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and CSF from 250 patients with anti-NMDAR encephalitis   does not usually improve the clinical symptoms. If, in
          and 100 controls tested with three different assays showing   contrast, cell surface structures are the target of the humoral
          that, while autoantibodies are always detected in CSF,   reaction, early immunosuppression, if applicable, tumor
          serum testing with any type of cell-based assay (live or   resection is indicated. In these cases substantial recovery
          fixed cells) led to false negative results in at least 13% of   is possible.  The European Federation of Neurological
          the patients. Similarly, in another study,  23% of patients   Societies developed a useful guideline regarding tumor
          with anti-NMDAR encephalitis tested negative when only   screening in AIE.  For screening of the thoracic region, a
          serum samples were evaluated by live CBA. Moreover,   computed tomography (CT)-thorax is recommended, which
          Dahm et al.  recently reported that approximately 10%   if negative is followed by fluorodeoxyglucose-positron
          of patients with diverse neuropsychiatric disorders and   emission tomography. Breast cancer is screened for using
          healthy individuals may have IgA, IgM or IgG autoantibodies   mammography, followed by MRI. For possible pelvic and
          to the NR1 subunit of the NMDAR in the peripheral   gastrointestinal malignancies, ultrasound scanning (US) of
          blood. However they found a prevalence of IgA and IgM   the pelvic region followed by CT is recommended in women
          at low titer, whose detection has no utility for diagnosing   (especially for ovarian teratoma), while US of the testes
          NMDAR encephalitis. Using commercial tests, IgA, IgM   should be considered in men under 50 years of age, and
          and IgG anti-NMDAR autoantibodies, at low titer, showed   colonoscopy in both men and women over 50. If primary
          a broader distribution and can be detected in the serum of   screening is negative, it should be repeated after 3-6 months
          a considerable percentage of healthy subjects.  These data   and then every 6 months up till 4 years.
          suggest that CSF anti-NMDAR autoantibody titers show a
          much better correlation with clinical symptoms than blood   CONCLUSION
          autoantibody titers. In contrast, LGI1-antibodies seem to be
          more prevalent in serum, although most patients have also   Ongoing research on AIE constantly increases the number
          CSF autoantibodies. [13]                            of novel autoantibodies and expands the spectrum
                                                              of neurological syndromes, which is crucial in the
          In general, these findings suggest that multicenter studies   differential diagnosis. Identification of the specific AIE is
          are needed to determine the sensitivity and specificity of the   important in the complex management of these patients
          different methods of autoantibody detection. To minimize   as these disorders may have different co-morbidities or
          errors of interpretation and misleading diagnoses, in all   associated tumors. Moreover, the discovery of new AIE
          suspected cases of AIE both serum and CSF should always   has led to unsuspected links with other CNS diseases (e.g.
          be tested for autoantibodies.                       antiepileptic-drug-resistant epilepsy, relapsing encephalitis
                                                              post-HSV, demyelinating disease) making the diagnosis an
          Tumor screening                                     interdisciplinary challenge for the treating physicians. [28-30]
          CNS dysfunction sometimes reflects an effective immune
          response to an underlying neoplasm. Paraneoplastic   Given the abundance of antibodies that have been reported
          neurological disorders should be suspected when the   so far, physicians face the dilemma of which antibody to test
          onset is subacute, with rapid progression not explained   first, especially if TBA gives inconsistent results. In terms of
          by more common disorders. Neurological symptoms     priority, it is important to consider first NMDAR and voltage-
          generally precede the diagnosis of cancer that may remain   gated potassium channel (VGKC-complex) which comprises
          unsuspected and undetectable both clinically and by   LGI1 and contactin-associated protein-like 2 autoantibodies,
          conventional radiology for long after neurological symptom   because they are the most frequent antibodies associated
          onset. [24]                                         with AIE.

          Although certain neural-specific autoantibodies frequently   The clinical spectrum of autoimmune encephalitis is
          associate with distinctive neurological presentations,   broad, but prompt recognition and treatment often leads to
          none of the antibodies is specific for a unique syndrome.   excellent outcome. Yet, despite being a potentially reversible
          Autoantibodies that are highly predictive of cancer, however,   neurological condition, no clear guidelines for diagnosis and
          are tightly associated with a limited number of tumors that   treatment of AIE exist.
          express the antibody-target antigen [Table 1]. Therapeutic
          intervention in these cases consists of searching for and   Prospective population-based studies to evaluate the impact
          treating the associated tumor in order to eliminate the disease-  of different immunotherapies in AIE as well as to standardize
          triggering stimulus.  In addition, the detection of onconeural   the different diagnostic tests are needed in order to improve
          or neuronal surface antibodies is crucial in the diagnosis   the management of these complex disorders.
          of an immune condition, thus in the therapeutic decisions
          [Figure 1]. In the case of onconeural antibody positivity, the   Acknowledgments
          neuronal tissue damage is thought to be initially mediated   The author thanks Prof. Amelia Evoli and Dr. Paolo Alboini for
          by T-cells and consequently, an immunosuppressive therapy   their critical revisions of the manuscript and the flowchart. A

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