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antibodies are truly pathogenic. [50,51]  McKeon  et al. [42]   to  date,  6  out  of  52  (12%)  patients  continued  to  have
          reported that 10 of 81 (12%) patients with SMS      sporadic relapses whilst on treatment. [39]
          spectrum disorders were positive for GlyR antibodies.
          Interestingly, GlyR seropositivity was associated with  CONCLUSION

          better  responsiveness  to immunotherapy  regardless  of
          GAD‑65 status, suggesting a pathogenic role. There are   An increased awareness of the autoimmune mechanisms
          no passive transfer animal models of GlyR antibodies to   underlying cases of noninfective encephalitis and/or
          date. [39,42]                                       refractory seizures has led to increased recognition,
                                                              earlier treatment, and improved outcomes in a subgroup
          The   spectrum   of  GlyR   antibody  encephalitis  of patients previously considered untreatable. Antibodies
          manifestations is now widening beyond classic       targeting the inhibitory receptors GABA , GABA ,
          PERM and SMS. Various combinations of psychiatric   and glycine are three more recently appreciated, but
          disturbances, cognitive dysfunction, seizures (focal/  important antibodies to consider in refractory seizure
          generalized epilepsy and new‑onset status epilepticus),   disorders and encephalitis of unclear etiology. A high
          and movement disorders, autonomic instability       index of suspicion and an awareness of the expanding
          with central hypoventilation, pseudobulbar and/or   clinical spectrum of these antibody‑mediated disorders
          oculomotor dysfunction, steroid responsive optic    should prompt early neural antibody testing in patients
          neuropathy, and transverse myelopathy have now been   with typical constellations of neurological symptoms, in
          described with GlyR antibodies. [39,52‑54]          particular refractory seizure disorders and encephalitis
                                                              of unclear etiology. Once identified early, these
          The onset of symptoms in GlyR antibody neurologic   conditions may be responsive to immunotherapy. There
          syndromes is  typically acute to subacute. In the largest case   are sparse data to recommend one immunotherapeutic
          series of 52 GlyR antibody positive patients with a variety   regime over another. Large cohort studies of patients
          of presentations, there appears to be no sex predominance   with anti‑NMDAR encephalitis  suggest that first line
          and all age groups are vulnerable.  Patients frequently   therapy  should  comprise  corticosteroids,  IVIg,  and/
          have a history of other autoimmune disorders.  As with   or PLEX, followed by second line immunotherapy
          other  autoimmune  encephalopathies,  GlyR  antibodies   (cyclophosphamide, rituximab, or both) in patients
          may co‑exist with other antibodies, such as NMDAR,   who fail to respond to initial treatment.  A practical
          GAD‑65, VGKC‑complex, myelin oligodendrocyte        approach, guided by the literature on autoimmune
          glycoprotein, and aquaporin‑4 antibodies although this   encephalitis with antibodies against neuronal surface
          is rare. [39,42,53,55,56]  Tumors are identified in less than 20%   antigens, is suggested in Figure 1. Immunotherapy
          of cases (thymoma, lymphoma, breast cancer, small cell   needs to be complemented by supportive, symptomatic
          lung carcinoma and leukemia). [39,42,57,58]         medical therapy. There is a consensus that early
                                                              treatment confers better outcomes. Age and antibody
          GlyR antibodies may be detected in both serum and/or   appropriate tumor screening should be performed in all
          the CSF. [39,59]  CSF evaluation is possibly more sensitive   cases and may be aided by testing for other co‑existing
          than serum, therefore testing both is recommended.    neural antibodies. [62]
          CSF lymphocytic pleocytosis or raised protein may be
          seen, and oligoclonal bands were negative in 50‑70% of   The  neurologic  hyperexcitability  effects  of  antibody
          2 case series recently published. [39,56]  Imaging is typically   binding to GABA , GABA , and GlyRs (and potentially
          normal. Rarely, MRI temporal lobe T2‑weighted       other receptors in the future) reflect the important
          abnormality with subsequent hippocampal volume      functions mediated by these inhibitory neuronal synaptic
          loss is detected, particularly in cases associated with   receptors. More research is needed in order to better
          significant seizure activity. EEG may be normal, or show   understand this novel category of immune‑mediated
          features of focal or generalized ictal activity. [59]  encephalitis.  Further  studies  could  focus  on
                                                              immunopathogenic  mechanisms  of  these  antibodies
          A combination of immunotherapies (corticosteroids,   in causing disease, as these may be potential targets
          IVIg, PLEX,  cyclophosphamide),  pharmacological    for directed treatment. To date, the numbers of patients
          therapies targeting symptoms of motor hyperexcitability   reported with these antibodies remain small, with most
          and pain (clonazepam, diazepam, baclofen, gabapentin),   cases retrospectively identified. With increasing access
          and anticonvulsants (levetiracetam) are  required to   to testing for neural antibodies, the clinical spectrum
          control clinical symptoms. [39,42]  Eighty percent of patients   of these autoimmune encephalitides may continue to
          with GlyR antibodies showed a substantial response   expand. Systematic studies of prospectively identified,
          to immunotherapy. [39,42]  Two cases were reported that   newly diagnosed cases should help to provide data on
          responded dramatically to thymectomy in addition    the long‑term course of the disease, prognostic factors,
          to other immunotherapy. [39,60]  In the largest case series   and optimal immunotherapeutic regimes.

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