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Rice et al.                                                                                                                                                                                    Minocycline in spinal cord injury
           and multiple sclerosis [1-3] . Minocycline has also   that project through the spinal cord . These studies
           been demonstrated to have beneficial effects in    are relevant to the potential application of minocycline
           the treatment of acute spinal cord injury (SCI), a   as a neuroprotective agent after SCI.
           condition for which therapeutic treatments are urgently
           needed. Indeed, a phase 2 clinical trial administering   METHODS
           minocycline in acute human spinal cord injury was
           completed in Canada with promising early results [4]  Surgery and minocycline treatment
           and a phase 3 clinical trial is ongoing (ClinicalTrials.  CD1 outbred mice were anesthetized, the spinal cord
           gov Identifier: NCT01828203). Encouragingly, the   exposed, and extradural mechanical compression of
           efficacy of minocycline in reducing tissue damage and   the cord with a modified aneurysm clip was achieved
           in ameliorating functional impairment in SCI has been   as previously described . In brief, surgery consisted of
           demonstrated despite variations in the models used,   anesthetizing mice with a mixture of ketamine/xylazine
           the species tested and the treatment paradigm [5-7] .   (200 and 10 mg/kg, respectively) intraperitoneally.
           The mechanism of action of minocycline in          Animals were subsequently immobilized in a
           neurological diseases appears not to be related to its   stereotactic frame. An incision was made in the skin
           antimicrobial activity, but rather to immunomodulation,   and the muscle and tissue overlying the vertebral
           blockade of excitotoxicity and inhibition of cell death   column were blunt dissected away. Using the spiny
           pathways [1,2,5-7] , all of which have been implicated in   process of T2 as a landmark, a laminectomy was
           the pathophysiology of SCI.                        performed at the level of T3/T4 and the spinal cord
                                                              was exposed. A rigid hook was used to clear a path
           Minocycline has also been reported to inhibit the   underneath the cord so that a modified aneurysm clip
           production and activity [8-10]  of a family of proteolytic   with a closing force of 8 g could be applied. Extradural
           enzymes known as the matrix metalloproteinases     compression of the cord was achieved by allowing the
           (MMPs). A large number of MMPs have been identified   clip to slam shut on the cord producing mechanical
           and, collectively, the MMPs are capable of degrading   trauma. The clip was maintained in position for one
           all components of the extracellular matrix (ECM). As   minute producing damage that also had ischemic
           such, MMPs have roles in several developmental     components. Following injury the clip was removed
           processes that involve ECM turnover as well as in   and the wound was closed using nylon suture. Mice
           wound healing throughout life. However, the aberrant   recovered in a room maintained at 27 ºC where they
           expression of these molecules is detrimental to several   were kept thereafter for the determined survival time.
           diseases of the CNS, including SCI  [11] . We have   Manual expression of the bladder was required twice
           previously shown that several MMPs were upregulated   daily and the food and water were placed directly in
           after SCI in mice; in particular, we provided evidence   the cage to allow ready access.
           that MMP-12 expression after SCI was linked to
           increased blood spinal barrier permeability, microglial   One hour after surgery, mice were randomized and
           activation, macrophage infiltration, and worsened   injected intraperitoneally with either a solution of
           functional outcome following injury [12] . In addition,   minocycline at a dose of 50 mg/kg or saline vehicle
           Hsu et al. [13]  and Noble et al. [14]  demonstrated that   control. Subsequent injections were given at 24-h
           MMP-9 limited functional recovery in the short-term   intervals until sacrifice. Following the second injection
           following SCI in rats, although MMP-2 had an opposite   of 50 mg/kg, the dose of minocycline was reduced
           outcome 7-14 days after injury.                    to 25 mg/kg for all remaining treatments. This dose
                                                              regimen is identical to that used in our previous study [5]
           Given that minocycline is currently in a phase 3   that demonstrated behavioral recovery by 3 days post-
           trial in traumatic SCI ( Identifier:   injury in the minocycline compared to vehicle group.
           NCT01828203), it is important to have a comprehensive
           picture of its spectrum of activity. Thus, in this   Analyses of MMPs
           study, we determined whether or not the efficacy of   TaqMan real time PCR was used to profile MMP
           minocycline in SCI was due in part to its ability to   mRNA levels as detailed [15] . Minocycline and vehicle
           inhibit the expression or activity of MMPs. In addition,   treated mice were sacrificed 1, 2 and 5 days after
           we examined the response of microglia/macrophages   injury (4/group) and 4 mice served as uninjured
           following SCI and the impact of minocycline treatment.   controls. Spinal cords were removed and a 1-cm
           Finally, we addressed whether minocycline could    segment including the injury site was homogenized
           protect against the death of neurons at the site of   in  Trizol  reagent  and  total  RNA  extracted.  One
           traumatic impact itself, since previous work has   microgram of RNA was reverse transcribed to make
           examined axons of passage and higher order neurons   cDNA. Each PCR reaction contained the equivalent
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