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Topic: Autoimmune neurological diseases associated with
            autoantibodies specific for synaptic antigens

           Diagnostic algorithms in autoimmune encephalitis

           Valentina Damato
           Institute of Neurology, Catholic University of Sacred Heart, 00168 Rome, Italy.

                                                   A B S T R AC T
            Over the past decade the discovery of novel forms of encephalitis associated with neuronal surface antibodies had changed
            the paradigms for diagnosing and treating disorders that were previously mischaracterized. Recognition of clinical syndromes,
            consistent methods of diagnosis, and early targeted immunotherapy can lead to a favorable outcome in diseases that may be
            associated with significant disability or death if left untreated. Here the conditions associated with neuronal surface antibodies are
            briefly reviewed, some general aspects of these syndromes are considered and guidelines that could help in the recognition of
            these disorders are suggested. Furthermore, a diagnostic algorithm to detect and characterize neuronal cell surface autoantibodies
            is  suggested  and  some  of  the  caveats  of  serum  testing  are  outlined.  Future  directions  will  involve  the  identification  of  novel
            autoantibodies, the standardization of methods to detect and characterize them, as well as evaluation of the most efficacious
            therapeutic strategies in patients with established diagnosis of autoimmune encephalitis.

            Key words: Autoimmune encephalitis; neuronal surface autoantibodies; paraneoplastic syndromes

           INTRODUCTION                                        autoantibodies is often not paraneoplastic and can affect
                                                               patients of all ages, including children and young adults. [2]
           Anti-neuronal autoimmune encephalitis (AIE) is a
           complex syndrome resulting from a self-directed response   Over the past ten years, the characterization of encephalitis
           to neuronal antigens. These disorders can be associated   associated with neuronal surface autoantibodies has
           with immunoglobulinG (IgG) autoantibodies specific to   changed our perspective on their diagnosis and treatment.
           intracellular neuronal antigens (e.g. Hu, Yo, Ri) and to   In these disorders, the autoantibodies are associated with
           neuronal surface or synaptic antigens [e.g. N-methyl-d-  a characteristic phenotype and their detection contributes
           aspartate receptor (NMDAR), amino-3-hydroxy-5-hydroxy-  to the neurological diagnosis. As early treatment speeds
           5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor (AMPAR),   recovery, reduces disability and decreases relapses, it is
           gamma-aminobutyric acid B GABA(B)R]. The first group of   important that the immune pathogenesis of these disorders
           AIE typically occurs in the setting of cancer, resulting from   is promptly recognized.
           an autoimmune reaction against intracellular antigens co-
           expressed by the cancer and the central nervous system   In this paper a diagnostical gorithm is proposed for a
           (CNS). The autoantibodies are thought to be not pathogenic   clinical approach to AIE and screening of the associated
           but an epiphenomenon, and patients show limited or   autoantibodies.
           no response to immunotherapy. Compelling evidence
           suggests that in the second group of AIE, the binding   DIAGNOSTIC APPROACH
           of the autoantibodies to extracellular antigens directly   The diagnosis of AIE should be suspected in patients
           causes neuronal dysfunction, which can be reversed by   developing subacute cognitive impairment, psychiatric
           antibody-depleting therapies,  such as plasmapheresis   disturbances, movement disorders or seizures. The
           and intravenous immunoglobulins. In contrast to classical   diagnosis will be further support by the evidence of CNS
           paraneoplastic syndromes, AIE associated with synaptic
                                                               inflammation from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis or
                                                               magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Autoantibody testing
           Corresponding Author: Dr. Valentina Damato, Institute of
           Neurology, Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Largo F. Vito 1,   has a critical role in confirming the diagnosis and in leading
           00168 Roma, Italy. E-mail:
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                                    DOI:                        How to cite this article: Damato V. Diagnostic algorithms in autoimmune
                                    10.20517/2347-8659.2015.43  encephalitis. Neuroimmunol Neuroinflammation 2016;3;93-7.
                                                                Received: 03-10-2015; Accepted: 25-12-2015

           © 2016 Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation | Published by OAE Publishing Inc.                  93
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