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Figure 5: Recurrent oral squamous cell carcinoma of the buccal mucosa. (A) Intraoral view of the tumor; (B) intraoperative view of the resection; (C)
           reconstruction with an antero-lateral thigh flap; (D) intraoperative view of the reconstructed defect
           elective  neck dissection  is  advised  by  a  supraomohyoid   technical, medical and ethical problems involved.
           neck dissection as an effective method to control cervical
           metastases [Figure 2]; (6) the rate of metastases in patients   In summary, these and several other conclusions  can be
           with OSCC of the upper maxilla is high and comparable with   highlighted from the reviews of this special issue. OSCC
           metastases from other sites of the oral cavity, thus elective   represents  a  challenge  for the  clinician  as  mortality  and
           neck dissection  should be  routinely  performed in  T3/T4   morbidity  still remain  high in advance-stage patients,
           tumors of the upper maxilla [Figure 3]; (7) with a variable   despite recent advances in therapies and reconstructive
           reported contralateral lymph neck node metastases  rate   options. Surgery still plays the major role in controlling the
           in OSCC  ranging  from 0.9% to 36%, surgeons should take   disease and provides the highest overall and specific-disease
           into account the detailed and individual study of risks and   survival rates, although advanced-stage disease may require
           potential benefits of elective neck dissection for contralateral   the  administration  of postoperative  radiotherapy with  or
           N0 neck [Figure 4]; (8) from a meta-analysis of 13 eligible   without chemotherapy.
           series comprising 1,692 recurrent OSCC patients, recurrence
           appeared in up to 26% of primarily treated patients. With a   This is the reason why a multidisciplinary approach with
           mean 5-year overall survival rate of 40.2%, salvage surgery   surgeons, radiotherapy oncologists,  medical oncologists
           is the first treatment  option for recurrent OSCC patients   and others is mandatory to obtain the highest  standards
           [Figure 5]; (9) the “Iberic graft”, consisting on a combined   in terms of survival and quality of life, with the Head and
           full-thickness skin  graft  obtained  from  the  volar forearm   Neck Surgeon leading this  team.  The acquisition  of new
           skin, is a reliable method for closing most of radial forearm   knowledge in relation to OSCC  may  add new weapons
           free  flap donor-site  defects, as it  provides excellent color   to the armamentarium of the clinician. This and  other
           match and pliability, while obviates the need for a second   compendiums of current knowledge about the disease may
           surgical site; (10) although prognosis of OSCC has improved,   establish the baseline for further goals and achievements in
           further studies are necessary to understand the behaviour in   the battle against oral cancer.
           every case and determine how the impact on the quality of
           life can be a useful tool to individualize therapies; and (11)   Financial support and sponsorship
           although clinical experience has demonstrated the facial   Nil.
           transplantation viability, it is still considered an experimental
           procedure in which we have much to learn to define its true   Conflicts of interest
           role in the current reconstructive surgery and resolve major   There are no conflicts of interest.

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