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Mohan                                                                                                                                                                                  Interleukin-1beta: a common thread

           astrocytes become activated in OIH. [5]            condition. Recent data has  shown that  prolonged
                                                              treatment with morphine doubled the duration of pain
           Long-term  potentiation  (LTP) is a sensitization  of   associate  with nerve injury  independent  of  opioid-
           synapse  (homo- and heterosynaptic) that enhances   receptor selectivity.  Morphine-mediated persistence
           the strength of the synapse and its signal transduction.   of pain  was  attenuated following co-administration
           Increase LTP can cause hypersensitivity and may lead   with the IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra).  Prolonged
           to hyperalgesia and has been shown to be involved   morphine use can activate glial toll-like receptors such
           in OIH.  In  addition to glutamate-NMDA receptor   as the toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) which following priming
           mediated  LTP in OIH, glial  cells  and  released  pro-  ensures neurotoxicity, immune mediated amplification
           inflammatory  mediator  have  also  been  implicated  in   of  nociceptive signaling  in  the  spinal cord. [5,21-23]
           LTP in OIH. For example, cytokines interleukin-1beta   Evidence has also shown that morphine can directly
           (IL-1β)  and  tumor  necrosis  factor-α  (TNF-α)  can   compromise opioid-induced  analgesia  by promoting
           enhance post-synaptic potentials leading to neuronal   proinflammation  via  a  TLR4  dependent  mechanism
           excitation in the spinal cord. Cytokines in the central   and can potentiate mechanical allodynia. [24,25]
           nervous  system act mostly through  the activation  of
           glial cells to  induce the  release of  other mediators   Reactive microglia has been implicated in playing a key
           that trigger LTP and hyperexcitability or neurons that   role in morphine-mediated  persistent pain conditions
           leads to OIH.  The  pro-inflammatory  cytokine,  IL-1β   as demonstrated with the use of glial cell blockers. [26-29]
           plays a major role in host defense and inflammation   It is noteworthy that while there are many reports that
           and  is  associated  with  inflammatory  pain  and  opioid   have described the importance of neuroinflammation in
           analgesia. In rodent models, peripheral administration   analgesic tolerance, since 2002 only a dozen few have
           of IL-1β produced hyperalgesia and reduced morphine   focused on immune mechanism for OIH with four of
           analgesia while contributing to morphine tolerance. [8,9]    the studies showing that the blockade of IL-1β reduced
           At  the  molecular  level,  the  interaction  of  IL-1β  and   OIH. [30-33]  In astrocytes, morphine exposure has
           the opioid system is shown by the finding that IL-1β   shown to trigger astrocytes activation and lead to the
           increased  the levels  of mu opioid  receptor  (MOR)   upregulation of IL-1β.  Also, more recently, ultra-low
           mRNA in primary astrocytes, neurons  and  in neural   dose morphine induced OIH was found to selectively
           microvascular endothelial  cells. [10-12]  Other cytokines,   activate  astrocytes.   Together,  this indicates that
           including  IFNα,  TNFα,  IL-4  and  IL-6,  also  increase   concurrent activation of microglia and astrocytes are
           the expression  of MOR in neuroblastoma  cells and   involved in OIH.
           peripheral immune cells. [13-15]  These results and others
           show that cytokines interact with endogenous opioid   In conclusion, my hypothesis is that opioid tolerance
           systems but explicit molecular mechanisms  remain   is a consequence  of OIH.  The increase  in  pain
           elusive. Interleukin-1beta mediates its effects through   sensitivity caused by OIH masks opioid analgesia and
           the interleukin-1 receptor type 1 (IL1R1) protein, which   if this continues would lead to opioid tolerance. At the
           is a member of the Toll-like/IL-1R1 (TIR) domain family   molecular level, increased, chronic use of opioids would
           of membrane receptors.  Like the Toll-like receptors,   cause a decrease in MOR expression contributing to a
           the IL1R1 receptor signals through  a complex  of   loss of any analgesia mediated by opioids. Therefore,
           accessory proteins and downstream signaling events   in the future it would be key to determine the cellular
           including  activation of  the JAK-STAT,  MAPK,  and   chronological  order involved in increasing synaptic
           NF-κB  pathways.  Functional studies in cell lines   activity (i.e. LTP),  which is normally mediated by
           show that transcription  factors from the JAK-STAT,   increased  levels of glutamate in the synaptic cleft
           MAPK and NF-κB signaling pathways alter MOR gene   and  is removed  by astrocytes. Current  research
           transcription after cytokine stimulation. [10,18,19]  shows that the common thread that may lead to OIH
                                                              is  the  pro-inflammatory  cytokine,  IL-1β.  Morphine
           The NOD-like receptor protein 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome   alone can increase the expression and release of
           and downstream release of IL-1β are involved in pain   IL-1β from activated microglia and this increase may
           conditions such as post-operative pain, post-herpetic   disrupt glutamate homeostasis. Recent evidence has
           neuralgia, diabetic  peripheral  neuropathy and spinal   shown  that  IL-1β  can  down-regulate  the  expression
           cord injury and if not controlled can lead to neuropathic   of GLT-1 and directly elevate the levels of glutamate
           pain.   In  these  and other forms  of  pain conditions,   and trigger the release of ATP from glia.  Increased
           opioid  such as morphine remains the gold standard   glutamate,  ATP  and reactive oxygen species may
           analgesic and opioid use for  pain management has   contribute  to  excitotoxicity  and  chronic  inflammatory
           dramatically increased, with little assessment of   and therefore the cycle may continue until morphine is
           the pathological  consequences  on  the primary  pain   discontinued. Current and previous data supports the
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