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Rice et al.                                                                                                                                                                                    Minocycline in spinal cord injury

           of 5 ng of reverse transcribed RNA. The 18S rRNA   were obtained for immunohistochemical analysis
           gene was used as an endogenous internal control to   of microglia, neurons and apoptotic cells using the
           account for differences in the extraction of original   antibodies Iba1, NeuN (Chemicon) and the Apoptag
           tissue and reverse transcription of total RNA. Primer   Fluorescein In Situ Apoptosis Detection Kit (Tunel,
           sequences for the TaqMan assays were previously    Chemicon). lba1 and NeuN immunolabeling to detect
           described elsewhere [15] , and statistical validity for the   microglia and neurons, respectively, was performed as
           multiple TaqMan targets has been corroborated.     previously described [12] . For NeuN labeling, sections
                                                              had to undergo antigen retrieval by boiling in 10 mmol/L
           Gelatin zymography of one cm segments of spinal    sodium citrate buffer (pH 6.5) for 10 min. Slides were
           cord was described previously [16]  as was the method   incubated with mouse anti-NeuN (1:50, Chemicon)
           of in situ zymography [17] . Note that while gelatin   overnight at 4 ºC. Biotinylated anti-rabbit IgG was used
           zymography is a technique reliant on the activity of   for the secondary antibody and staining was visualized
           MMP-2 and -9 to degrade gelatin in-gel, it is ultimately   with ABC using DAB as the substrate.
           proportional to, and thus a reflection of, the amount of
           MMP-2 and -9 in the test samples.                  For blinded Iba1 analyses, the degree of microglial/
                                                              macrophage activation was determined by examining
           While the above in-gel gelatin zymography is a     the morphology and density of the Iba1 labeled
           manifestation of protein content, the net gelatinolytic   cells. Considerations were made for the size, shape
           activity (i.e. overall enzyme activity in a milieu that   and relative density of Iba1 labeled cells. Briefly,
           also contains enzyme inhibitors) in an intact non-  Iba1-stained sections were scored for microglial/
           fixed tissue specimen can be evaluated using in situ   macrophage activation using a scale from 0-4 where
           zymography. For this method spinal cord injury was   0 was normal cord and 4 was the presence of highly
           induced in 14 mice; 7 animals were injected with 50   activated microglia/macrophages. For NeuN labeled
           mg/kg of minocycline 1 h and 24 h after, while the other   tissue, longitudinal sections containing central canal
           7 received saline vehicle at the same time points. One   were identified as well as sections about 180 µm away
           hour after the second injection, mice were given an   on either side of the center section (total of 3 sections/
           overdose of ketamine/xylazine intraperitoneally and the   mouse). The number of positively stained cells was
           spinal cord was carefully removed and directly frozen   manually counted from 5 regions of each section
           in isopentane at -70 ºC. Twenty µm thick longitudinal   corresponding to lesion area, +1 mm rostral, +2 mm
           sections were cut on a cryostat, mounted on glass   rostral, +1 mm caudal and +2 mm caudal. Unbiased
           slides and stored at -80 ºC. Sections were thawed and   stereology was not used in the blinded counts. Data
           incubated in a humid chamber in 100 mL (50 µL/s) of   were analyzed using univariate analysis of variance
           reaction buffer containing 100 mg/mL of FITC-labeled   with scheffe post-hoc comparisons. Similarly, for Tunel
           dye-quenched-gelatin (EnzCheck collagenase kit,    labeled tissue, the total number of labeled cells in a
           Molecular probes, Eugene, OR) for 3 h at 37 ºC [16,17] .   1-cm segment of cord, from a section containing
           At the end of the incubation period slides were rinsed   central canal and including the lesion epicenter,
           in PBS, fixed and then mounted. Prepared slides were   was counted. In this case, data was analyzed using
           observed using fluorescence microscopy. Sections   unpaired t-tests at 2 and 5 days.
           incubated without dye-quenched-gelatin did not
           exhibit fluorescence and served as negative controls.   RESULTS
           Samples from SCI animals were analyzed in a blinded
           manner using a qualitative rating scale from 0 to 4, with   Expression profile of MMP transcripts in
           zero representing no fluorescence and a score of 4   minocycline and vehicle treated SCI animals
           depicting maximal in situ zymography signal.       The expression profile of 20 MMPs was examined by
                                                              TaqMan PCR in mouse spinal cord following injury.
           Immunohistochemistry                               Figure 1 shows that transcripts encoding MMP-3, -7,
           Spinal cord compression was performed in 36 mice   -10, -11, -12, -13, -19, -20 and -21 were elevated after
           as described above. Mice were randomly treated with   spinal cord injury compared to uninjured controls,
           either minocycline or vehicle and survived for 2 or 5   while those of MMP-23 and -24 were reduced.
           days (n = 9/group). Animals were given an overdose of   Compared to vehicle treated SCI samples, minocycline
           ketamine/xylazine and the spinal cords were excised   administration had no significant effect on altering the
           and post-fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin    MMP transcripts at 1, 2 and 5 days after injury.
           and subsequently embedded in paraffin wax. Six
           micrometer thick sections were cut on a microtome   We also measured transcripts encoding physiological
           and collected at a frequency of 1:10. Three series   antagonists of MMPs, the 4 tissue inhibitors of
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