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          of  gp38(+)CD31(-)  which  are PDGFα PDGFβ  and     Th17 cells was also found to be required to propagate
          PDGFα PDGFβ ], which closely resembled lymph        inflammation and disease progress in Th17 cell A/T EAE
          node fibroblastic reticular cells, were dramatically   model.  Moreover, increased levels of Ltαβ (LTBR ligand)
          increased in EAE meninges regardless of the genetic   on activated CD4+ T cells were found in MS patients, but
          background  of  mice.   From  in  vivo  and  in  vitro   not in healthy controls. [7]
          studies, they found that Th17 cells and their soluble
          mediators IL-17 and IL-22 could remodel fibroblasts   Collectively, these results suggest that infiltrating
          and up-regulate extracellular matix proteins and    Th17 cells remodel the meningeal stromal cells
          metal matrix proteinase 9, chemokines (murine       and initiate the formation of TLTs during EAE.
          macrophage   inflammatory    protein-3α,  murine    The remodeled stromal cells retain and promote
          exodus-2, human GRO/melanoma growth stimulatory     the production of Th17 and the accumulation of B
          activity), and cytokines in the meninges. Inhibition   cells. The collaboration between LTB on Th17 cells
          of both IL-17 and IL-22 resulted in reductions in the   and LTBR on meningeal radio-resistant cells is very
          fibronectin network and clinical severity of disease.    crucial for the induction and progression of MS. This
          These results indicate that infiltrating Th17 cells   highlights the importance of the interaction between
          contribute to building a suitable environment in the   immune cells and non-immune cells (stromal cells)
          meninges to support their survival.                 in the pathogenesis of MS.

          How do stromal cells in TLTs support infiltrating   Financial support and sponsorship
          Th17 cell retention and proliferation in the meninges?   Nil.
          Lymphotoxin  beta  receptor  (LTBR)  is  a  member  of  the
          tumor necrosis factor superfamily  and is expressed on   Conflicts of interest
          stromal cells, dendritic cells, and macrophages, whereas   There are no conflicts of interest.
          its ligand LTab is expressed on embryonic Lymphoid
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