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INTRODUCTION                                      OR ("surgery" [All Fields] AND "oral" [All Fields]) OR "oral
                                                              surgery" [All Fields] OR ("surgery" [All Fields] AND "oral"
            Nowadays, recurrence in oral squamous cell carcinoma   [All Fields]) OR "surgery, oral" [All Fields]) AND ("carcinoma,
            (OSCC) remains the main cause for failure in oral cancer   squamous cell" [MeSH Terms] OR ("carcinoma" [All Fields]
            patients, despite advances in surgical techniques and   AND "squamous" [All Fields] AND "cell" [All Fields]) OR
            chemo-radiotherapy (CRT) protocols. In fact, treatment   "squamous cell carcinoma" [All Fields] OR ("squamous" [All
            of OSCC with radical surgery followed by radiotherapy   Fields] AND "cell" [All Fields] AND "carcinoma" [All Fields])).
            (RT) has been reported to be unsuccessful in 25% to   References were explored to identify other articles.
            48% of the cases.  This recurrence can be local-oral
            cavity or oropharynx-, regional- in the neck, ipsilateral,   A total amount of 188 studies were found using the above
            contralateral or both-, or loco-regional. Today, salvage   reported searching parameters. We only included studies
            surgery is generally considered to be the best choice   published in the English language and those dealing
            for treating recurrent OSCC patients that have been   with “squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity and/or
            previously irradiated, although cure rates are still poor.   oropharynx”, excluding those exclusively referring to the
            Also, when dealing with regional recurrences, primary   larynx, hypopharynx or other sites of the head and neck,
            treatment seems to determine overall outcome following   such as paranasal sinuses or salivary gland neoplasms.
            salvage surgery, with poorer rates in previously irradiated   If an overall approach to multiple locations of the upper
            and surgically treated necks. [2]                 aero-digestive tract was performed in a particular study,
                                                              only those locations referred to the oral cavity and/or
            Otherwise two conditions are mandatory for this subset   oropharynx were taken into consideration regarding
            of patients to undergo salvage surgery: (1) the recurrence   data output, if available. However, if no specific data
            has still to be resectable in terms of resectability criteria   was offered for “oral cavity” and “oropharynx” and only
            within the head and neck region; and (2) the patient has   general data was offered, then the series was rejected
            to be operable in terms of an aesthesiologic critera. Other   for inclusion in the meta-analysis. Articles dealing with
            eligible options are generally behind in terms of curative   CRT as the salvage treatment of choice for recurrent
            intention such as re-irradiation or CRT, while palliative   tumors were also excluded from this review. Besides,
            chemotherapy and supportive care are reserved for non-  articles specifically focusing on the reliability of the used
            curative patients.                                reconstructive method or surgical technique were not
                                                              considered if data referring to prognosis and/or survival
            In considering the treatment to be performed, especially   analysis was not performed.
            for those patients with advanced recurrences, there is
            a trend to outweigh the importance of quality of life   Then, a manual screening of articles’ abstracts was
            for the patient, even more than in the first approach   performed in order to explore the role of salvage surgery
            to the disease, in which survival is far from any other   in squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity and
            consideration, such as function and aesthetic impairment.   oropharynx from the ultimate complete 16 years. The
            Moreover if one takes into consideration that many   following technical bibliographic exclusion criteria were
            of these advanced recurrent patients may undergo a   applied: (1) case reports; (2) technical reports; (3) animal
            permanent tracheostomy and/or a gastrostomy, a realistic   or in vitro studies; (4) review articles; (5) uncontrolled
            evaluation of the probability of cure versus the generated   clinical studies; and (6) publications in which the same
            morbidity has to be evaluated and sincerely approached   data were published by the same group of researchers.
            with the patient and his/her family before salvage surgery   The abstracts of yielded results were reviewed and the
            is to be offered for the recurrent patient.
                                                              full text of those with apparent relevance was obtained.
                                                              The references of identified articles were crosschecked
            The purpose of the present study was to select and analyze   for unidentified articles. The author carefully assessed
            the most representative papers published in the literature   the eligibility of all studies retrieved from the databases.
            concerning OSCC, specifically dealing with salvage surgery   A total amount of 13 original papers were finally selected
            following primary treatment by surgery with or without by
            postoperative radiotherapy, specifically focusing in the oral   according to the provided inclusion and exclusion criteria.
            cavity and oropharynx locations.
                                                              Summary of results from the selected
            A bibliography search on MEDLINE and EMBASE databases   studies
            for studies published from March 2000 to March 2016   From the review of the selected papers, several common
            was conducted, with the searching terms: (("salvage   weakness among them have to be highlighted, such
            therapy" [MeSH Terms] OR ("salvage" [All Fields] AND   as the difficulty in establishing prospective series of
            "therapy" [All Fields]) OR "salvage therapy" [All Fields] OR   patients submitted for different treatment modalities, the
            "salvage" [All Fields]) AND ("surgery, oral" [MeSH Terms]   variation in the series’ size, and the lack of homogeneity
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