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Konsman                                                                                                                                                                              Immune-brain circuits and behavior

           Figure 1: Immune-to-brain signaling pathways involving interleukin-1 in brain circumventricular organs (A), at the blood-brain barrier (B)
           and peripheral nerves (C) and substrates of altered behavior (D) during peripheral inflammation secondary to infection
           cyclooxygenase  in  monocytes,  fibroblasts,  muscular   clearly indicate that IL-1 can act in the brain to bring
           and  nervous  tissue.  Around  the  same  time,  lesions   about changes in behavior after its peripheral injection.
           of  the  anteroventral  wall  of  the  third  brain  ventricle,
           which contains the organum vasculosum of the lamina   Brain production of IL-1
           terminalis (OVLT), a brain cirumventriular organ where   As early as 1984, bioactive IL-1 had been detected in the
           the  blood-brain  barrier  is  absent,  were  shown  to   brains of mice that were given systemic bacterial LPS
           suppress the fever response to peripheral administration   endotoxin and showing signs of sickness behavior.
           of bacterial LPS or IL-1. [19,20]  In addition, local injection   In  1992,  the  presence  of  IL-1β  immunoreactive
           of PGE2 into the OVLT resulted in higher fever than its   mononuclear cells around blood vessels of the central
           administration in the preoptic area.  This led to the first   nervous system (CNS) was observed several hours
           hypothesis of IL-1-mediated immune-to-brain signaling   after an intravenous injection of a high dose of bacterial
           pathway according to which circulating IL-1 acts in the   LPS in rats.  When using lower doses of bacterial LPS
           OVLT to induce the production of PGE, which, in turn,   injected either intravenously or intraperitoneally, cells in
           modulates thermosensitive neurons in the preoptic area   the circumventricular organs and choroid plexus were
           [Figure 1A-1]. [22]                                found to synthesize IL-1β [Figure 1A-3]. [39-43]  Soon after
                                                              this,  mRNA  for  the  LPS-recognizing  receptor  Toll-like
           Transport of circulating IL-1 across the BBB       Receptor 4 was found to be expressed in these organs.
           A more general alternative hypothesis of immune-to-  Interestingly, IL-1β was also found to be synthesized by
           brain signaling was put forward after it was shown that   cells with microglial morphology in brain parenchyma
           intravenously administered radioactive recombinant   adjacent to circumventricular organs, including in the
           IL-1α  or  β  entered  the  brain  by  a  saturable  transport   arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus and in the nucleus
           mechanism  [Figure 1B-2]. [23,24]  Subsequent studies   of the solitary tract, beyond 4 h after peripheral LPS
           provided evidence indicating that transport over the   injection.  Bioactive IL-1 is found in plasma but not in
           brain endothelium making up the BBB contributed more   the brain 2 h after systemic LPS administration, whereas
           to the presence of intravenously injected IL-1 in the brain   at 6 h IL-1 is bioactive in the brain but not in plasma.
           than the contained leakage from a circumventricular   When IL-1ra was given into the lateral brain ventricle
           organ.  At the same time evidence for the presence of   at the time that brain IL-1 was bioactive, it was found
           IL-1 receptors in the brain accumulated. [26-34]  Moreover,   to attenuate reduced social exploration without affecting
           administration of  IL-1ra into the lateral brain  ventricle   the fever response after peripheral LPS injection.  The
           was found to attenuate the reduction in social exploration   subsequent finding that peripheral administration of a
           and food-motivated behavior, but not the fever response,   neutrophil-neutralizing antiserum attenuates brain IL-1β
           after systemic IL-1β injection. [35,36]  These findings thus   expression as well as the reduction in locomotor activity
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