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Konsman                                                                                                                                                                              Immune-brain circuits and behavior

           24 h after  systemic  injection of LPS suggests that   unaffected by this procedure. [61-68]  Furthermore, selective
           neutrophil  infiltration  into  brain  provides  an  important   chemical lesions of C-fiber afferents after intraperitoneal
           source of IL-1β at later time points.  Hence, brain IL-1   injection of capsaicin in adult rodents were found to
           production and action sustains sickness behavior after   also attenuate the first phase of the fever response in
           systemic LPS administration, but not necessarily fever.  response to systemic administration of LPS.  This
                                                              suggests that LPS-induced rapid fever responses may
           Circulating IL-1 inducing prostaglandin synthesis at   involve vagally-mediated immune-to-brain signaling
           the BBB                                            with later fever peaks or prolonged fever depending on
           In the early 1990s, a second form of the rate-limiting   prostaglandin synthesis at blood-brain interfaces.
           prostaglandin synthesizing enzyme cyclooxygenase
           (COX)  was  identified  and  found  to  be  induced  along   Soon after the first vagotomy studies, intravenous IL-1β
           brain blood vessels after peripheral administration of   administration was found to increase afferent discharge
           bacterial LPS or IL-1β. [48-50]  Concurrently, it was shown   activity of the hepatic and gastric branches of the
           that most IL-1 receptors in the rodent brain were   vagus  nerve  in  a  prostaglandin-dependent  way. [70-72]
           expressed along blood vessels making up the BBB    Subsequently,  vagal  paraganglia  and  the  nodose
           [Figure 1B-4]. [31-34]  This led to the hypothesis according   ganglion containing the neuronal cell bodies of the vagus
           to which circulating IL-1 acts on its signaling receptor   nerve were observed to bind IL-1ra and to express the
           expressed  by  brain  endothelial  cells  to  induce  COX-  signaling IL-1 receptor. [72,73]  In addition, spinal sensory
           2-mediated prostaglandin production, which, given   afferent cell bodies in dorsal root ganglia also express
           their lipophilic profile, can diffuse across the BBB and   mRNA coding the signaling IL-1 receptor and their
           activate prostaglandin receptors on neurons to bring   peripheral fibers respond to local administration of IL-
           about sickness symptoms. [48,49]  Testing of this hypothesis   1β by increasing their activity as well as their sensitivity
           using mice in which endothelial cells were deficient in   to heat in vitro. [74,75]  Interestingly, ganglia of both vagal
           COX-2 or PGE synthase showed that although the fever   and  spinal  sensory  nerves  express  TLRs  and  some
           response  to  an  intraperitoneal  injection  of  IL-1β  was   bacteria have been shown to directly activate sensory
           abolished in these animals, the reduction in locomotor   neurons. [76-78]   Taken  together,  these  findings  suggest
           activity was not affected. [51,52]  So, in accordance with a   that low doses of IL-1β or bacterial fragments may act
           hypothesis put forward in 2002,  BBB prostaglandin   on  sensory  nerve  fibers  to  signal  the  central  nervous
           synthesis  underlies  IL-1β-induced  fever,  but  not   system to give rise to early fever, hyperalgesia and
           necessarily sickness behavior.                     sickness behavior [Figure 1C-6].

           IL-1 action on peripheral nerves                   ACTIVATION OF NEURAL SUBSTRATES
           At least two of the classical symptoms of local    OR INITIATION OF NEURODEGENERATION
           inflammation,  heat  and  pain,  correspond  to  sensory   DURING SYSTEMIC INFLAMMATION?
           modalities  and  thus  involve  neural  activation.
           Interestingly, local IL-1β application under the skin of a   Neural substrates of acute sickness behavior
           rat paw was shown in 1994 to increase the sensitivity   Possible neural substrates of bacterial LPS-induced
           to mechanical and heat stimuli and to augment electric   hypophagia
           activity  of  sensory  nerve  fibers.  Based on these   The basomedial hypothalamus plays an important
           considerations,  IL-1  was  proposed  to  act  on  neural   role in the long-term regulation of food intake.
           sensory  afferents  to  signal  the  brain  and  bring  about   Interestingly,  lesions  of  the  arcuate  nucleus  of  the
           symptoms  of  sickness  [Figure  1C-5].  In  accordance   hypothalamus  [Figure  1D]  exacerbated  the  anorectic
           with this hypothesis, subdiaphragmatic vagotomy    effect  of  peripheral  IL-1β  administration.  However;
           was  shown  to  attenuate the  reduction  in  social   antagonizing  the  action  of  α-melanocyte  stimulating
           exploration  and  food-motivated  behavior,  conditioned   hormone, which is produced by neurons of the arcuate
           taste aversion, increased sleep  and hyperalgesia as   nucleus of the hypothalamus, on central melanocortin
           early  as  2  h  after  intraperitoneal  administration  of  IL-  receptors has been found to alleviate hypophagia after
           1β  or  bacterial  LPS. [55-59]  Reversible inactivation of   the  peripheral  administration  of  either  IL-1β  or  LPS
           the dorsal vagal complex, which contains the central   from 8 h onwards. [80,81]  These findings indicate that the
           terminals of vagal sensory fibers, by local anesthesia   overall role of the arcuate hypothalamus is to counter
           also  restored social  exploration after intraperitoneal   reduced  food  intake,  even  though  activation  of  some
           LPS administration.  Moreover, the febrile responses   of its composing neurons does seem to play a role in
           to  systemic  administration  of  low  doses  of  IL-1β  or   sustained inflammation-associated hypophagia.
           LPS were also attenuated by prior subdiaphragmatic
           vagotomy,  whereas  fevers  after  higher  doses  were   The brainstem mediates short-term regulation of food
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