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incision to the neck incision is freed subdermally, creating   observed. Three rabbits exhibited flap congestion, which
            enough width in the tunnel to prevent flap congestion.   could be corrected by widening the subcutaneous tunnel
            The flap is fixated in the neck to avoid dislocation. The   (1.5%, total n = 200).
            incisions are closed with subcutaneous interrupted and
            intradermal running sutures with buried knots to prevent   Limitations
            wound dehiscence secondary to biting.             Although rabbit tracheal anatomy  resembles  human
                                                              anatomy  closely,  the  rabbit  is  not a large  animal
            Orthotopic transfer                               model. Rabbit trachea contains more submucosal
            Optimal revascularization of autologous trachea   vascular structures, as compared to the more glandular
            is achieved after fourteen days of heterotopic    submucosa of human trachea [Figure 1]. Furthermore,
            prelamination. [23-25]   At  this  point,  the  trachea and its   the  rabbit  trachealis muscle  encompasses only 10% of
            flap can be  transferred  to their  orthotopic position  in   the tracheal circumference, in contrast to 30% in humans.
            the neck [Figure 9]. Upon inserting the construct, it is   Also, it is postulated that rabbits have better developed
            important to minimize the amount of tension placed on   longitudinal anastomoses along the lateral tracheal wall,
            the flap. This tension can potentially create respiratory   as is the case for cats and dogs.  Another difficulty
            distress secondary to kinking of the tube. Proximal and   in the use of rabbits for study is the application  of
            distal anastomoses are performed as described earlier.
                                                              immunohistochemistry markers in rabbit tissue. Rabbits
                                                              are commonly used to produce monoclonal antibodies
            Postoperative care                                against  rodent or human  epitopes. As a consequence,
            Rabbits  are  awakened  from  anesthesia  with  extra   appropriate rabbit-specific antibodies are more difficult
            oxygen via mask ventilation and kept warm. Adequate   to find, as they are often produced in the rabbit itself. As
            analgesia is provided postoperatively and enrofloxacin   in humans, a disadvantage of the rabbit’s lateral thoracic
            is administered in the drinking water upon indication.   artery is its routinely small caliber, which makes it more
            Tracheoscopy is performed weekly or in case of respiratory
            distress (2.9 mm, 0°, rigid endoscope, Karl Storz).  difficult for free flap transfer.
            PRACTICAL EXAMPLES                                CONCLUSION

                                                              This review summarizes our experience with the rabbit
            Orthotopic prefabrication                         as a versatile model for tracheal transplantation research.
            To perform studies on vascularized autologous trachea,   The advantages  of working with rabbits,  the anatomy
            a native tracheal segment can be wrapped with lateral
            thoracic fascia prior to manipulation [Figure 10]. After   of the  rabbit  trachea and the  reliability  of the  lateral
                                                              thoracic artery flap make this model the authors’ gold
            two weeks of prefabrication, the autologous tracheal   standard. Additionally, the pedicled lateral thoracic
            segment is vascularized and can be manipulated safely
            on the lateral thoracic pedicle.                  artery flap can be used for various reconstructive
                                                              procedures and prelamination  studies.  The data
            Heterotopic prelamination                         presented  in  this  review  represent  the  fundaments  of
            Regular wound controls are planned during heterotopic   ongoing translational research in our center over the past
            vascularization. Every three days the skin is opened   twenty years. Because of the segmental blood  supply
            and the construct is exposed under general anesthesia.   of the trachea, it is unfeasible to transplant the organ
            As such, intraluminal tissue-ingrowth and mucus-  together with a well-defined vascular pedicle. As such,
            accumulation are avoided, thereby  preventing  fibrosis   the main challenge of successful tracheal transplantation
            and infection.                                    is the creation of a new blood supply. In clinical practice,
                                                              revascularization of human allotrachea in the radial
            For ethical reasons,  if orthotopic inset  is  not planned,   forearm fascia was enhanced by making incisions in
            two lateral thoracic artery flaps can be used per rabbit to   the intercartilaginous ligaments.  To further  enhance
            minimize the number of animals used [Figure 11].  vascularization of transplanted tracheae, the authors are
                                                              currently investigating pro-angiogenic strategies in their
            COMPLICATIONS AND LIMITATIONS                     standardized rabbit model.

            Complications                                     Financial support and sponsorship
            Minor complications such as seroma formation can   This work was supported by the predoctoral fellowship
            be treated by aspiration of the region of fluctuance.   of the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) of Dr. Margot
            Wound  dehiscence is prevented by using intradermal   Den Hondt.
            running sutures with buried knots, and by transferring
            the construct  to the neck during heterotopic     Conflicts of interest
            revascularization. To date, no flap failures  have been   There are no conflicts of interest.
            Plast Aesthet Res || Volume 3 || July 7, 2016                                                 229
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