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Kulkarni                                                                                                        Acute pediatric bacterial meningitis due to the rare isolate, Pseudomonas putida

           aftereffects of the meningitis in the survivors following   diagnosed as meningitis with status epileptics with
           the hospital discharge  approaches 20%. [2,3]  Risks of   the  lower  respiratory  tract  infection.  Cerebrospinal
           long-term disabling secondary results were highest in   fluid  (CSF)  analysis  showed  a  normal  white  blood
           low-income  countries,  where  the burden  of bacterial   cell  count  (0.4  cells/cumm  and  lymphocytes  100%),
           meningitis  is the greatest. Most of these reported   normal proteins (26.6 mg/dL) and elevated sugar
           results could have been averted by vaccination  with   levels (112.7 mg/dL).
           Hib, pneumococcal, and  meningococcal  vaccines.
           Hence early diagnosis and appropriate management   Gram stain did not show any organism and pus cells.
           of children with meningitis is critical as it can be difficult   However, CSF culture grew Gram-negative organism
           to diagnose  as the symptoms and  signs  are often   which on further biochemical evaluation was identical
           nonspecific especially in young children. [2]      to  Alcaligenes  fecalis.  The organism was later on
                                                              identified  as  Pseudomonas  putida  with automated
           CASE REPORT                                        identification system, VITEK 2 (BIOMERIEUX, USA).
           A 5-year-old girl, a known case of opsomyclonus    The patient was treated initially  with injection  of
           syndrome  and is therefore being  treated for this   piperacillin with tazobactum, vancomycin, meropenem,
           autoimmune  condition  with steroids for the past 2   acyclovir  and  maintenance  IV  fluids.  In  addition  to
           years, she was referred Lotus hospital on March 3th,   this, she received injection  phenytoin  followed  by
           2015,  with  the  symptoms  of  fever,  vomitings  (7-8   phenobarbitone  and anticerebral  edema measures;
           episodes) and reduced appetite for the last 48 h and   computed tomography scan of the brain was normal.
           altered sensorium for the last 24 h. She had the past   As  per  the  clinical  findings,  a  possibility  of  severe
           history  of  ataxia.  On assessment, the growth and   sepsis with septic shock was considered.  Her 2D
           the development were appropriate for her age. Her   ECHO was done and showed normal heart with mild,
           heart rate was 168/min, respiratory rate was 61/min,   bilateral pleural effusion, inferior vena cava was non-
           blood pressure (BP) was 77/38 mmHg. On physical    collapsed and dilated. Her fluid bolus was optimized
           examination, she had sunken eyes and wound over    and she was commenced on the vasoactive agents
           the knee. Her tongue appeared to be dry. Respiratory   in view of refractory shock. C-reactive protein was
           exam showed that she had tachypnea. Central        elevated (46 mg/L).
           nervous system examination showcased that she was
           drowsy and Glasgow coma score (GCS) was E3V3M4     Pseudomonas  putida  displayed  in  vitro  sensitivity to
           and hypotonia was present in the lower limbs. Pupils   amikacin,  ciprofloxacin,  levofloxacin  and  minocycline
           were  bilaterally  equal  and  reacting  to  the  light.  On   and moderately sensitivity to gentamicin and cefepime.
           abdominal exam, abdomen was distended. In view     It was totally resistant to piperacillin and tazobactum,
           of the poor GCS, she was intubated and mechanical   cefoperazone and sulbactum, cotrimoxazole, doripenem
           ventilator  support  was  continued.  Her  blood  gases   and tigeycycline. Hence the antibiotics were change to
           were monitored regularly.                          amikacin. Gradually her hemodynamics improved with
                                                              the reversal of shock state.
           Her complete  blood  picture was normocytic and
           normochromic.  The cell counts and erythrocyte     Her chest X-ray showed the right lower lobe
           sedimentation  rate were  within  normal  limits   consolidation.  She was extubated  after 6 days and
           except neutrpohils  (neutrophilia)  and  platelets   received chest physiotherapy. On the day of discharge,
           (thrombocytosis). Blood urea nitrogen, serum calcium,   March 26th, 2015,  her BP was 110/54  mmHg, and
           serum creatinine (1.2 mg/dL) and serum electrolytes   oxygen saturation was 98% and all organ systems
           were out of range. Her serum glutamic oxaloacetic   examinations were normal.
           transaminase was 152 IU/L and her test  results for
           malarial antigen  were negative. Her blood ammonia   DISCUSSION
           was within normal range. Complete urine examination
           showcased 10 pus cells/high power field whereas the   Acute bacterial meningitis  (ABM) is the dangerous
           culture results showed  that she was sterile. Routine   disease  if found  in young  children  and  has a high
           examination of her stool was negative. Blood cultures   rate of fatality and risk of neurological  handicaps.
           were negative for bacterial growth. Oxygen saturation   In the developed countries,  N.meningitidis and
           was 55%. Ultrasonography  of the abdomen  showed   S.pneumoniae are the most prevalent  cause  of the
           mild ascitis and her fundus examination was normal.  acute bacterial meningitis  whereas  H.influenzae,
                                                              N.meningitidis and S.pneumoniae are responsible for
           In view of the history and clinical features, she was   ABM in the developing countries. [4,5]
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