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Rice et al.                                                                                                                                                                                    Minocycline in spinal cord injury

           Figure 3: Increased protein levels of MMP-9 after SCI are unaltered by treatment with minocycline. A: Gelatin zymogram displaying pro-
           MMP-2 and -9 protein species (designated in figure by MMP-2 and MMP-9, respectively) in spinal cords from uninjured control mice; after
           injury, additional bands running between pro-MMP-2 and pro-MMP-9 represent the activated forms of MMP-9. Minocycline treatment did not
           markedly change the expression pattern of MMP-2 or -9 levels after SCI (A) and this was corroborated by quantification of band densities
           through densitometry (n = 6 each) from the zymogram (B); C: in situ zymography of a longitudinal section from non-injured (left, slide has
           been over-exposed to confirm the lack of signal) or vehicle-treated mouse (right, 2 days after injury). In situ zymography signal at the lesion
           site (one longitudinal section containing the central canal per mouse, n = 7 per group) is not different between vehicle- and minocycline-
           treated mice in blinded analyses (see text). MMPs: matrix metalloproteinases; SCI: spinal cord injury

           difference in net proteolysis around the lesion site   are collectively referred to as microglia/macrophages.
           between vehicle and minocycline samples (1.6 ± 0.3   The density of Iba1 positive cells adjacent to the
           and 2.0 ± 0.5 graded scores, respectively) (mean ±   epicenter of injury was prominently increased after
           SEM, P > 0.05, Mann-Whitney non-parametric test).  SCI (C, D) compared to normal uninjured conditions,
                                                              and this appeared qualitatively to be reduced in the
           Minocycline reduces microglial reactivity at       minocycline treated samples (E, F). Furthermore,
           the site of injury                                 the morphology of microglia/macrophages in vehicle
           Iba1 immunoreactivity was performed on spinal      treated mice (D) was indicative of highly activated
           cord sections to assess the degree of microglial/  cells with amoeboid morphology and thick stubby
           macrophage reactivity. Figure 4 displays Iba1 labeling   processes, contrasting the highly ramified morphology
           in the spinal cord of normal uninjured mice (A, B), or   of microglia in the normal cord [Figure 4B]. In contrast,
           in vehicle (C, D) or minocycline treated (E, F) mice   minocycline treated mice had microglia/macrophage
           after SCI. The Iba1 antibody does not discriminate   morphology that was intermediate between these
           between microglia and macrophages, so positive cells   extremes (F). As the morphological transformation
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