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Lira-Diaz et al.                                                                                                                                                                          Emerging roles of microglia cells

           epithelial layer located in the lateral walls of the lateral   that migrate to the olfactory bulb  through  the rostral
           ventricles.  In the adult V-SVZ, three cell populations   migratory stream and become mature interneurons.
           have  been  identified:  type-B  cells,  type-C  cells  and
           type-A cells.  The putative neural stem cell (NSC) is   THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN
           the type-B cell, an astroglial cell that can be identified   MICROGLIA CELLS AND THE V-SVZ
           by the expression of the glial fibrillary acidic protein,
           glutamate  aspartate transporter, brain  lipid  binding   In the adult brain microglia cells are present all along
           protein,  platelet-derived  growth  factor  receptor  α,   the V-SVZ [Figure 1] and remain in an intimate contact
           CD133, Id1, Tailless, vascular cell adhesion molecule 1,   with niche cells.   The  first  interaction  between  the
           epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), and others. [4,5]    V-SVZ and microglia  begins  when microglia  cells
           The  activation  of  B1  cells  depends  on  signaling   begin to  populate the embryonic brain.  At  the  early
           pathways including sonic hedgehog, wingless-related   stages of brain development an excessive number of
           integration site, Notch, bone morphogenetic proteins,   neurons are produced. This surplus of neurons needs
           ephrins,  retinoic acid, betacellulin,  stromal derived   to be eliminated and microglia cells are the responsible
           factor-1, pigment epithelium-derived factor and some   effectors  of  that  function.  Thus microglial  cells are
           intrinsic signals (Peroxiredoxin 1, sulfur oxide 2,   crucial to maintain the balance of neurons and normal
           arsenic-resistance 2, scute homolog 1, neuron-glia 2,   postnatal brain development.
           Oligodendrocyte lineage transcription factor 2). [4,5]  After
           activation,  type-B1  cells  produce  transit-amplifying   In the adult V-SVZ microglia  cells  stimulate
           progenitors (type-C cells) that express the EGFR and   neurogenesis  by releasing  soluble factors  within
           the transcription factors Dlx2  and  Mash1. [5,6]  Type-C   the  niche.   This  is  a  very  complex process that
           cells divide and give rise to neuroblasts (type-A cells)   requires the molecular feedback between NSCs and
                                                              microglia cells,  which release and express a  myriad
                                                              of molecules,  such as: CD200,  vascular  endothelial
                                                              growth  factor,  transforming  growth  factor  β  in  NSCs
                                                              and CD200R, reactive nitrogen species/reactive
                                                              oxygen species, insulin-like  growth factor  1,  tumour
                                                              necrosis  factor-α,  Toll-like  receptor-9,  chemokine
                                                              fractalkine, chemokine fractalkine receptor (CX3CR1),
                                                              adenosine  triphosphate-sensitive  potassium channel
                                                              IL-1β,  leukemia  inhibitory  factor,  interferon-Ɣ. [7,8,9]  In
                                                              the V-SVZ,  microglia  cells presents certain degree
                                                              of  activation level and constantly  release cytokines
                                                              and neurotrophic  factors with respect to other brain
                                                              areas.  This phenomenon  suggests that NSCs are
                                                              regulated by microglia cells. All of these events occur
                                                              under physiological conditions, but under pathological
                                                              circumstances  these  signals  can  be  magnified. After
                                                              activation, microglia cells enter into a  phagocytic
                                                              state to remove cell debris and damaged. Phagocytic
                                                              microglia releases neurotrophic factors and cytokines
                                                              that activate NSCs, thus trigger cell survival and neural
                                                              regeneration  after  lesion. Microglial  phagocytosis
                                                              is one of the principal  mechanisms to regulate and
                                                              preserve the homeostasis in the production of neural
                                                              progenitors  in the postnatal brain. Microglia  also
                                                              eliminates aberrant cells that might later give rise to
                                                              malignant cells or brain tumors.
           Figure 1: Microglia cells in the adult V-SVZ of mouse brain.
           Schematic bran section: The adult V-SVZ is the neurogenic
           niche lining the lateral walls of the lateral ventricles (LV).    THE V-SVZ/ROSTRAL MIGRATORY
           Photomicrography: Microglia cells labeled with anti-Iba1 antibodies   STREAM MICROGLIA AND THEIR ROLE IN
           and revealed with 3,3’-Diaminobenzidine (DAB) technique. At
           resting stage, these cells exhibit ramified cell morphology and   THE V-SVZ
           numerous thin processes. Note that microglia cells are more
           abundant in the V-SVZ as compared to adjacent brain regions:
           corpus callosum (CC) and striatum (Str). These cells are also in   In a recent report, Xavier  et al.  demonstrate the
           close contact with blood vessels (BV). Bar = 20 µm  presence of a microglial subpopulation in the V-SVZ
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