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Li et al.                                                                                                                                                                                                    Sparganosis of the brain

           Management of cerebral sparganosis includes surgical   the MRI showed an irregular hypointense lesion in
           removal of the worm as well as postoperative anti-  T1 weighted imaging (T1WI) and hyperintense signal
           parasite medication . However, cerebral sparganosis   in T2 weighted imaging (T2WI). The lesion was
           cases can be cured with medication alone . Cerebral   homogenously enhanced in T1WI and with largeperi-
           sparganosis has a good prognosis after treatment .   lesion edema. MR perfusion showed increased blood
           Here, we report a case of a cerebral S mansonoides   flow in the lesion area while spectroscopy showed
           infection and provide a brief review of the literature.  an increased peak of choline (Cho) and decreased
                                                              peak of  N-acetyl-aspartate (NAA)  [Figure 1]. A
           CASE REPORT                                        cerebral parasitic infection was suspected since the
                                                              patient was from the endemic area with a previous
                                                              history of eating undercooked frogs. Blood and
           History and examination                            cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples were sent to the
           A 29-year-old female patient was admitted to the   China Institute of Parasite Research for detection,
           department of Neurosurgery due to intermittent right   the antibody for S mansonoides was positive in blood
           upper limb epilepsy and a left parietal lobe lesion. The   sample but negative in CSF sample. Another lumbar
           patient experienced her first seizure attack half a year   puncture was conducted and this time the antibody
           ago consisting of involuntary movements in the right   for S mansonoide was positive in CSF sample. A
           upper limb. She did not take it seriously and did not   craniotomy was performed to resect the lesion.
           take any anti-epileptic drugs (AED) medications. Two
           months before admission to the hospital, seizures   Operation
           became more severe and she found a migratory       A right parietal under-navigation craniotomy was
           nodule under her skin on her right thigh. She had   performed. A white long living parasite was seen
           lived in Fujian Province her whole life and enjoyed   and extracted. Postoperative pathology confirmed
           eating frogs in local restaurants. The people in Fujian   the diagnosis of S mansonoides. The patient
           Province have a habit of eating frogs, crabs, snake,   received anti-parasite medication after the surgery,
           chicken and pig meat, which are all host animals of   postoperative MRI showed complete resection of the
           the sparganosis. Computed tomography (CT) showed   lesion. The patient had no seizures after 6-month
           a left parietal lesion with large adjacent edema and   follow-up [Figure 2].

            A                        B                        C                        D

            E                        F                        G                        H

           Figure 1: Preoperative radiological features of cerebral sparganosis. A: axial view of CT scanning showed irregular edema of the left
           parietal lobe; B: axial view of T1WI MRI showed a slight edema of the left parietal lobe; C: axial view of T2WI MRI; D: axial view of FLAIR
           MRI; E: sagittal view of enhanced T1WI MRI showing an irregular enhanced lesion of the let parietal lobe; F: axial view of enhanced T1WI
           MRS showed an  increase of the Cho/NAA ratio; G: axial view of MR perfuison showed the lesion was hypometabolic; H: sagittal view of
           preoperative DTI. CT: computed tomography; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; NAA: N-acetyl-aspartate; T1WI: T1 weighted imaging;
           DTI: diffusion tensor imaging

                          Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation ¦ Volume 4 ¦ November 20, 2017            239
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