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Rice et al.                                                                                                                                                                                    Minocycline in spinal cord injury

                                                              the over-activation of which contributes to neural cell
                                                              death, minocycline reduces toxicity to oligodendrocytes
                                                              and neurons through potentially direct mechanisms.
                                                              In this regard, minocycline inhibits the activity of
                                                              caspases [21,22]  and the release of cytochrome c from
                                                              mitochondria [23] , which are both apoptosis-inducing
                                                              events. Minocycline reduces signaling of the p38
                                                              mitogen activated kinase pathway [6,24] , and it prevents
                                                              the activation of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase [25,26] ,
                                                              actions that contribute to the alleviation of neural cell
                                                              death. This drug has also been shown to decrease
                                                              apoptosis of oligodendrocytes through a mechanism
                                                              involving the inhibition of proNGF production by
                                                              microglia [27] . Minocycline has been reported to reduce
                                                              glutamate excitotoxicity [28,29] , to detoxify free radicals
                                                              that contribute to neurotoxicity [30,31]  and to inhibit lipid
                                                              peroxidation [32] .

                                                              A limitation of the present study is that we did not
                                                              perform neurobehavioral studies to accompany
                                                              the histological and MMP results. However, the
                                                              dose regimen employed is identical to that used in
                                                              our previous study  that demonstrated behavioral
                                                              recovery by 3 days post-injury in the minocycline
                                                              compared to vehicle group. Another limitation is that
                                                              for the majority of MMPs examined in the current
                                                              study, only gene expression and not protein amount
                                                              or activity was measured. However, protein levels of
                                                              MMPs-2 and 9 were measured using gel zymography,
                                                              and net proteolytic activity for these two molecules
                                                              were examined with in situ zymography. Despite this
                                                              limitation, the transcript expression pattern of MMPs
                                                              provides valuable information in understanding the
                                                              mechanisms by which minocycline may exert its
                                                              effects after SCI.

                                                              In conclusion, the novel findings are that minocycline
                                                              confers protection to neurons at the site of SCI,
           Figure 6: Minocycline treatment increases neuronal survival at the
           site of SCI. Panels A and B are representative pictures taken from   and that this does not involve the alteration of most
           normal uninjured cord immunostained with the neuronal marker,   MMPs. Given the neurotoxicity that can be inflicted
           NeuN. Spinal cord compression produces injury at the lesion
           site that is characterized by a qualitative decrease in the number   by MMPs acutely after SCI, and the apparent lack of
           of NeuN positive cells (C and D, day 5). Minocycline treatment   minocycline effect on most MMPs and TIMPs in this
           appears qualitatively to preserve some of the neurons within the   study, our results suggest that the combined treatment
           vicinity of the lesion site (E and F), which was verified by blinded
           counts of NeuN-positive cells at the lesion epicenter as well as in   of minocycline and a specific MMP inhibitor may
           areas 1 and 2 mm rostral (R) and caudal (C) to the lesion (G, mean   result in greater recovery than either treatment alone.
           ± SD). Panel G shows the data from day 2, and a similar pattern   Nonetheless, even without MMP inhibitory activity
           was found at day 5 after injury (data not shown); there were 9 mice
           per group, where one longitudinal section containing the central   acutely after SCI, the myriad of mechanisms attributed
           canal per mouse was examined. Univariate analysis of variance   to minocycline as aforementioned would position
           with scheffe post-hoc comparisons revealed that the difference   minocycline for further study as a neuroprotective
           associated with area (-2, -1, 0, +1 or +2) was significant (P < 0.001),
           with the number of cells remaining in the lesion epicenter being   medication after SCI in humans.
           reduced compared to adjacent regions. Furthermore, there was
           a significant group effect with minocycline treated animals having
           more remaining neurons than vehicle treated controls (P < 0.001).   DECLARATIONS
           SCI: spinal cord injury
                                                              Authors’ contributions
           reducing inflammatory activity of microglia and T cells ,   Conducted experiments, and provided results: T. Rice,
                          Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation ¦ Volume 4 ¦ November 28, 2017            251
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