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Konsman                                                                                                                                                                              Immune-brain circuits and behavior

           response to infection, one may wonder how come then   temperature is regulated by the preoptic hypothalamus,
           that the infected organism refrains from taking in more   this gave rise to the question how the immune system
           energy? In fact, reducing food intake upon infection may   signals the brain to bring about fever when animals are
           be  an  adaptive  response  as  well  since  force-feeding   infected with bacteria.
           mice during acute bacterial infection, it was indeed
           found to increase mortality. [5]                   The view of sickness behavior as being due to a
                                                              motivation  also  implies  immune-to-brain  signaling.
           Sickness behavior as motivated behavior            Indeed, even though the brain circuits underlying every
           Benjamin Hart  stated that in a “sickness behavior”   single  postulated  motivational  system  are  not  known
           perspective “the sleepy or depressed or inactive animal is   in full detail, motivations are mediated by brain circuits
           less motivated to move about using energy that could fuel   comprising  the  hypothalamus  and  limbic  system.
           metabolic increases associated with fever”. To consider   Thus, the occurrence of sickness behavior in response
           sickness a motivation, like fear, hunger, thirst and other   to exposure of animals to bacteria also begged the
           motivational states, implies that its expression is flexible   question as to how such events are signaled to the
           depending on other motivations.  Thus, it is important   brain. In what follows the actions of the pro-inflammatory
           to show that its occurrence does indeed depend on   cytokine interleukin-1 (IL-1) on peripheral nerves, brain
           environmental conditions. Interestingly, rats that depend   circumventricular organs and the blood-brain barrier
           entirely on hoarded food for their consumption, when   (BBB), IL-1 transport across the BBB and IL-1 synthesis
           rendered sick by bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS)   in  the  brain  will  be  discussed  as  immune-to-brain
           endotoxins, continued to hoard more food, even though   signaling pathways.
           they did not consume it, than did animals injected with
           LPS that had the possibility to hoard, but also received   FROM IMMUNE-TO-BRAIN SIGNALING TO
           food in their cage.  Thus, the expression of sickness   NEUROINFLAMMATION?
           behavior depends on the external conditions and, in this
           case, likely on the motivation to hoard food. Based on   Intereukin-1 as a mediator of immune-to-brain
           these and other observations, sickness behavior is now   signaling that cannot passively cross the BBB
           considered as the expression of a motivational system   Once bacteria or their components have entered host
           that reorganizes the organism’s perception and action.  tissues, they activate innate immune cells, including
                                                              monocytes-macrophages and neutrophils, to generate
           Sepsis-associated encephalopathy and               an inflammatory response mediated by cytokines, such
           delirium                                           an interleukin-1β (IL-1β). [12,13]  Peripheral injection of IL-
           Septic encephalopathy or brain dysfunction occurs in   1β mimics the symptoms of sickness and the signs of
           up  to  70%  of  sepsis  patients.   Encephalopathy  was   disease normally seen after infection.  Conversely,
           replaced by delirium due to a general medical condition   systemic  administration  of  the  naturally  occurring
           in Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-  IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) alleviates or blocks
           IV and described as a disturbance in consciousness   systemic bacterial LPS-induced fever in rats. [15,16]
           or perception or change in cognition characterized   In addition, peripheral IL-1ra also attenuates the
           by  reduced  ability  to  focus  or  sustain  attention  and   reduction in locomotor activity and social interactions
           fluctuating  changes  in  mental  status,  ranging  from   after systemic LPS injection.  Thus, IL-1 mediates, at
           confusion to coma. However, functioning of the entire   least in part, fever and sickness behavior when these
           neuraxis and peripheral nerves can be disturbed    occur  in  response  to  the  administration  of  bacterial
           during sepsis. Indeed, abnormal or slowed postural or   LPS. However, the fact that IL-1 is a hydrophilic large
           protective reflexes have often been reported to occur   peptide of 17 kDa means that it cannot passively cross
           during sepsis. [8-10]  Therefore, and notwithstanding the   the BBB separating the brain parenchyma from blood.
           fact that sickness behavior can clearly be adaptive in   Consequently,  proposing  and  testing  IL-1-mediated
           response to an acute infection, it should also be clear   immune-to-brain signaling pathways became a topic of
           that during severe sepsis important cerebral dysfunction   intense research activity from the 1990s onwards.
           can occur.
                                                              Circulating IL-1 acting in brain circumventricular
           Why immune-to-brain signaling?                     organs lacking a BBB
           Fever  can  be  defined  as  “a  state  of  elevated  core   In the early 1980s, antipyretics were already known to
           temperature” that is “due to an elevation of the set-point   inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandins, a family of small
           of  body  temperature,  according  to  which  the  higher   lipophilic mediators. IL-1 was subsequently found to
           temperature is  actively  established  by  the  operation   induce the formation of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) by
           of thermo-effectors”.  Since the set-point of body   stimulating the synthesis of the rate-limiting enzyme
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