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          time to initiate therapy.  Studies comparing in-hospital   lobe epilepsy (TLE) model, 2 weeks administration of
          initiation with outpatient initiation of preventative   simvastatin  after  kainic  acid-induced  SE  lead  to  not
          therapies have consistently shown better compliance   only attenuated microscopic morphological changes,
          over the long-term.  For stroke patients, participation   but also reduced seizure activity in the brain at 4
          in a hospital-based prevention initiative with in-hospital   to 6-month after SE.  On the other hand, 2 weeks
          initiation of antithrombotic, statin and antihypertensive   treatment of atorvastatin did not affect the duration of
          was associated with very high rates of compliance at 3   SE or development of epilepsy in electrically induced
          months.  In-hospital  initiation  of statins is associated   rat TLE model. [66]
          with high rates of continuation and achievement of
          National Cholesterol Education Program guideline goals.    There is no evidence that the neuroprotective properties
          In one study 92 statin-naïve patients with an indication   of statin will have a clinical benefit in acute epileptic
          for treatment, hospital initiation of statin therapy yielded   syndromes.
          a 93% rate of adherence, lowered mean low-density
          lipoprotein cholesterol levels from 120 to 78 mg/dL   CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM INFECTION
          and increased the proportion of patients with low-density
          lipoprotein cholesterol levels lower than 100 mg from   Simvastatin can attenuate leukocyte invasion into the
          36% to 88% at 3 months.                             central nervous system (CNS) and systemic complication
                                                              of pneumococcal meningitis in an experimental
          TBI AND SCI                                         model of bacterial meningitis rodents.  Simvastatin
                                                              treatment  significantly  reduced  cerebrospinal  fluid
          Statins have demonstrated benefit in animal models of   leukocyte counts with dose-dependent manner, but
          TBI and spinal cord injury (SCI). Statins treatment prior   did not altered cerebellar bacterial titers. The marked
          to experimental TBI was associated with reduced the   hypothermia was dose-dependently reversed by statin
          cortical  contusion  volume   and  cerebral  edema. [57,58]    treatment. This neuroprotective effects can be explained
          Statin therapy after TBI in rat decreased post-traumatic   by anti-inflammatory pleiotropic property of the statin.
          apoptosis  in  hippocampus  and   peri-contusional  Statin treatment did not result in an improvement of the
          cortex  and  increased  neuronal  proliferation  leading  to   clinical score or a reduction of increased intracranial
          improvement of cognitive abilities.  The experimental   pressure and blood-barrier breakdown. Clinical studies
          studies in preclinical SCI models also suggest that statin   of the effects of statin treatment in acute CNS infection
          treatment could significantly improve functional outcome   are lacking.
          via anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic effects. [60,61]
          Clinical evidence for the effect of statins moderate to
          severe  neurotrauma  needs  further  extensive  studying.   Some preclinical and clinical evidence has shown
          Only one small prospective, randomized, double blind   that statin therapy following SAH could be safe and
          trail of statin treatment initiation within 24 h of moderate   beneficial in terms of reducing DCI and possibly
          TBI was found.  The study included only 8 patients with   cerebral  vasospasm  and  early  in-hospital  mortality.
          statin and the 13 controls. The statin administration was   However, methodology of clinical studies was varied
          associated with a reduced duration of amnesia (hazard   and beneficial effects were inconsistent, statin therapy
          ratio 53.76, 95% CI 1.58-1,824.64), but no difference in   following SAH should not be considered standard care
          disability at 3 months.                             at this time. Statin use before ICH or before and during
                                                              acute ischemic stroke is safe and can reduce in-hospital
          STATUS EPILEPTICUS AND EPILEPSY                     mortality and improve functional outcome, whereas
                                                              statin withdrawal in the hospital after acute ischemic
          Animal models suggest that statin administration    stroke, even for a brief period, can cause early neurologic
          might  be a therapeutic  strategy for  epilepsythrough   deterioration and death. Despite  the lack of clinical
          neuroprotection in status epilepticus (SE) and      evidence for statin initiation after ICH or acute ischemic
          prevention  of   epileptogenesis  progression. [63-66]   stroke, we can achieve better long-term compliance with
          Lovastatin administration after pilocapine-induced   in-hospital initiation when statin therapy is indication.
          SE suppressed mRNA expression of hippocampal        Even though benefit in preclinical studies, there is no
          cytokines (such as interleukin-1b, interleukin-6, tumor   clinical evidence that the pleiotropic properties of statins
          necrosis factor a, and kinin B1 recepter) and reduced   will have a clinical benefit in neurotrauma, epilepsy and
          SE-induced hypothermia.  Lovastatin also decreased   CNS infection.
          cell loss in hippocampal CA1, CA3 and hilus of dentate
          gyrus after pilocapine-induced SE that is a critical   Financial support and sponsorship
          step of epileptogenesis.  In the chronic temporal   Nil.

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