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by our department, analyzed objectively and subjectively   professional recording  system  at a constant distance
            the potential changes brought by closed rhinoplasty on   from mouth (12 cm). All data, expressed as ± standard
            many characteristics of vocal pattern, such as frequency,   deviation,  were  analyzed with  the  Mann-Whitney  test
            tones and timbre.                                 and values were compared before and 6 months after the
                                                              intervention. All data with a P value of 0.05 or less were
            METHODS                                           considered statistically significant for the preliminary
            Our preliminary evaluation was conducted  from
            September 2012 to May 2013. We studied 19 patients   The subjective evaluation, instead, was supported by a
            (7 males,  12 females),  raging  in  ages  from  19 to  56   questionnaire,  translated in Italian.  The questionnaire
            years (mean age was 29.3 years). All of them underwent   was a modified version of the Voice Handicap  Index
            exclusively closed rhinolplasty. An informed consent and   Score [7,8]  and helped us to study the subjective changes.
            an accurate clinical history were obtained from all patients,   It  is  composed  by  3 legs,  technical, structural and
            and every single step of our evaluation was carried on   perceptive: a greater handicap is reflected by a greater
            through the rules of the local medical ethic committee   score. Technical leg is about effects of vocal pattern
            of Umbria, Italy. Our preliminary evaluation was obtained   on  work  life.  The  structural leg  is  about  any  personal
            with an observational study. Both the objective and the   detected disorders. Perceptive leg comprises questions
            subjective evaluation were realized with a time series   about the personal perception of the effects on voice after
            study, through a chronological sequence of data points,   rhinoplasty. Patients answered this questionnaire before
            consisting  in several measures made over a 6 months   and 6 months after surgery. Results were compared in
            time interval. All data were analyzed with the Mann-  total score and separately for each area of questions.
            Whitney test. Inclusion criteria were the professional use
            of voice and the purely aesthetic request for the surgery.   RESULTS
            We  excluded patients  affected by  chronic respiratory
            diseases;  we  also  excluded secondary  procedures.  The   The  19 patients  enrolled for the  study  were  observed
            study was approved  by the local  ethical committee   before and 6 months after surgery (this is a preliminary
            under the World  Medical  Association Declaration  of   report, we will continue with a long-term evaluation
            Helsinki guidelines. Of our patients, 24% used their voce   in future, with more patients). For the subjective
            professionally. All 19 patients were studied before and 6   evaluation, our modified version of Voice Handicap Index
            months after surgery. The same surgeon performed the   Scores helped us to evaluate several characteristics of
            19 operations. Authors always used the closed approach   the personal perception of voice. We separately scored
            for the surgical procedures, performed under general   and compared each area of the translated questionnaire.
            anesthesia  with the supplementary infiltration of a
            local anesthetic with vasoconstrictor (xylocaine 1% and
            epinephrine 1:100,000). The intercartilaginous incision
            starts the procedure, and after the dissection of vestibular
            skin, the operator reduces the dorsum. Lateral low-to-high
            osteotomies and the management of the tip, performed
            with a delivery approach, complete the procedure. Grafts
            or additional procedures were never used.

            After 1 week, we removed nasal splints. This preliminary
            postoperative evaluation was performed 6 months after
            surgery (we will evaluate more patients for a longer period
            of time, for a stronger report). The study of the voice was
            performed with both objective and subjective methods.
            To  compare  the  extracted  data from  preoperative  and
            postoperative  evaluations, the results were analyzed
            with  the  Mann-Whitney  test.  The objective  analysis,
            conducted with the study on spectrograms, allowed to
            quantify the frequency levels of nasal consonants (“N” and
            “M”) and vowels (“A” and “E”) before and 6 months after
            surgery. It was conducted with a professional recording
            system and sounds were analysed using the PRAAT open
            source software. Voices were analyzed in frames of 3 s
            and for every single sound we extracted a spectrogram   Figure 1: Frequencies of “M” consonant sound (top), “N” consonant
            and studied it through a spectrographic analysis. Every   sound (middle) and “A” vowel sound (bottom) before and 6 months
            recording was performed in a quiet  room, using  the   after surgery. Data are expressed in Hertz
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