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Schindler et al.                                                                                                                                                             Microparticles in neuroimmune signaling

           onto 96-well plates for optical density measurement at   THP-1 cells that had been stimulated with IFN-γ alone
           570 nm using a microplate reader. The cell viability was   or IFN-γ plus LPS were added to THP-1 cell cultures.
           expressed as a percent of the value obtained from cells   At the concentration tested, none of the isolated MPs
           treated with medium only.                          significantly  affected  THP-1  cell  viability  [Figure 2A].
                                                              Cell-free  supernatants from the  THP-1 cells treated
           ELISA                                              with different types of MPs were transferred onto SH-
           Concentrations of IL-6, TNF-α, and MCP-1 in cell-free   SY5Y neuroblastoma cells to determine secretion of
           supernatants from THP-1 cells stimulated for 48 h with   cytotoxins by MP-stimulated THP-1 cells [Figure 2B].
           THP-1-derived  MPs  were  measured  using  Peprotech   The MPs isolated from unstimulated THP-1 cells as well
           ELISA development kits according to the manufacturer’s   as those isolated from IFN-γ-stimulated THP-1 cells, did
           instructions. The detection limits for the IL-6, TNF-α, and   not induce THP-1 cell toxicity towards SH-SY5Y cells.
           MCP-1 ELISAs were experimentally determined to be   However, the MPs isolated from THP-1 cells stimulated
           0.007 ng/mL, 0.09 ng/mL, and 1.02 ng/mL, respectively.  with IFN-γ plus LPS induced cytotoxicity of  THP-1
                                                              cells, resulting in a statistically significant decrease in
           Data analyses                                      viability  of the neuronal  cells compared  to SH-SY5Y
           Statistical analyses of the data were conducted using   cells exposed to supernatants from unstimulated
           SPSS software (version 22.0, IBM SPSS, Chicago     THP-1 cells (P = 0.013). The THP-1 cell toxicity induced
           IL, USA) and GraphPad PRISM software (version      by the MP population from IFN-γ plus LPS-stimulated
           6.0,  GraphPad  Software  Inc,  La  Jolla  CA,  USA).   THP-1  donor  cells  was  also  significantly  different
           Randomized  blocks  design  analysis  of  variance   from the effect of the supernatants from THP-1 cells
           (ANOVA) followed by Fisher’s least-significant difference   stimulated with MPs isolated from unstimulated THP-1
           (LSD) post hoc test was used to determine significance   donor cells (P = 0.001) and THP-1 cells stimulated with
           of findings. Data are presented as means ± standard   IFN-γ alone (P = 0.048).
           error  of  the  mean  (S.E.M.).  Statistical  significance
           was considered at a P-value less than 0.05. Data from   IFN-γ enhances THP-1 cell cytotoxicity induced
           3-11  independent  experiments  for  each  figure  are   by stimulated THP-1 cell-derived MPs
           presented.                                         The synergistic effect of IFN-γ and THP-1 cell-derived
                                                              MPs on  THP-1 cell cytotoxic secretions was also
           RESULTS                                            studied  [Figure 3A].  The combination  of IFN-γ and
                                                              IFN-γ plus LPS-stimulated  THP-1 cell-derived  MPs
           MP release by stimulated human monocytic           was significantly toxic towards THP-1 cells compared
           THP-1 cells                                        to THP-1 cells treated with vehicle solution alone
           The ability of various stimuli to trigger MP release by   (P = 0.0001), IFN-γ alone (P = 0.002), and MPs isolated
           monocytic THP-1 cells was investigated. THP-1 cells   from IFN-γ plus LPS-stimulated THP-1 cells alone (P =
           were stimulated for 24 h with IFN-γ or a combination   0.0001). Supernatants from the differentially treated
           of IFN-γ plus LPS, which has previously been shown   THP-1 cells were transferred onto SH-SY5Y cells
           to induce maximal stimulation of these cells.  THP-1 cell   and their viability was assessed after 72 h incubation.
           supernatants were collected and MPs isolated using   Figure 3B illustrates that the cytotoxicity of MPs derived
           differential centrifugation. Representative scatter plots   from IFN-γ plus LPS-stimulated THP-1 donor cells was
           shown on Figure 1A-C illustrate that MPs were released   enhanced by IFN-γ being present during the incubation
           by unstimulated and stimulated THP-1 cells as shown   of THP-1 cells with these MPs.
           by the Annexin-V positive events within the MP size
           gate. The number of MPs released per million THP-1   MPs derived from TFAM plus IFN-γ-stimulated
           cells was calculated. Figure 1D shows that significantly   THP-1 cells induce cytotoxicity of THP-1 cells
           more MPs were  released  by  THP-1 cells stimulated   The  ability  of  MPs  derived  from  TFAM-stimulated
           with a combination of IFN-γ plus LPS compared to cells   monocytic THP-1  cells  to  induce  cytotoxic  secretions
           stimulated with IFN-γ alone (P = 0.001) or unstimulated   from  THP-1 cells was also investigated. MTT assay
           cells (P = 0.001).                                 showed no toxicity of the isolated MPs towards THP-1
                                                              cells at the concentration tested [Figure 4A]. Treatment
           Effects of THP-1 cell-derived MPs on THP-1         of THP-1 cells with MPs isolated from TFAM-stimulated
           monocytic cell viability and their toxic secretions  THP-1 donor cells did not cause secretion of cytotoxins
           Next,  we studied whether  MPs  derived from       by  THP-1 cells. However, MPs from  THP-1 cells
           unstimulated  and stimulated  THP-1 cells induce   stimulated with  TFAM in combination with IFN-γ
           cytotoxicity of THP-1 cells in a paracrine fashion. MPs   induced THP-1 cell cytotoxicity resulting in a statistically
           derived  from unstimulated  THP-1 cells (control) or   significant decrease in SH-SY5Y cell viability compared
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