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Case Report

           Huge supratentorial cortical ependymoma in a

           young child: case report and literature review

           Mehdi Darmoul, Mohamed Kilani, Atef Ben Nsir, Mohamed Nejib Hattab

           Neurosurgery Department, Fattouma Bourguiba University Hospital, 5000 Monastir, Tunisia.
                                                    A B S T R AC T
            Supratentorial cortical ependymomas are uncommon in the pediatric population and extremely rare in very young children. Histologically,
            tumors of the anaplastic type are also less common in children. The authors report one case of anaplastic cortical ependymoma in a
            16-month-old girl who presented with a 7-day history of left side weakness and rapid neurological deterioration. Brain imaging with computed
            tomography and magnetic resonance imaging scanning showed a huge right fronto-parietal cystic and solid lesion compressing the brain
            parenchyma. The young child was operated via a transparietal approach with gross total resection of the lesion. The tumor’s histology was
            anaplastic ependymoma. Intensive chemotherapy was given post operatively and the patient remained well without recurrence after 20
            months of follow-up.

            Key words: Cortical ependymoma; young child; surgery; chemotherapy; prognosis

           INTRODUCTION                                        scanning revealed a huge right fronto-parietal cystic-
                                                               solid lesion mesearing 76 mm × 70 mm × 70 mm. It
           Ependymomas are rare neuroectodermal tumors arising   was slightly hyperdense in its solid component, with
           from ependymal cells of the ventricular system, choroid   thin calcifications and was well-demarcated from
           plexus, filum terminale or the central canal of the   brain parenchyma [Figure 1]. During hospitalization,
           spinal cord. They account for 1.2-7.8% of all intracranial   the patient had a focal seizure followed by rapid
           neoplasms. [1-3]  Pure supratentorial cortical ependymomas   deterioration  in  consciousness  and  right  pupillary
           (CE) are uncommon. To our knowledge, 49 cases of CE have   dilatation. The patient was transferred immediately to
           been reported, of which 16 involved pediatric patients,   the operating theatre and underwent in emergency cyst
           with only 4 occurring in very young children (less than 3   puncture with solid component biopsy. The outcome
           years). [1-5]  Here we report the 5th case of CE in very young   was good, with improvement in her clinical state and
           child, treated surgically and with chemotherapy with a   resolution of the hemiparesis.
           good outcome at 20 months of follow-up.
                                                               The brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) performed
           CASE REPORT                                         after the first surgery revealed a large cortical fronto-
                                                               parietal lesion, hypointense on T1, hyperintense on
           A 16-month-old female, with normal development      T2, markedly enhanced with contrast, with moderate
           milestones and  without other past medical  history,   surrounding edema [Figure 2]. The tumor was totally
           was admitted to our department of neurosurgery after   resected in an elective procedure using a right
           presenting with 7 days of left-sided weakness. At   transparietal  approach.  The postoperative course
           initial neurological examination, the young child was   was  uneventful,  without  complications.  Histological
           conscious, had a left hemiparesis mainly affecting the   examination of the resected tumor showed perivascular
           upper limb, a normal head circumference for age and   pseudo rosettes of small round cells with mitosis (5
           no papilledema. Brain computed  tomography (CT)
                                                               mitosis/10 fields) and necrosis. Immunohistochemical
           Corresponding author: Prof. Mehdi Darmoul, Neurosurgery   studies showed positivity to glial fibrillary acidic
           Department of Fattouma Bourguiba. University Hospital Avenue
           1er Juin, 5000 Monastir, Tunisia.
           Email:                    This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
                                                               Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows
                                                               others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as the
                           Access this article online          author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
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                                    Website:                   For reprints contact:
                                                                Cite this  article as:  Darmoul M,  Kilani M,  Nsir AB,  Hattab MN.  Huge
                                                                supratentorial  cortical ependymoma  in a young child: Case report and
                                    DOI: 10.20517/2347-8659.2015.53  literature review. Neuroimmunol Neuroinflammation 2016;3;141-4.
                                                                Received: 11-12-2015; Accepted: 25-02-2016.

           © 2016 Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation | Published by OAE Publishing Inc.                   141
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