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Konsman                                                                                                                                                                              Immune-brain circuits and behavior

           intake and glutamatergic projections from the nucleus   to infectious microorganisms or their components. [88,89]
           of  the solitary  tract  [Figure  1D]  to  the  parabrachial   However,  the  findings  of  Chaskiel  et  al.   show  that
           nuclei reduce food intake.  Interestingly, brainstem   selective lesioning of IL-1 receptor-expressing cells in
           metabotropic glutamate receptor antagonism was found   the hippocampus does not alter the reduction in social
           to attenuate hypophagia and to increase food intake   exploration after intracerebroventricular administration
           during  the  first  6  h  after  peripheral  LPS  to  a  greater   of IL-1β in mice. Thus, IL-1 receptors in the hippocampus
           extent than in vehicle-treated animal.  In parallel,   do not seem to mediate the component of sickness
           intra fourth ventricle administration of this metabotropic   behavior that involves reduced exploration.
           glutamate receptor antagonist also reduced expression
           of the cellular transcription activation marker c-Fos in   Severe sepsis may lead to neurodegeneration
           the nucleus of the solitary tract and lateral parabrachial   Magnetic resonance imaging of septic patients with brain
           nuclei.   These  findings  suggest  that  brainstem   dysfunction has indicated the presence of vasospasms
           glutamatergic circuits are part of the neuronal substrates   in the medial cerebral arteries and ischemic strokes in
           that  rapidly  reduce  food  intake  under  inflammatory   brain gray matter as well as white matter edema. [90-92]
           conditions.                                        (see for review ) Post mortem examination of brains
                                                              of patients who died from sepsis revealed intracerebral
           Potential neural substrates of bacterial LPS-induced   hemorrhage, necrotic vessels with infiltrating leukocytes,
           reduced exploration                                increased  perivascular  spaces,  microglial  activation,
           Interestingly, all intervention strategies restoring social   cerebral IL-1β and TNF-α expression, neuronal apoptosis
           exploration after intraperitoneal LPS injection also   as well as perivascular dissociation of myelinated fibers
           reduce induction of the cellular transcription activation   and demyelination. [91,94,95]  Clinical research thus clearly
           marker c-Fos in the central nucleus of the amygdala   indicates the occurrence of neuroinflammation that may,
           (CEA) and the oval bed nucleus of the stria terminalis   in turn, lead to neurodegeneration.
           (ovBNST). [46,60,66]   The amygdala and the bed nucleus
           of the stria terminalis project to the ventrolateral   Recently, several groups have employed cecal ligature
           periaqueductal gray (vlPAG) [Figure 1D] in the pons,    and puncture (CLP) in rodents to study CNS dysfunction
           the stimulation of which induces immobility and reduced   associated with sepsis. In these models, food intake
           social interactions.  Thus, c-Fos expressing neurons in   and social interactions were found to be reduced during
           the CEA and ovBNST may inhibit GABAergic neurons   the first days, while activity and body temperature were
           projection  to  the  vlPAG  resulting  in  immobility  and   altered and some conditioning learning tasks impaired
           reduced social interactions.  In addition, reduced   for several weeks after sepsis induction. [96-99]  Increased
           exploration of different environments and devices has   cerebral pro-inflammatory cytokine expression, impaired
           been shown to be associated with c-Fos expression   BBB  function,  cortical  perivascular  edema,  glial  cell
           in the ventral tuberomammillary nucleus  [Figure 1D]   activation, brain leukocyte adhesion and infiltration as
           after peripheral bacterial LPS injection. [86,87]  Reduced   well as neuronal death and degeneration in cortical
           activation of the ventral tuberomammillary nucleus may   and subcortical areas have all been observed from the
           therefore be part of the neural substrates underlying   first  day  of  CLP  onwards. [96-105]   Thus, relevant animal
           reduced environmental exploration during sickness.  models of sepsis have been shown to result both in
                                                              transient  sickness  behavior  and  in  long-term  learning
           The realization that endogenous IL-1β can act in the brain   deficits  that  are  accompanied  by  neuroinflammation
           to bring about sickness behavior raised the question   and neurodegeneration.
           as to where in the brain it binds to the signaling IL-1
           receptor to reduce social and environmental exploration.   CONCLUSION
           Although the hippocampus is one of the most prominent
           sites of neuronal IL-1 receptor expression (see transport   During  the  systemic  inflammatory  response  to  acute
           of circulating IL-1 across the BBB), no published   infection, and when in a safe environment, endothermic
           study to date seems to have critically addressed the   mammals  typically  display reduced  activity  and  food
           involvement of hippocampal IL-1 receptors in mediating   intake, increased sleep, and the adoption of a curled-
           sickness behavior. It is important to point out that this   up position.  These changes in behavior, in concert
           is  not  because  such  approaches are  not available.   with fever, are adaptive in that they contribute to
           Indeed, several groups have employed hippocampal   host  survival.  Although  the  precise  neurobiological
           overexpression of the IL-1ra. These studies addressed   substrates still need to be worked out, they are
           the role of hippocampal IL-1 in mediating responses to   brought about by immune-to-brain signaling pathways
           psychological stressors, such as electrical shocks and   that involve rapid activation of peripheral nerves and
           chronic isolation, and not those occurring upon exposure   glutamatergic brainstem circuits as well as slower IL-
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