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Rice et al.                                                                                                                                                                                    Minocycline in spinal cord injury

                                                              results suggest that minocycline reduced microglia/
                                                              macrophage activation after injury.

                                                              We also determined the representation of microglia/
                                                              macrophages at the epicenter of injury. We found
                                                              that the density of Iba1 labeled cells was qualitatively
                                                              lower in minocycline treated mice (H) than in vehicle
                                                              controls (G), even though the morphology of cells,
                                                              with the majority being amoeboid, did not differ
                                                              between the 2 groups. To quantitate the extent of
                                                              microglial/macrophage  reactivity  encompassing
                                                              the lesion and remote areas, Iba1 immunoreactivity
                                                              was scored by three independent observers blinded
                                                              to treatment according to previously published
                                                              methods [12] . Agreement between observers was good
                                                              in large part and the identical result of 2 reviewers
                                                              was noted as the score for a particular section. The
                                                              blinded assessments [Figure 4I] indicated that there
                                                              was a significant difference in Iba1 immunoreactivity
                                                              between minocycline and vehicle treated mice 5 days
                                                              after injury (P < 0.05, Mann Whitney U test).

                                                              Minocycline decreases apoptotic cell death as
                                                              revealed by Tunel labeling
                                                              The number of Tunel positive cells was counted in
                                                              sections of spinal cords taken from mice at 2 and 5
                                                              days after injury. The data shows cell death occurring
                                                              at 2 and 5 days,and that minocycline treatment
                                                              reduced the number of Tunel positive cells at the latter
                                                              time point [Figure 5]. We did not address whether the
                                                              Tunel positive cells were oligodendrocytes and/or
                                                              neurons, and whether there is preferential rescue of
                                                              one cell type versus another by minocycline.
           Figure 4: Microglial/macrophage activation and infiltration is
           reduced in minocycline treated mice. Microglia/macrophages
           were visualized using Iba1 immunostaining 5 days after injury. A   Minocycline spares neurons at the lesion site
           comparison of representative sections from normal uninjured mice   after spinal cord injury
           (A, B) and SCI mice treated with vehicle (C, D) reveals that there
           was increased density of cells in the SCI tissue, as well as a more   Figure  6  displays  NeuN  labeling  in  the  normal
           amoeboid morphology characteristic of microglial/macrophage   uninjured spinal cord (A, B), in vehicle treated cord at
           activation after SCI (D). In contrast, in minocycline treated mice   5 days after injury (C, D), and in minocycline treated
           (E, F), the density of microglia/macrophages appeared to be
           qualitatively reduced compared to vehicle controls. In minocycline   mice at comparable points (E, F). While neurons were
           treated mice (F), the microglia, while demonstrating morphological   lost after SCI, there appears to be more neurons
           changes indicative of activation (i.e. shortened and thickened   preserved in the minocycline versus the vehicle group.
           processes), did not progress as much as in the vehicle animals (D).
           Finally, within the epicenter of the injury in vehicle and minocycline   To confirm this, blinded counts were taken from the
           treated animals (G and H respectively), there was an increased   lesion epicenter and areas both rostral and caudal to
           number of Iba1 labeled cells displaying an amoeboid morphology,   the injury site. Univariate analysis of variance revealed
           with a greater density of these cells in the vehicle treated mice
           compared to the minocycline group. Iba1 stained sections were   that there was a significant area effect at 2 and 5 days
           scored blinded for microglial/macrophage activation using a scale   (P < 0.001 for both), where SCI resulted in reduced
           from 0-4, where 0 was normal cord and 4 indicated the presence   neuron numbers, with the greatest loss occurring at
           of highly activated microglia/macrophages. There was a significant   the lesion site and with more spared neurons as the
           difference (*P < 0.05, Mann Whitney U test) in the morphology
           and density of Iba1 labeled cells in minocycline treated mice after   distance from the epicenter increased rostrally and
           SCI compared to vehicle (I, where each point represents one   caudally (lesion site significantly different from areas 1
           longitudinal section containing the central canal per mouse). SCI:   and 2 mm rostral and caudal from the lesion epicenter,
           spinal cord injury
                                                              P < 0.001) [Figure 6]. Furthermore, while the same
                                                              pattern of loss was present in minocycline treated
           of microglia from ramified to amoeboid forms is    animals, there was greater preservation of neurons
           indicative of their increasing state of activation, these   after SCI when compared to vehicle controls (P < 0.001
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