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Table 1: Details of NSAS encephalitis in adults and children
            Target  Antigen                             Adult forms                              Pediatric forms
                           Patients  Clinical signs  Neuroimaging  EEG pattern  Tumor association (%)  Outcome  Incidence  Peculiar symptoms
            Glutamate-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDA-R)
            Glutamate-  GluNR1/   F 80%  Psychosis or epileptic seizures   Normal (50%)  -GS and FIED  Age dependent  Monophasic (75%): excellent if   40%  Seizures > psychosis
            N-methyl-  GluNR2/  Age:1-80 y  followed by insomnia, amnesia,    Non specific   -Extreme delta   -OT (10-50% > 18 y) [11]  early treated (good response to  of the total [14]  occurrence
            D-aspartate   (median 20 y)  MD, catatonia, AI, coma [11-13]  pattern or DMN   brush (25%)  - ADC (rare)  IM/tumor removal).  (age dependent)
            receptor                            involvement (50%)              Relapsing-remitting (25%):   EEG: Rarely extreme
            subunits                                                             normal in between  delta brush. [11-13]
            Voltage-gated potassium channel (VGK)
            VGKC-    VGKC   M 60%    Peripheral nerve    LE, possible   GS/FS (temporal)  Age dependant  Variable response to IM   F = M   Broad clinical
            complex  undefined   Age:1-86  hyperexcitability, Morvan’s   atrophy at MRI   and bilateral   Thymoma, SCLC/ADC/  Age: 1-16 y  spectrum: fever
                     targets   (median 55)  syndrome, encephalopathy,   follow-up  (temporal) FIED  HM (rare)  (< 50 cases)  followed by SE,
                    (intracellular   behavioural changes, seizures,                               encephalopathy, GDR,
                    epitope?       short term memory loss.                                          MD (Cho, My, Tr,
                    interacting    Possible coexistence with                                       MT), CA, AI, RS,TLE;
                    proteins?)        LEMS. [1,17]                                                    RE. [18-20]
            Leucine-  LGi1  M 65%  Prodromal faciobrachial   LE generally   -GS/FS (temporal)  -Thymoma (< 10%)  Monophasic with complete   Not reported  Not reported
            rich glioma   Age: 30-80 y  seizures, short term memory   progressing to    and bilateral   -SCLC/ADC/HM (rare)  recovery (rare) or relapsing
            inactivated-1   (median 60 y)  loss, psycosis, hyponatremia  hippocampal/whole   (temporal) FIED  desease course evolving to
            component              (60%), tonic seizures/  brain atrophy       memory impairment, TLE,
                                     myoclonus. [21]                            psychiatric disorders.
            contactin-  CASPR2  M 85%  Morvan’s syndrome;  -Normal (especially   -GS/FS  Thymoma (0-40%)  Generally monophasic with good   M *  GBS without
            associated    Age: 45-80 y  psychosis, seizures, memory   in Morvan’s   and GED/FIED  SCLC/ADC/HM (rare)  outcome (good response to IM).  Age: 2 y,6 y  encephalitis. [23]
            protein-like 2  (median 60 y)  impairment  syndrome)                Relapses may occur.  (2 cases)  Complete recover
                                   hyponatremia (60%). [22]  -aspecific T2/FLAIR
                                                  -LE (25%)
                                                 No progression
                                                 to hippocampal
            Alpha-amino-3-hydroxyl-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid- glutamate receptor (AMPA-R)
                    GluA1/2  F 90%  Seizures, short term memory   LE  GS or FS  Lung (70%),  Monophasic (50%) good   Not reported Not described (GluA3).
                          Age: 40-80 y  loss, disorientation, psychosis.  and GED/FIED  breast, thymoma (rare)  response to IM/tumor removal  RE (occasional reports)
                          (median 60 y)  Frequent coexisting                   Relapsing remitting disease   doubt pathogenicity [25]
                                    autoimmunities. [24]                          course (50%).
            Metabotropic gutamate receptors
            Type 1  mGluR1   F 100%*  Cerebellitis. [26]  -Normal (generally)  Normal  HL (70%)  Monophasic or chronic disease  Not reported  Not reported
                          Age: 20-50 y*           -cerebellar                 course (correlation with titer).
                                                  T2/FLAIR                      Good response to IM
                                                evolving in atrophy
                                                  -LE (rare)
            Type 5  mGluR5  F 50%*  Ophelia syndrome  LE  FS (bi-temporal)    HL (70%)  Monophasic or chronic disease   M  Confusion,
                          Age: 15-45 y*                  or FIED; FED or      course (correlation with titer).   15 y  anxiety, fear, extreme
                                                            GED               Generally good response to IM  (1 case)  agitation, auditory/
                                                                                                   hallucination, GS.
