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Figure 1: Diagnostic investigations and treatment of encephalitis related to neuronal surface antibody syndrome (NSAS) in children according to
            clinical steps. IvMP + IvIg +/-PE: intravenous methylprednisolone + intravenous immunoglobulin + plasma exchange (I-line immunotherapy). EGG:
            electroencephalogram; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; CSF: cerebrospinal fluid; OCB: oligoclonal band; CXCL13: chemokine (C-X-C motif)
            ligand 13; CT: computed tomography; II-line immunotherapy: RTX (rituximab), Cyc (cyclophosphamide) or MMF(mycophenolate mophetil); AEDs: anti
            epileptic drugs;  : in anti NMDA-R encephalitis; *: timing according to patient an specific disorder; **: withdrawing according to patients/specific disorder
            and EEG findings; ***: according to immunological assessment at follow-up; psy: psychosis; MD: movement disorders; ID: intellectual disability; MP:
            Glutamate-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor encephalitis   DIAGNOSTIC CLUES
            is the most frequent form of NSAS in children. [11-14]
            According to up-to-date researches it is also the   When a healthy child presents with unexpected
            most  common  pediatric  form  of  encephalitis,   symptoms such as seizures, sudden behavioral changes
            with the only exception  of  acute  demyelinating   and movement disorders, causes like infections
            encephalomyelitis. [15,16]   With  reference  to  other   and traumas must be ruled out, together with toxic,
            pediatric NSAS, reports are mostly anecdotal, with   metabolic and neoplastic factors. Another issue to be
            the only exception of the forms associated with   excluded is a previous central nervous system disease
                                                              history. Once left aside all this, an autoimmune etiology
            voltage-gated potassium channel complex (VGKC)    should be always taken into account.
            antibodies. [17-20]  [Table 1]

                                                              Longitudinal  clinical,  neurophysiological  and
            In this paper the authors propose a diagnostic
                                                              neuroradiological findings facilitate the diagnostic
            pathway based both on literature and the experience   pathway, and often provide information suggestive of
            that may help to obtain accurate identification of   specific NSAS variants [Figure 1].
            pediatric NSAS, with the aim to start an adequate
            and early treatment, and achieve a better clinical   Moreover, abnormalities at electroencephalogram
            outcome.                                          (EEG) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be
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