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Li et al.                                                                                                                                                                                                    Sparganosis of the brain

           surgical removal of the sparganosis from the infested   Critically revising the article: Q. Xie
           site of the brain. Both stereotactic aspiration and an   Reviewed submitted version of manuscript: X.C.
           opening craniotomy were used by neurosurgeons. The   Chen, Y. Gong
           goal of surgery is to completely remove the granuloma   Approved the final version of the manuscript on behalf
           along with the larval. Deng et al. [26]  reported a series   of all authors: Q. Xie, Y. Gong
           of 11 cases who underwent stereotactic aspiration   Statistical analysis: H.X. Li, S.H. Luan
           surgeries, complete removal as achieved in 10 patients   Administrative/technical/material support: X.H. Chen
           while incomplete removal in 1 patient. Due to the small   Study supervision: Q. Xie, Y. Gong
           wounds, stereotactic aspiration is recommended by
           most neurosurgeons. In the 26 cerebral sparganosis   Financial support and sponsorship
           cases of Hong et al. , 16 of them were treated with   This study was supported by grants from the National
           craniotomy, 7 of them were treated with stereotactic   Natural Science Foundation of China (81372707 to Y.
           aspiration and another 3 were treated with praziquantel   Gong) and the Science and Technology Commission
           only. None of them experienced a relapse of the    of Shanghai Municipality (16140903000 to Y. Gong
           disease. Yu et al.  reported in 8 of 9 cases of cerebral   and 15140902200 to H.L. Tang).
           sparganosis patients underwent a craniotomy due to
           lack of stereotactic equipment, with 1 patient dying due   Conflicts of interest
                                                              There are no conflicts of interest.
           to unspecified reason. Both investigators reported that
           symptom duration more than one year indicated worse   Patient consent
           prognosisafter surgery [13,18] . In our case, we used a   Informed consent was obtained from the patient
           navigation guided craniotomy to resect the granuloma   included in the study (KY-2012-019).
           as well as the peri-lesion glia proliferation zone. The
           symptoms resolved immediately after surgery, the patient   Ethics approval
           was administrated AED medication and 5 mg/day of   All procedures performed in studies involving human
           praziquantel for 3 months. After 6-month follow-up, the   participants were in accordance with the ethical
           patient was well without further seizures.         standards of Huashan Hospital, Fudan University
                                                              and with the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its later
           Cerebral sparganosis is a neglected food borne zoonosis   amendments or comparable ethical standards.
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