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Table 4: Summary the published clinical studies for statin with acute cerebral infarct
          Study                   Study type        Size (s:n)                     Outcome
                                                                           Result                Definition
          Aboa-Eboulé et al. [42]  Observation    953 (127:826)  OR 0.76 (95% CI 0.53-1.09, P = 0.134)  Good outcome
          Marti-Favregas et al. [8]  Observation   167 (30:137)           OR 5.55             Good outcome at 3
                                                                   (95% CI 1.42-0.80, P = 0.012)  months
          Elkind et al. [43]      Observation      650 (57:593)     1.8% vs. 10.6% (P = 0.04)  Mortality at 3 months
          Greisenegger et al. [44]  Observation  1,691 (152:1,539)    6% vs. 14%, OR 0.37   Severe stroke (mRS 5-6)
                                                                   (95% CI 0.19-0.74, P = 0.004)
          Flint et al. [45]       Observation   12,689 (6,294:6,395)  22.1% vs. 33.8%, HR 0.59  Mortality at 1 year
                              Treatment pre- or during            (95% CI 0.53-0.65, P < 0.001)
          Pretreatment of statin and associated outcome. s:n: statin: no statin; OR: odds ratio; CI: cerebral ischemia; HR: heart rate

          Table 5: Outcome after in-hospital cessation of statin therapy
          Study           Study type      Size                              Outcome
                                                                Result                       Definition
          Flint et al. [45]  Observation  468 of 3,749    46.2% vs. 22.1%, HR 2.5          Mortality at 1 year
                                                         (95% CI 2.1-2.9, P < 0.001)
          Blanco et al. [46]  Randomized controlled  46 of 89  65.2% vs. 20.9%, OR 8.67   Early neurologic deterioration
                                                       (95% CI 3.05-24.63, P < 0.0001)
                                                         60.0% vs. 39.0%, OR 4.66        Death or dependency
                                                        (95% CI 1.46-14.91, P = 0.043)
          OR: odds ratio; CI: cerebral ischemia; HR: Heart rate

          Table 6: Outcome after statin initiation in acute phase of ischemic stroke
          Study              Study type        Size (s:n)                        Outcome
                                                                          Result                  Definition
          Flint et al. [45]  Observation    8,940 (2,545:6,395)    19.4 % vs. 33.8%, HR0.55     Mortality at 1 year
                                                                  (95% CI 0.50-0.61, P < 0.001)
          Kennedy et al. [47]  Randomized controlled  199:193       10.6% vs. 7.3%, RR 1.3     Stroke within 90 days
                                                                   (95% CI 0.7-2.4, P = 0.25)
          Squizzato et al. [48]  Meta-analysis of 7 RCTs  Total 431  OR 1.51 (95% CI 0.60-3.81)    Mortality
          s:n: statin: no statin; OR: odds ratio; CI: cerebral ischemia; HR: heart rate; RR: relative risk; RCTs: randomized controlled trials

          RCTs [19,20]  was included in the analysis, statin therapy   statin because of myalgia. [18]
          significantly reduced DCI (fixed model, OR 0.38, 95%
          CI 0.23-0.65, P < 0.001) and was associated with a trend   ICH
          toward reduced mortality (fixed model, OR 0.51, 95%
          CI 0.25-1.02, P = 0.06). [27]                       Although case-control studies of statin use before ICH has
                                                              demonstrated an association with favorable outcomes and
          Four single centers reported observation from cohorts   reduced mortality after ICH,  there are no clinical studies
          that ranged from 49 to 170 patients of statin therapy   of early initiation after ICH onset. Preclinical studies have
          following aneurysmal SAH. [21-24]  These observational   shown beneficial effects on functional outcome in several
          studies were considered to low quality because of   animal models of ICH. [29-31]  Pleiotropic effects of statin such
          relatively small sample sizes, heterogeneity in baseline,   as neuroprotection and stimulation of neurogenesis and
          clinical management and definition of clinical      synaptogenesis might be contributed to this benefit.  A
          outcome. A meta-analysis was performed using these   multicenter observational cohort study in Israel, including
          4-observation cohort studies, one case control study    89 patients with statin from a total of 312 ICH patients,
          and 6 RCTs which included 1,542 patients, whom 385   showed that the prior use of statins was associated with
          received statin.  Statin use after aneurysmal SAH was   good neurologic outcome at discharge of the patients (OR
          not significant associated with reduced DCI (OR 0.96,   2.97, 95% CI 1.25-7.35, P = 0.015) and reduced mortality or
          95% CI 0.71-1.31, P = 0.80) or mortality (OR 1.16, 95%   discharge to a nursing facility (OR 0.25, 95% CI 0.09-0.63,
          CI 0.78-1.73, P = 0.47). A more recent case-control study   P = 0.004) [Tables 2 and 3].  Another single center study
          with atorvastatin suggested that the atorvastatin may   compared 90-day functional outcome in 238 pre-ICH statin
          have an anti-ischemic effect on imaging, but no clinical   cases and 461 statin-free cases.  In this study, statin therapy
          benefit after aneurysmal SAH. [26]                  was associated with improved functional outcome (OR 2.08,
                                                              95% CI 1.37-3.17, P = 0.004) and reduced mortality (OR 0.47,
          Consistent across all studied, there were no significant   95% CI 0.32-0.70, P = 0.005) without an effect on hematoma
          adverse effects associated with statin use after    expansion. A meta-analysis was performed of 6 trials that
          aneurysmal  SAH.  Asymptomatic  elevation  of  liver   usedstatins before ICH and the data showed a increased
          enzyme within unexpected range was reported in 3    associationwith favorable outcomes (OR 1.19, 95% CI 1.38-
          RCTs [15,17,18]  with only 1 patient having to discontinue   2.65, P < 0.0001) and reduced mortality (OR 0.55, 95% CI

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