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Menon et al.                                                                                                                                                 Pediatric anti-GAD antibody mediated encephalitis

           Table 1: Presentations with CNS manifestations in non-neoplastic GAD positive patients (bold font indicative of
           patients with paediatric GAD-ab mediated diseases)
                     No. of                       Serum Ab titre
           Author    subjects (age  Presentation                    MRI          CSF Ab   Treatment Outcome
                     at diagnosis)                Mean (SD)
           Honnorat et al. [6]  14 (40-70 years)  Cerebellar ataxia  37,300 (30,460) U/mL  Cerebellar atrophy/  Intra-thecal   NA  Variable
                                                                    normal       synthesis in 6/9
           McKnight et al. [16]  5 (3-36 years)  Chronic Drug resistant   > 1,000 U/mL in 3; > 10 U/mL in 2 Normal in all  NA  NA  Chronic epilepsy
           Mata et al. [15]  2 (20, 47 years)  Memory decline, seizures  72-87.5 U/mL  Temporal lobe HI  46-54.1 U/mL  Steroids, IVIG,  Partial benefit
           Saiz et al.    50 (13-79 years)  Variable (predominant ataxia,  > 2,000 U/mL  Temporal lobe HI,   High IgG index  Variable  Variable
           (largest series)      SPS, drug resistant epilepsy)      variable
           Ozkan et al.    2 (9 months, 6 years) Acute ataxia, status   1.48-1.79 U/mL (ref < 1)  Normal  2.16 U/mL  Steroids, IVIG  Improved
                                 epilepticus with involuntary
           Malter et al. [16]  9 (17-66 years)  Cognitive decline, seizure   1,798-12,030 U/mL  Medial temporal   29-235 U/mL  Steroids, IVIG  None seizure free
                                 (presentation as limbic            hyperintensity, PET
                                 encephalitis)                      hypometabolism
           Present series  2 (3, 7 years)  Chronic extratemporal   10.7-21 U/mL (ref 0-5.0 U/mL)  Grey matter loss with   NA  Steroids, IVIG  Improved
                                 partial epilepsy with ESES,        subcortical HI
                                 subacute myoclonus ataxia
           CNS: central nervous system; GAD: glutamic acid decarboxylase; Ab: antibody; SPS: stiff person syndrome; ESES: electrical status epilepticus in sleep; SD: standard deviation; ref:
           reference value; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; HI: hyperintenisty; PET: positron emission tomography; IgG: Immunoglobulin G; CSF: cerebrospinal fluid; NA: not available; IVIG:
           intravenous immunoglobulin; PLEX: Plasma exchange
           epilepsy with titres ranging between 6 to > 200,000 IU/mL   the  well-described limbic encephalitis. In most adult
           with only 7 out of 15 subjects demonstrating high titres   series, GAD-ab were requested at the time of diagnosis
           > 1,000 IU/mL.  This variability in serum titres is also   of type 1 diabetes more than a decade or two after the
           demonstrated in Table 1. This indicates that low titres,   onset of the epilepsy. As evident in Table 1, patients
           as also demonstrated in another case series, need   in  series  No.  2 had drug-resistant temporallobe
           not be neglected in a clinically relevant scenario.    epilepsy associated with hippocampal sclerosis,
           However, clinical and serological follow-up are likely to   with 1 patient diagnosed to have celiac disease.
           ascertain the significance of these mildly elevated titres   Patients with epilepsy reported in the largest series
           in pediatric patients reported here.               have ranged from chronic epilepsy with hippocampal
                                                              sclerosis  or  co-existent  heterotopias  and one  patient
           Table 1 reflects the rarity of pediatric GAD-ab mediated   was  diagnosed  to  harbour  GAD-ab  many  years  after
           CNS autoimmunity. In a large series, the spectrum of   the diagnosis of epilepsy following development  of
           GAD-ab positive spectrum of diseases was associated   oscillopsia with  nystagmus  and  subsequent  detection
           with  a  variety  of  neurological  and  non-neurological   of CSF oligoclonal IgG bands and intrathecal synthesis
           entities.   The  mean  age was  between 50-60  years   of GAD-ab.  Although the frequency of high GAD-ab
           in this series. In the adult population a female gender   levels in patients with epilepsy is low and ranges from
           predilection with predominant presentation as limbic   0% to 4%, GAD-ab-positive patients are more likely to
           encephalitis is noted. In contrast, presentations of both   have chronic drug-resistant epilepsy. [16,17]  Rasmussen’s
           our  patients  were  unique.  The  first  child  presented   encephalitis-like presentation has also been reported
           with a subacute ataxia-myoclonus syndrome with     in a 6.5-year-old male with type I DM who presented
           good response to steroids that was previously      with epilepsia partialis continua for days with detectable
           undescribed  in  adult  series.  This  constellation  has   GAD-ab.   The presentation of Case 2 as ESES,
           been previously noted in anti-NR1 receptor NMDA-ab   refractory partial epilepsy and focal deficits with GAD-ab is
           mediated encephalitis in addition to the well described   previously undescribed in the literature, although a report
           paraneoplastic opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome.      of onco-neural antibody mediated ESES in a child with
           The other child had refractory focal epilepsy with   neuroblastoma and opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome
           lateralizing  neurological  deficits  and  a  prolonged   exists.  While the response of GAD-ab mediated
           course of 4 years resembling a left hemispheric focal   epilepsies has been shown to be far from satisfactory in
           encephalitis  versus  a  large  malformation  of  cortical
           development. The latter’s MRI features were also more   terms of seizure outcomes following immune-modulation
           in favour of focal encephalitis in the absence of discrete   or surgery, especially in temporal lobe epilepsies,  our
           cortical pathology with the development of progressive   experience has demonstrated significant improvement
           grey matter volume loss, which may also be attributed   with  immunomodulation  during  sub-acute  worsening
           to refractory seizures and the effect of anti-epileptic   of  encephalopathy,  seizures,  focal  deficits  in  Case  2
           drugs. However, the clinical scenario was distinct from   with  chronic  extratemporal  partial  epilepsy.  Though
                                                              GAD-ab may just reflect the presence or later risk of
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