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Table 1: Selected studies from systematic review and meta-analysis
                                 Recurrent   Overall   Overall   Local  Regional  Loco-regional  5-year overall survival
                               patients´series  series  recurrence  recurrence recurrence  recurrence  after salvage surgery
                                  size (n)  size (n)  rate (%)  n (%)  n (%)     n (%)            (%)
             Schwartz et al.  2000  38      135*   28%        -         -          -             21%
             Kowalski  2002        214      513   41.7%*      -     82 (38.3%)     -            31-36%
             Lin et al.  2004      56       191   29.3%*      -         -          -            38-60%
             Agra et al.  2006     246       -       -    154 (62.6%)  59 (24%)  33 (13.4%)      32%
             Koo et al.  2006      36       127    28%     15 (41.7%)  13 (36.1%)  3 (8.3%)      38%
             Brown et al.  2007    98       462    21%     48 (59.2%)  34 (34.7%)  16 (16.3%)      -
             Liao et al.  2008     272      953    28.5%  133 (48.9%) 139 (51.1%)  -             36%
             Lim and Choi  2008    16        76    21%     5 (31.2%)  8 (50%)   2 (12.5%)        36%
             Zafereo et al.  2009  434      1681   26%    199 (45.8%) 53 (12.2%)   -             28%
             Kernohan et al.  2010  117     533    22%*    39 (33.3%)  38 (32.5%)  -             50%
             Sklenicka et al.  2010  24     157    15%     11 (45.8%)  9 (37.5%)  1 (4.1%)       48%
             Kostrzewa et al.  2010  72      -       -        -         -          -             44%
             Goto et al.  2016     69        -       -        -         -          -            48-86%
             Overall results a    1,692      -     26%      47.3%     35.1%      10.9%           40.2%
             (González-García,                                                                (37.5-42.9%)
            *Indirectly calculated by the author from data provided in respective publications;  Overall results from recalculation of variables in previous
            analyzed studies, considering only articles with available data in relation to each particular variable
            for inclusion/exclusion criteria and treatment protocols   survival after recurrence than those not previously
            among institutions. All these features make quantitative   treated, and concluded that patients with neck recurrences
            analysis of results difficult if bias wants to be dismissed.   have a poor prognosis despite salvage surgery.
            The following paragraphs in the results section will deal
            with the description of the main results provided by the   In a series of 191 patients receiving curative intended
            authors of the 13 selected papers in a chronologic manner   surgery for SCC of the oral cavity, Lin et al.  isolated 56
            [Table 1]. Further qualitative analysis of these results will   patients with recurrence, for whom salvage surgery was
            be individually approached in the discussion section.  performed. By defining “early recurrence” as a localized
                                                              tumor less than 4 cm, without bone invasion in the
            Up in the beginning of the 21st century, Schwartz et al.  in a   computed tomography (CT)-scan, and “late recurrence”
            retrospective study about 38 patients that had developed   as a tumor larger than 4 cm with bone invasion that
            recurrence of oral cavity SCC, reported an overall   presented as a lymph neck node or a diffuse invasion in
            recurrence rate of 28%, with a local recurrence of 58%, a   the CT scan, they found a 5-year disease-free survival rate
            loco-regional recurrence of 27% and an isolated regional   of 24%, with 32% of patients free of disease if an early
            recurrence of 16%. With an overall salvage cure rate of   recurrence was detected, in comparison to only 16% of
            21%, they found that those patients receiving surgery   patients free of disease if a late recurrence was treated.
            as salvage treatment modality significantly improved   They also reported an acceptable overall 5-year survival
            in terms of survival time with respect to those treated   rate of 60% for early recurrences, in contrast to 38% if
            with chemotherapy and/or RT, while cure rate trended   recurrences were late.
            to signification (P = 0.08). Interestingly, primary tumor
            staging was predictive for improved survival time but not   Agra et al.,  in 2006, studied 246 patients with recurrent
            for improved cure rate, while recurrent tumor staging   SCC of the oral cavity and oropharynx who underwent
            was not predictive for any of them. In a general approach,   salvage surgery from a single institution. They found a
            among patients with recurrence, those who had primary   statistical significant better 5-year overall survival in favor
            tumors stage I-II, those having recurred after 6 months   of: (1) early (I/II) (43.6%) versus late recurrent clinical tumor,
            of initial treatment and those being amenable to surgical   node, and metastasis stages (III/IV) (29.1%), P = 0.027;
            resection had better prognosis.                   (2) disease free interval more than 1 year (42.1%) versus
                                                              less than one year (26.7%), P = 0.023; and (3) previous
            Kowalski et al.,  in a series of 513 patients with OSCC,   treatment by surgery alone (39.3%) versus surgery followed
            observed an overall recurrence rate of 41.7%, with 82 (16%)   by RT (26.1%) or RT alone (25.3%), P = 0.028. There were
            patients showing a regional recurrence. Only 36 (44%)   no differences in relation to survival according to the
            patients were amenable to salvage surgery, with an overall   period of admission, sex, age, type of recurrence, and
            survival after salvage surgery of 31% to 36%, depending   status of surgical margins. Patients with recurrent cancer
            on the location of the recurrence in the ipsi- or contra-  of the oral cavity showed a higher 5-year overall survival
            lateral neck. The authors found that patient’s previously   rate than patients with recurrent oropharyngeal cancer
            undergoing treatment of the neck experimented a poorer   (33.6% vs. 25.6%), although this difference was not
            Plast Aesthet Res || Volume 3 || June 24, 2016                                                191
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