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Schindler et al.                                                                                                                                                             Microparticles in neuroimmune signaling

           to  other  endogenous molecules such as damage-    DAMPs with immunomodulatory  properties similar
           associated molecular patterns  (DAMPs)  released by   to HMGB1 or  TFAM. [15,29,30]  We demonstrated  that
           damaged  or dying cells.   DAMPs  identified  in  the   human mononuclear phagocytes release MPs when
           CNS include the  DNA-binding proteins high-mobility   activated  by  pro-inflammatory  molecules.  We  also
           group box 1 (HMGB1) and mitochondrial transcription   showed that THP-1 monocytic cell-derived MPs act in
           factor A (TFAM). [11,12]                           an autocrine or paracrine manner to induce secretions
                                                              of pro-inflammatory cytokines and cytotoxins by these
           Recently, microparticles (MPs) have emerged as novel   monocytic cells.
           intercellular signaling agents, which can be released
           by all brain cell types. MP release from microglia is   METHODS
           upregulated following their activation and such microlia-
           derived MPs appear to possess immunomodulatory     Reagents
           properties similar to HMGB1. [13-16]  Originally considered   Sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS), N,N-dimethylformamide
           as inert platelet by-products, MPs are now known to   (DMF), 0.05% trypsin with ethylenediaminetetraacetic
           be a heterogeneous population of membrane-derived   acid  (EDTA),  fetal  bovine  serum  (FBS),  Dulbecco’s
           vesicles ranging in diameter from 0.1 to 1 μm, which   modified  Eagle  medium:  nutrient  mixture  F-12  Ham
           participate in intercellular signaling. [17,18]  The structural   (DMEM/F12),  penicillin/streptomycin  stock  solutions,
           composition  and content of MPs differs based  on a   bovine serum albumin (BSA),  diethanolamine,  and
           variety of factors, including the cell type of origin and   the Pierce bicinchoninic  acid (BCA) Protein  Assay
           the nature of the inducing stimulus. [18]          Kit  were  purchased  from  ThermoFisher  Scientific
                                                              (Ottawa,  ON,  Canada). Dimethylsulfoxide  (DMSO),
           As MPs can mediate intercellular  communication,   lipopolysaccharide  (LPS) from  Escherichia  coli
           they have been implicated in the regulation of various   O55:B5  and  3-(4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-
           physiological  processes, including,  cell proliferation,   2H-tetrazolium  bromide  (MTT)  were  purchased
           coagulation, and inflammation.  Recent studies have
           also identified MP involvement in disease processes   from  Sigma-Aldrich  (Oakville,  ON,  Canada).
           and the contribution  of MPs to the progression  of   Human  interferon  (IFN)-γ   and   enzyme-linked
           some  neurodegenerative  disorders  has  become    immunosorbent  assay (ELISA) development  kits for
           increasingly evident. [20-24]  Elevated levels of MPs have   IL-6, tumor necrosis factor  (TNF)-α,  and monocyte
           been detected in the plasma and cerebrospinal fluid of   chemoattractant  protein-1  (MCP-1)  were  purchased
           individuals suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, multiple   from Peprotech (Embrun,  ON, Canada).  The FITC
           sclerosis, and cerebral malaria. [20,25,26]        Annexin-V  Apoptosis Detection Kit  was purchased
                                                              from BD Biosciences  (Mississauga, ON,  Canada).
           Upon activation by adenosine triphosphate, microglia   Nanobead  NIST  traceable  particle  size  standards
           and astrocytes have been  found to release  MPs    were purchased from Polysciences Inc.  (Warrington,
           carrying  the  pro-inflammatory  cytokine  interleukin   PA,  USA).  Recombinant  human  TFAM  was  a  gift
           (IL)-1β. [15,27]   Moreover,  microglia-derived  MPs  have   from  Dr.  K. Wolthers (University of British Columbia
           been shown to transfer inflammatory stimuli to other   Okanagan Campus, Kelowna, BC, Canada).
           microglial cells, which then express pro-inflammatory
           genes such as IL-1β  and IL-6.   These  findings   Cell culture models
           suggest that inflammatory mediators may be liberated   The human monocytic THP-1 cell line was purchased
           from glia-derived MPs and subsequently interact with   from the  American  Type Culture Collection  (ATCC,
           surrounding cells, thus contributing to the neurotoxic   Manassas, VA, USA). The human neuroblastoma SH-
           environment observed in neuroinflammatory diseases.   SY5Y cell line was donated by Dr. R. Ross (Department
           Therefore, elucidating MP  involvement in glial cell-  of Biological  Sciences, Fordham University,  Bronx,
           mediated  neuroinflammation  may  identify  additional   NY,  USA). Cell cultures were grown in DMEM/F12
           targets for the development of therapeutic strategies   media containing 10% FBS, penicillin (100 U/mL) and
           aimed  at  neuropathologies  with  neuroinflammatory   streptomycin  (100  μg/mL),  and  incubated  at  37°C  in
           components.                                        humidified 5% CO  and 95% air atmosphere.
           Although MP release by all major CNS cell types has   MP isolation
           been  demonstrated,  the role of MPs as mediators   MPs were isolated using previously published
           in glia-neuron communication remains  to be fully   protocols,  which  were  modified  as  follows. [15,27,31]
           characterized. [15,16,27]  Since MP release is upregulated   Human monocytic THP-1 cells were counted using a
           upon activation  and during apoptosis or  necrosis;   hemocytometer, centrifuged  for 7 min at  450  g, and
           we  hypothesized  that  MPs  may  act  as  endogenous   seeded into 12-well plates at 0.5 million cells/mL in
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