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Schindler et al.                                                                                                                                                             Microparticles in neuroimmune signaling

           THP-1 cells released MPs.  This is consistent with   is released to activate other immune cells and trigger
           previous publications showing the constitutive release   an  inflammatory  response.  Our data demonstrate
           of MPs by resting cells. [29,49]  LPS in combination with   that the monocytic cell-derived  MPs are able  to act
           IFN-γ was the only combination from the stimulants   in an autocrine  or paracrine  manner. By recruiting
           tested to induce the release of MPs above the levels   additional monocytes, this activation pattern may then
           released by the unstimulated control cells.  This   contribute  to  perpetuating  the  inflammation  present
           observation correlates well with other studies showing   in  neuroinflammatory  diseases  such  as  Alzheimer’s
           that activation can significantly upregulate MP release   disease. Peroxisome proliferator-activated  receptor
           by a variety of cell types, including THP-1 cells. [15,27]  It is   gamma (PPAR-γ) has been shown to be one of the
           important to note that IFN-γ on its own did not enhance   receptors targeted by MPs during autocrine activation
           the release of MPs, which is consistent with previous   of monocytes.  Identifying  the receptors mediating
           studies demonstrating that IFN-γ is not capable of   the cellular effects  of  MPs may provide additional
           inducing significant monocytic cell cytotoxicity in the   targets for attenuating the induced neuroinflammation.
           absence of additional co-stimulatory molecule(s). [38,43]
                                                              TFAM, a novel DAMP, activates three different types
           Next, we investigated  whether  the isolated  MPs   of cultured human mononuclear phagocytes, including
           possessed cytotoxic properties by conducting       THP-1 cells, peripheral blood monocytes, and primary
           supernatant transfer experiments, which involved   human microglia.  It  induces  the expression  of the
           exposing  THP-1  cells  to  MPs  (10  μg  protein/mL)   pro-inflammatory  cytokines  IL-1β, IL-6, and IL-8.
           isolated  from  THP-1 cells  that had  been  stimulated   Therefore, we decided  to investigate an additional
           with IFN-γ alone or in combination with LPS for 48 h.   mechanism of action of TFAM by elucidating the role
           Our  data  indicate that  MPs  derived from  IFN-γ  plus   of  MPs in  TFAM-induced microglial  toxicity towards
           LPS-stimulated  THP-1 cells possess the ability to   neuronal cells. Moreover, to our knowledge, the role
           induce monocytic cell toxicity, while MPs derived from   of DAMPs such as TFAM or HMGB1 as triggers of MP
           cells stimulated with IFN-γ  only lack this  ability.  The   release has not yet been investigated. Similar to the
           cytotoxicity of  THP-1 cells induced by MPs derived   results obtained for the IFN-γ plus LPS-derived MPs,
           from IFN-γ plus LPS-stimulated THP-1 donor cells was   the MPs derived  from donor  THP-1 cells stimulated
           enhanced  by co-stimulation with IFN-γ.  This  finding   with TFAM plus IFN-γ induced toxicity of THP-1 cells
           was expected, as IFN-γ is a critical regulatory molecule   towards the SH-SY5Y  neuronal cells, resulting in
           involved  in both innate  and  acquired  immunity  that   decreased cell viability.
           has been shown to modulate the immune response of
           phagocytic cells.  Stimulation with IFN-γ on its own   MPs were also investigated for their ability to induce the
           did not induce monocytic cell toxicity towards neuronal   release of pro-inflammatory cytokines by THP-1 cells.
           cells, reinforcing the idea that IFN-γ requires additional   Only MPs derived from IFN-γ plus LPS-stimulated
           co-stimulatory  molecules  to  achieve  significant   THP-1 cells induced the release of MCP-1 above the
           monocytic cell activation and secretion of cytotoxins.   levels of the unstimulated control cells. MCP-1 is a
           Since only the MTT assay was performed on SH-SY5Y   potent chemotactic factor for innate immune cells that is
           cells, it is not known whether the neuronal cell death   produced by a variety of cell types including monocytes,
           induced  by supernatants  from MP-stimulated  THP-1   astrocytes,  and  microglial  cells,  either  constitutively
           cells involved mainly apoptotic or necrotic mechanisms.   or  following  activation  by  pro-inflammatory  cytokines
           Further studies are needed to address this research   and oxidative stress.  Within the CNS, MCP-1 has
           question.We also confirmed that the cytotoxic activity of   been  shown  to  facilitate  the  infiltration  of  peripheral
           the IFN-γ plus LPS-derived MPs towards the neuronal   blood monocytes across the blood-brain barrier and
           cells was indirect, as direct exposure of SH-SY5Y cells   thereby amplify the neuroinflammatory state observed
           to MPs derived from either unstimulated or stimulated   in neuropathologies with dysregulated microglial
           THP-1 cells did not induce any toxic effects [Figure 7].  activation.   The CNS neurotoxicity associated with
                                                              inflammatory mediators is often due to their action on
           Further  studies  will be required to  determine the   microglia and astrocytes that leads to the secretion of
           molecular content  of  the MPs  isolated in these   reactive oxygen species or cytotoxins such as TNF-α.
           experiments and the  mechanism of  action of  these   These mediators, in turn, can induce apoptotic or necrotic
           MPs  including  the receptors  involved in inducing   cell death of nearby neurons. [54-57]  Yang et al.  showed
           the observed  THP-1 cell toxicity towards the SH-  that MCP-1 was not toxic towards cultures of primary
           SY5Y neuronal  cells.  A number  of studies  have   cortical neurons. In the presence of microglia, however,
           shown  that activated  cells shed  MPs containing   MCP-1 was shown to cause neuronal death. Microglia
           inflammatory mediators such as IL-1β, which, in turn,   express receptors for MCP-1, and MCP-1 was found to
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