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Schindler et al.                                                                                                                                                             Microparticles in neuroimmune signaling

           Figure 5: MPs isolated from IFN-γ plus LPS-stimulated human   Figure 6: MPs isolated from IFN-γ plus LPS-stimulated THP-1
           monocytic THP-1 donor cells are not directly toxic to human neuronal   donor cells increase MCP-1 secretion by THP-1 cells. *P = 0.004
           SH-SY5Y cells. MPs: microparticles; LPS: lipopolysaccharide  vs. unstimulated. MPs: microparticles; LPS: lipopolysaccharide
           which  have  been  widely  used  to model  human   different combinations of cytokines and inflammatory
           macrophages (including  microglia) and human       mediators including IFN-γ and LPS. [38,44,46]  Our previous
           neurons, respectively. [38-43]  Moreover, the neurotoxicity   studies show that high concentrations of LPS (such as
           induced by  THP-1 cells in these experiments has   0.5 μg/mL used in this study) in combination with IFN-γ
           been demonstrated to be very similar to that of human   induce maximum activation of  THP-1 cells; however
           microglia derived from  post mortem brain tissues.    lower concentrations of LPS (e.g. 0.5 ng/mL) can also
           Additionally, Combs  et al.  showed that stimulated   be used. [47,48]
           primary  murine microglia  cause  toxicity toward
           mouse  embryonic  neurons  in a manner  very similar   First, to confirm that MPs could be released by our model
           to the actions  of stimulated  THP-1 cells.  Activation   of activated microglia, IFN-γ alone or in combination
           of  THP-1  cells  characterized  by  upregulated  pro-  with LPS was added to human THP-1 monocytic cells
           inflammatory cytokine and cytotoxin secretion resulting   for 24 h. Following incubation, the released MPs were
           in significantly reduced survival of SH-SY5Y cells has   isolated  by  differential  centrifugation  and  analyzed
           been achieved previously by stimulation with several   by flow cytometry. Both unstimulated and stimulated

           Figure 7: Flow diagram of the experimental procedure utilized in this study to determine whether MPs derived from THP-1 donor cells
           induce THP-1 cell neurotoxicity and cytokine secretion in an autocrine or paracrine manner. MPs: microparticles
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