) was  the  main  considered  parameter.  We  have  to   to notice effective changes on intensity  and frequency
            underline that data extracted from the spectrographic   of voice after surgery. This evaluation was performed
            analysis of vowel sounds clearly show the improved vocal   again after 6 months. The Mann-Whitney test allowed us
            pattern in  patients  undergoing  closed rhinoplasty.  We   to analyze data. An example of a spectrogram from our
            found an increased frequency of emission of consonant   study is shown on Figure 2.
            sounds in 69% of cases (P = 0.046), and in 74% of cases
            for vowels (P = 0.048). The results of this analysis are   Data extracted from the spectrographic analysis let us
            shown in Figure 1. We didn’t detect major complications   discover a statistically significant change of the frequency
            in the immediate postoperative period (2 weeks).  emission  for the  “A”  and “E”  vowels and the  “N”/“M”
                                                              consonants (results  with  data expressed  in  Hertz  are
            DISCUSSION                                        summarized on Figure 1).

                                                              The subjective evaluation showed significant changes
            Changes on voice after closed rhinoplasty were the main
            target of this preliminary report: we found statistically   about the perception of voice after this kind of surgery (P
                                                              = 0.047). This evaluation helped us to study the impact
            significant effects on several vocal features.
                                                              of these changes on the professional and everyday life
                                                              of the 19 subjects. This result, although it represents the
            In literature, we didn’t find any work about the impact of   first and preliminary step of our evaluation, is statistically
            exclusively closed rhinoplasty on individual and technical
            features of voice. [9-12]  This preliminary evaluation begins   significant.
            from the principle that changes in nasal cavity volume   In our opinion, these changes could be caused by the lateral
            may bring effects to the resonance system and frequency   low-to-high osteotomies performed during the surgery.
            of several vocal sounds. [13-16]
                                                              Several characteristics of vocal pattern, according to our
            We conducted  a preliminary report and enrolled 19   preliminary evaluation, can be statistically changed by this
            patients which underwent a closed primary rhinoplasty.   kind of surgery. The subjective analysis reveals how surgery
                                                              can  change  the  personal  and  ideal  perception  of  voice.
                                                              The objective evaluation helped us to notice differences
                                                              in sound frequency and amplitude after surgery. Bringing
                                                              the focus of our study to everyday life, we can say that
                                                              every surgeon who performs a closed rhinoplasty should
                                                              accurately  talk  to  patients  about  potential  changes  on
                                                              the  quality  of  voice,  first  of  all  through  the  informed
                                                              consent. Limitations of our study were the small series of
                                                              patients and the relatively short period of evaluation. We
                                                              will evaluate more patients for a longer period of time, in
                                                              order to confirm the results of our preliminary report.

                                                              Financial support and sponsorship

                                                              Conflicts of interest
                                                              There are no conflicts of interest.


            Figure 2: An example of a spectrogram analyzed in our preliminary report  1.   Brandt  MG,  Rotenberg  BW,  Moore  CC,  Bornbaum  CC,  Dzioba  A,
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