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Menon et al.                                                                                                                                                 Pediatric anti-GAD antibody mediated encephalitis

           INTRODUCTION                                       multifocal stimulus sensitive myoclonus. There was no
                                                              evidence of any behavioural or cognitive decline, limb
           The  spectrum  of  autoimmune  encephalitis  is  ever   weakness, seizures, opsoclonus or any extrapyramidal
           expanding, with presentations outside the distinctively   involvement with no history of drug/toxin exposure.
           symptomatic groups  being  recognized every  day.   Blood biochemistry and serology were normal. Based
           The array of intraneuronal and cell surface antibodies   on the possibility of a post-infective or a paraneoplastic
           are  fairly  well  elucidated  with  the  former  associated   immune mediated myoclonic ataxia syndrome, magnetic
           with paraneoplastic etiology and poor response     resonance  imaging  (MRI),  cerebro-spinal  fluid  (CSF)
           to immunosuppressive agents.  While the clinical   study including lactate levels, electroencephalogram (EEG)
           spectrum of non-paraneoplastic encephalitis, like   and somato-sensory evoked potentials were ordered
           anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate   receptor    (NMDAR)    and were normal.  A search for a neoplastic focus
           encephalitis and voltage-gated potassium channel   with ultrasonography abdomen and chest X-ray was
           (VGKC) encephalitis, has been well described,  the   negative. Twenty-four hours urine vallinly mandelic acid
           presentations of anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase   and  metanephrine  tests  were  conducted  to  exclude
           antibody (GAD-ab) positive encephalitis are unclear.   occult  neuroblastoma  and  urine  aminoacid  estimation
           GAD-ab is directed to an intracellular enzyme and   to  exclude alkaptonuria  was  also  normal.  He  was
           therefore considered to be the unlikely pathogenic   empirically started on a course of intravenous (IV)
           moiety in itself. However, epilepsy and cerebellar ataxia   methylprednisolone after excluding any active infection.
           represent the 2 most common neurological syndromes   Over the period of the next 2 weeks, he had resolution of
           described in adults with this antibody.  In vitro, GAD-ab   all his symptoms and the steroids were tapered off over
           from patients with neurological syndromes induce a   6 weeks. However, he presented to us 6 months later
           suppression of gamma amino-butyric acid (GABA)     with recurrence of the same complaints with much more
           release.  The diagnostic value of low titres of GAD-ab   severe symptoms along with irritability, hyperactivity and
           in a patient with a neurological syndrome is unknown,   temper tantrums. Considering his recurrent course and
           as  opposed  to  high titres as was seen in recently   apparent steroid responsiveness, a further search was
           described case series in patients with autoimmune   done  with  repeat  MRI,  including  MRI  abdomen,  CSF
           endocrinopathies, like type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM1)   oligoclonal bands and autoimmune panel of antibodies
           or central nervous system (CNS) autoimmunity, such as   including NMDA, VGKC, and GAD 65 as well as anti-
           limbic encephalitis. [2,4]                         aquaporin antibodies. His antibody panel revealed an
                                                              elevated GAD 65-abtitre of 10.7 IU/mL (0.0-5.0 IU/mL)
           The  largest  reported  cohort  of  9  adult  patients  with   by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and
           GAD-ab mediated limbic encephalitis was notable for a   the rest of the investigations were negative including
           poor response to treatment in comparison with VGKC   blood tandem mass spectroscopy. Considering the
           antibody positive encephalitis, however, only a minority   severity of symptoms he was started on a simultaneous
           had been given the benefit of immunomodulation with   course  of  intravenous  methylprednisolone  (20  mg/kg
           immuoglobulin.   Currently,  anti-GAD-ab  disorders  of   for 5 days) and immunoglobulin (400 mg/kg for 5 days)
           the CNS in the pediatric age-group are rarely reported.   with  which  all  his  symptoms  completed  remitted  in  1
           Here  we  report  a  case  series  in  the  pediatric  age   week. He was maintained on oral steroids with plans for
           group with variable clinical presentations, course and   a longer duration of maintenance and slow taper. After
           treatment response with the 2 patients demonstrating   nearly 24 months of follow-up he is symptom free with
           definite elevations in anti-GAD 65 antibody titres, adding   preserved motor and cognitive abilities and is presently
           to the evolving clinical conundrum of CNS autoimmunity   off steroids.
           in childhood.
                                                              Case 2
           CASE REPORT                                        A 7-year-old girl, product of a non-consanguineous
                                                              parentage with normal birth and development history,
           Case 1                                             presented with habitual seizures since 2 years of age
           A 3-year-old boy, product of a non-consanguineous   without any initial precipitating event. Her seizure
           parentage with normal birth and development presented   semiology was suggestive of frontal lobe epilepsy
           to us with subacute onset incoordination of upper and   with  more  than  95%  events  being  nocturnal  events
           lower  limbs  along  with  scanning  dysarthria. A  flu-like   occurring out of sleep and characterized by head and
           prodrome was noted nearly 20 days prior to onset.   eye  deviation to the  right side with right  upper limb
           Around 10 days into illness parents had also noted   abduction, clonic jerks and right facial jerks. Since the
           sudden jerky movement of extremities. His examination   onset  of  seizures  parents  noted  delay  in  subsequent
           was notable  for pancerebellar  involvement with   development as well as a shift of handedness from
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