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van den Noort et al.                                                                                                                                                               Schizophrenia and sleep disorders

           schizophrenia,  as well  as patients  with sleep-wake   electroencephalography,  actiwatches,  etc.)  and
           disorders.  Pharmacological  treatment  with  first-  and   “subjective”  (e.g. self-report  inventories,  such as the
           second-generation  antipsychotics (e.g.  amisulpride,   Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index,  Munich Parasomnia
           clozapine, olanzapine, risperidone,  etc.)  is  still the   Screening,   etc.)  measurements must be used
           most  frequently  used  treatment  in  patients  with  first-  if  the  efficiencies  of  various  pharmacological  and
           episode and  long-term  schizophrenia.  However,   non-pharmacological  treatments of patients with
           mainly  because  of the adverse effects of the     schizophrenia and comorbid sleep disorders are to be
           pharmacological treatment, non-pharmacological add-  determined with accuracy.
           on treatments, such as cognitive behavioral therapy,
           are  being  increasingly  used. Sleep-wake  disorders   To conclude, many patients with schizophrenia suffer
           are mostly treated with pharmacological interventions,   from  comorbid sleep-wake  disorders.  Therefore, in
           such as benzodiazepines, zolpidem, zaleplon, etc., but   daily  clinical  practice, sleep  needs more attention in
           unfortunately, side-effects are common here, as well.    the treatment of patients with schizophrenia  so that
           In addition, non-pharmacological  interventions, such   such patients receive optimal treatment and their
           as cognitive psychotherapy, sleep hygiene, relaxation   qualities  of life are increased.  Finally, evidence  for
           therapy, acupuncture, etc., [13,14]  are used.     adding “disturbed sleep” as one of the characteristic
                                                              symptoms of schizophrenia in the DSM system seems
           Previous   research    involving  patients   with  to be mounting. [8,15]
           schizophrenia  and comorbid sleep  disorders  has
           shown that a relation exists between sleep problems   Financial support and sponsorship
           and cognitive functioning.  For instance, in a recent   Nil.
           study,  a  significant  negative  relationship  was  found   Conflicts of interest
           between the number of sleep problems and the
           working memory performance; i.e. the more severe the   There are no conflicts of interest.
           patient’s sleep problems was, the lower the patient’s   Patient consent
           working memory performance was.  However, more     No patient involved.
           research is warranted, and to date, many questions
           remain unanswered: Firstly,  how are poor sleep    Ethics approval
           and decreased  social  and cognitive  functioning  in   This article does not contain any studies with human
           patients with schizophrenia  related? Secondly,  what   participants or animals.
           role does the pharmacological  treatment of patients
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