                                                                                                  Complete spontaneous
                                                                                                     recovery. [27]
            Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors (GABA A -R and GABA B -R)
            GABA A -R   GABARAP,  M 60%  SE/RES, encephalopathy, RS,   LE  FS or GS + FED   None  Variable  Age: 2-16 y  SE/RES,
            associated   α1/β3  Age: 2-74 y  SPS, CA       and FIED                          (7 cases )  encephalopathy,
            protein       (median 22 y)*                                                           Refractory seizures,
            (clustering                                                                             SPS (rare). [28]
            and anchoring                                                                          Association with HL
            receptors)                                                                                (1 case)
            GABA B -R   GABAB1   F 50%  Prominent seizures (FS,   LE (often   FS or GS + FED   SCLC/thymus/NET (50%) Monophasic or chronic disease   Age: 3 y,   Lethargy, MD,
            subunit 1/2  GABAB2  Age: 25-75 y  GS), short term memory loss,   asymmetric)  and FIED  course: good response to IM.  16 y  opsoclonus, ataxia,
                          (median 60 y)  psychosis                              Occasional relapses.  (2 cases)   seizures. Variable
                                                                                                  MRI: diffuse changes in
                                                                                                  cortical and subcortical
                                                                                                    structures.  [29-31]
            Dopamine receptor
            Type 2   D2-R   M 50%  SydCho, PANDAS, TS,   T2/FLAIR    Generally GS   Exceptional  Monophasic or relapsing   F = M  Comparable to adult
                           Age: 6-31 y  encephalopathy, psychosis,   Basal ganglia   remitting; good response   Age: 2-17 y  forms
                          (median 20 y)  sleep disorders  abnormalities             to IM.  (median 7 y)  Relapsing remitting
                                                                                                     course. [32]
            Glycine receptor (Gly-R)
            Gly-R subunit   Gly-Rα1  M 80%  Prominent PERM and SPS;   Normal (ca. 70%)  Normal  Typically none;  Monophasic or chronic   F 80%  -PERM, hyperekplexia
            α1            Age: 30-60 y  hyperekplexia, spinal My, CA,   LE or unspecific   thymoma/lung (exceptional)  disease course: good   Age:14   rigidity, My, no
                          (median 50 y)  encephalitis, FS, brainstem   (rare)     response to IM.  M-5 y,   consciousness
                                    disfunction (rare)                           Occasional relapses.  (3 cases)   impairment;
                                                                                                    onset epileptic
                                                                                                     RFS, speech
                                                                                                    and  behavioural
                                                                                                  Variable outcome. [33,34]
            Dipeptidyl-peptidase-like protein 6
            Cell surface   DPPX  M 80%  Prodromal severe   -Normal  Normal  None  Good response to IM but   One case   Comparable to adult
            auxiliary     Age: 13-75 y  gastrointestinal dysfunction,  -Aspecific T2/FLAIR   generally relapsing  reported   forms. [35]
            subunit of    (median 53 y)  encephalopathy, agitation,   abnormalities (rare)    (13 y)
            the Kv4.2             hallucinations, tremor, PERM,
            potassium            My, startle with muscle rigidity,
            channel              sleep disturbances, AI seizures
            Neuronal cell adhesion molecule IgLON5
            Neuronal cell   IgLON5  M 50%  Prominent sleep dysfunction,   Normal   Normal  None  Chronic disease course   Not reported  Not reported
            adhesion      Age: 52-76 y  abnormal sleep movements,                 refractory to IM
            protein IgLON5  (median 59 y)*  OSAS, Cho, CA, progressive
                                    memory loss, mild gait
                                      imbalance. [36]
            Glutamic-acid-  GAD65  F 80%  Neurocognitive disorders, LE,   -Normal  -Normal  Thymoma, lung, colon,   Chronic disease course:   M = F  Comparable to adult
            decarboxylase   Age:15-80 y  TLE with RE, SPS, PERM, CA;   -LE or mesio-  -GS or FS, FED   pancreas, breast, thyroid,   usually poor response to IM  Age: 5-16 y  forms
            isoenzime65   (median 60 y)  DM1 (if titer < 20  temporal, brain   (SE) and/or GED  renal cell carcinoma (rare)  (more resistant than those  (median10 y) Variable response. [38]
                                  U/ml)-Frequent coexisting   stem, cerebellum      with cell
                                    autoimmunities; [37]  and spinal             surface antibodies)
                                    EMG abnormalities  cord T2/FLAIR
                                                 evolving into
            F: female; M: male; y: years; m: months; *: less than 20 cases reported; IM: immunotherapy. NMD: default mode network; LE: limbic encephalitis; GS: generalized slowing; FS: focal
            slowing; FIED: focal interictal epileptic discharges; FED, GED: generalized epileptic discharges; OT: ovarian teratoma; SCLC: small cell lung carcinoma; ADC: adenocarcinomas;
            HM: hematological malignancies; HL: Hodgkin Lymphoma; NET: neuroendocrine tumor; LEMS: Lambert Eaton myastenic syndrome; RE: Rasmussen’s; RSE: refractory status
            epilepticus; SE: status epilepticus; RS: refractory seizures; RFS: refractory focal seizures;  TLE: temporal lobe epilepsy, SydCho: Sydenham chorea, TS: Tourette’s syndrome. GDR:
            global developmental regression, AI: autonomic instability; MD: movement disorders; Cho: chorea; My: myoclonus; Tr: tremor; MT: motor tics; CA: cerebellar ataxia; SPS: Stiff-person
            syndrome; PERM: progressive encephalomyelitis with rigdity and myoclonus; DM1: diabetes mellitus type 1; OSAS: obstruction sleep apnea syndrome.
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